S.W.A.G. is Selling Holiday Grams
S.W.A.G. (Students With A Goal) will begin selling Holiday Grams Tuesday, 12/5 before and after school. Grams are 50 cents each and will come with a small candy cane. Grams will be delivered the week of December 18th!!
12/5 - 12/8 - Before & After School
12/12 - 12/15 - Before & After School
Online ordering is available!!
Please have the following information available before placing your online order:
Student(s) first & last name(s)
Student grade level
Student homeroom teacher
Incomplete information will delay delivery!!
For large orders, or entire class purchases, please contact the homeroom teacher directly for a class list before emailing your order. (This will help to ensure that the order is completed properly.)
Email all orders to eva.galindo@dysart.org before 12/15.
Cash Payment must be delivered to the front office in a sealed envelope labeled with:
Name of the adult that is purchasing the order
Email address that order was sent from
Please note that the front office does not have change.
Please contact eva.galindo@dysart.org with any questions. Happy Holidays!!