12 Days of Holiday Cheer is Happening at CRS
Canyon’s 12 Days of Holiday Spirit
12/5 - Tree Topper - wear your favorite holiday hat
12/6 - Flannel Friday- be cozy and wear a flannel
12/9 - Comfy Sweatshirt Day - Wear your favorite sweatshirt
12/10 - Holiday Stockings - wear your favorite holiday socks
12/11- Holiday Movie - Dress up as a character from A holiday movie
12/12 - Baby It's Cold Outside - Wear your cold weather gear
12/13 - Silent Night, wear jammies to school
12/16 - Ugly Sweater - wear your ugliest sweater
12/17 - Candy Cane Lane - wear red and white
12/18- Wear your favorite holiday shirt and accessories
12/19 - Dashing Through the Snow - dress like a Reindeer
12/20 - We made it - Canyon Spirit!