Open Enrollment Information
Next year 2025-2026 Open Enrollment is available.
Current year 2024-2025 Open Enrollment is still available.
The school you wish to enroll at is your best resource for Enrollment and Open Enrollment questions.
School information can be found at dysart.org/schoolfinder.
Arizona state law allows students to apply for admission to any state public school, based on available classroom space. Open Enrollment applications are approved on a year-by-year basis with no guarantee of continued enrollment. While most campuses in the Dysart Unified School District will have some availability for Open Enrolled students, some campuses will have closed enrollment because of growing student populations. Students are expected to maintain successful academic, attendance and behavior standing. These three components are crucial for students to thrive throughout the school year. Click here for Policy 5-105 Open Enrollment.
Any family in Arizona may apply for Open Enrollment into a Dysart school. For this reason, the state is considered among the leaders in the country for educational choice.
Open enrollment applications are only available online via the Dysart website. In the event you do not have computer access, you may utilize a computer at any of the Dysart Unified School sites in order to submit your application. At this time, parents/guardians whose student is currently open enrolled at the school of their choice, will not need to reapply for Open Enrollment for a new school year, unless wanting to enroll in a different school outside of their residential boundary area.
The school you wish to enroll at is your best resource for enrollment and Open Enrollment questions.
Open Enrollment Application Process and Instructions
The initial open enrollment period begins in the Fall prior to the new upcoming school year. For initial consideration, a deadline is set each year for open enrollment applications to be submitted. Open enrollment applications will continue to be accepted and processed throughout the year. Open Enrollment must be submitted for each student for whom open enrollment is being requested, including siblings. Open Enrollment approval is contingent on physical capacity of schools, capacity of grade levels and relevant special programs, and availability of teachers, other certificated employees and/or related service providers. Parents/guardians needing access to a computer with internet access may visit any district school for assistance. Enrollment is managed directly at each school site.
Currently Enrolled Dysart students
- If you intend for your student to continue at their current open enrolled school choice – NO ACTION IS REQUIRED at this time. Your student's enrollment will remain at their current school of attendance.
- If you intend for your student to attend a different school that is not your assigned home boundary school, you must complete a new open enrollment application through your Parent Portal account.
- If you intend for your student to attend the school where you reside (your assigned home boundary school), please contact the school directly. To determine the school boundaries where you reside, visit www.dysart.org, select the Parents drop down menu at the top, and in the Enrollment box select the link Find Your School. Type in your address (including city), select Show K-8 Boundaries for elementary and middle school boundaries or Show HS Boundaries for high school boundaries.
- If your student is in High School and participates in sports, all high school students are subject to Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) transfer rules. Questions regarding eligibility of a transfer student to participate in sports should be addressed with the Athletic Director at the high school of attendance.
- Students in the Dysart Unified School District are expected to demonstrate successful academic, attendance and behavioral standing. These three components are important for all students to be successful throughout the school year.
Once capacity for open enrollment is determined, you will be notified via email regarding your Open Enrollment request. Factors considered in determining capacity include, but are not limited to:
- Physical capacity of the school and classrooms
- Availability of staff
- Capacity in relevant special programs
- Availability of other resources
Students in the Dysart Unified School District are expected to demonstrate successful academic, attendance and behavioral standing. These three components are crucial for all students to thrive throughout the school year.
Transportation is not provided to students attending Dysart schools through Open Enrollment. Open enrolled students may be eligible for district transportation on a regular education bus route by applying for Transportation Eligibility. For information regarding transportation for open enrolled students, please visit the Transportation Eligibility page on the Dysart website.
What if my child is currently attending on Open Enrollment, do I need to reapply?
The Open Enrollment status of each open enrolled student within a Dysart school will be reviewed annually. The District will determine whether current Open Enrolled students may continue in an Open Enrolled status based upon capacity and/or staffing of each school site. The District may deny continued Open Enrollment status for the following school year. At this time, current Open Enrolled students are not required to reapply for each new school year if choosing to remain at the current enrolled school choice.
Is transportation provided?
Open Enrolled students may apply for District transportation on a regular education bus route within the attendance boundaries of the school to which the student has been accepted for open enrollment. For more information regarding transportation for Open Enrolled students, please visit the Transportation Eligibility page on the Dysart website or contact the school site directly. There are no established bus routes for Freedom Traditional Academy, therefore the Transportation Eligibility application is not applicable for this school.
How is approval of an Open Enrollment application determined?
Preliminary approval of applications first require a determination as to the number of Open Enrollment openings (capacity) available per school. Open Enrollment applications will be reviewed and processed according to District Governing Board Policy 5-105 Open Enrollment. Parent/Guardians who submit an Open Enrollment application will be notified of their approval to match the predetermined open capacity of the campus; other applications may be placed on a Waitlist. Final enrollment is to be completed directly at the school site. Please note that approvals for Open Enrollment are preliminary and are finalized at the school site. Parents/Guardians may be asked to meet with the administration as part of finalizing the enrollment.
What are the timelines?
The initial Open Enrollment period begins in the Fall prior to the school year Open Enrollment is being requested for. The district will notify families of their application status before the new school year begins. If Open Enrollment is preliminarily approved, and the parent/guardian chooses to accept the Open Enrollment slot, the parent/guardian must complete the enrollment process directly with the school no later than 10 business days after receiving the preliminary approval email notification, or forfeit the approved Open Enrollment. For priority consideration, a deadline is set each year for Open Enrollment applications to be submitted. Open Enrollment applications will continue to be accepted throughout the school year, and will be reviewed based on capacity. If the campus has available capacity, the application may be preliminarily approved using the priority determinations. Students may be granted Open Enrollment approval sufficient to fill the school's capacity and/or staffing. If capacity and/or staffing is not available, applications received will be put on a waitlist.
How will I be notified?
Parents will receive notification of their application status before the new school year begins. Applications may be preliminarily approved or placed on a waitlist. Notification of Open Enrollment status will be sent via email and/or mail.
What if my child has an IEP?
Open Enrollment is available for students on an IEP. If your child last attended a Dysart school, their records are on file and will be reviewed internally. If your child last attended a school outside of the Dysart district, a copy of the IEP must be submitted to the Exceptional Student Services department at ess.records@dysart.org. Your child's IEP will be reviewed to ensure there is capacity in the programs available at the requested school. IEP's can be dropped off at the Dysart District Office or emailed to ess.records@dysart.org.
Can I Open Enroll my student for Preschool?
Open Enrollment is only available for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Information on all of the Dysart Schools Preschool programs can be found on the Dysart website, dysart.org/preschool.
What if I miss the priority deadline for the application?
If the initial designated Open Enrollment deadline is missed, an Open Enrollment application may still be submitted. Once available capacity is reviewed, applications will be considered based on priority status and parents/guardians will be notified. Once the campus meets or exceeds its capacity and/or staffing, either through Open Enrollment or population growth, the school will be closed to further Open Enrollment for the remainder of the school year. Applicants receiving "Waitlist" notifications will be placed on a waitlist or may choose to resubmit Open Enrollment for a different school choice.
May I apply for Open Enrollment during the school year?
Open Enrollment applications for new students will continue to be accepted throughout the year, and will be reviewed as capacity and/or staffing is determined. If the campus has available capacity and/or staffing, the application may be preliminarily approved using the priority determinations.
Can I Open Enroll my Elementary School student mid school year?
During the school year, Open Enrollment transfers for current elementary students will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
No Open Enrollment applications will be approved for in-district elementary student transfers after the third quarter of the school year.
Can I Open Enroll my High School student mid school year?
No Open Enrollment applications will be approved for current enrolled high school students after the second week of school for the first semester or after the first week of school for the second semester. Open Enrollment applications on the High School waitlist, as well as new applications for second semester, will be considered for campuses which have not reached capacity and/or staffing. Notifications are sent via email prior to Winter Break.
What if I move outside of my original home boundary school, but want my student to remain on Open Enrollment status?
Once you move outside the boundaries of your original home boundary school, you must notify your student's school immediately and provide proof of residency for your new address. In order for your student to remain at their current school for the following school year, parent/guardian must submit an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year, and be approved for Open Enrollment status. If the Open Enrollment is preliminarily approved, parent/guardian is to notify the current school within 10 business days in order for the student to remain enrolled for the next school year on Open Enrollment status. If capacity and/or staffing is not available for Open Enrollment, the student will be transferred to their residential boundary school for the new school year.
What if I live in an unincorporated or unorganized territory?
An unincorporated area or unorganized territory is an area of the county that is not part of a school district. Unincorporated or unorganized territory students are accepted at designated district schools based on the proximity to the unorganized/unincorporated area and/or the capacity level of the school. There is no need to submit an Open Enrollment application if you reside in an unorganized or unincorporated area and choose to attend the designated schools listed below. Currently the district accepts students from the unorganized/unincorporated area north of Jomax and east of 163rd Avenue. The designated schools for this specific area are as follows: - Asante Preparatory Academy (K-5), Cimarron Springs Middle School (6-8) and Willow Canyon High School (9-12)
What if I live in an unincorporated or unorganized territory and I want to attend a school other than the designated schools?
An Open Enrollment application must be completed if you want to attend a school that is not the designated unorganized or unincorporated school.
What if my child attends a school outside my residential attendance boundary by provision of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)?
If your child attends a school under the NCLB Act of 2001, the student will be allowed to remain in that school until he or she has completed the highest grade in the school.
What if I have a child in the first grade and one in the third grade and the application is approved for the first grader and wait listed for the third grader?
It is not uncommon for some grade levels at the same school to be at capacity and unable to accept open enrollment, whereas other grade levels do have capacity for Open Enrolled students. The district does it's best to keep siblings together, but cannot accommodate a sibling if the specific grade level is at or exceeds capacity. The family must make a decision if they want to have students enrolled at different schools, or decline the Open Enrollment seat in order to keep families together at one school.
Who can assist me with my Enrollment and Open Enrollment questions?
The school you wish to enroll at is your best resource for Enrollment and Open Enrollment questions. School information can be found at dysart.org/schoolfinder.
For further questions regarding Open Enrollment, contact oe@dysart.org