Public Committees
Dysart Schools has district level committees that seek involvement from members of the public. Please review the opportunities below and complete the Committee Interest Form if you'd like to get involved with one of more committees.
- Purpose: To evaluate the district's and community's needs and make recommendations to the Governing Board on possible District Bond and Override elections
- Members: Parents, Community Members, Employees
Asante Boundary Change Committee
- Purpose: To evaluate possible boundary changes for Asante Preparatory Academy and make recommendations to the Governing Board
- Members: Parents/Guardians, Community Members, Employees
Calendar Committee
- Purpose: To determine curriculum resources needs, evaluate curriculum resources, and make recommendations regarding adoption of resources
- Members: Teachers, Administration, Parents, Students (Optional)
Cell Phone Committee
- Purpose: To gather feedback with stakeholders and evaluate the district's current cell phone policy and usage in order to share information with district leadership.
- Members: Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students, Community Members
(Per adoption year for content areas in Curriculum Cycle)
- Purpose: To determine curriculum resource needs, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding adoption of resources
- Members: Curriculum Specialists, Teachers, Administration, School Employees, Parents, Community, Directors, Coordinators, Interventionists and other Specialists as needed
- Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Employee Benefits Trust Board
- Purpose: To provide guidance and support on the district's benefits that are provided to employees
- Members: Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, Community Members
Handbook Committee
- Purpose: To review the current student handbook and make adjustments accordingly for the upcoming school year
- Members: Teachers, Administration, Parents, Students
- Purpose: To ensure that the Food and Nutrition Services Department is providing a variety of appealing and nutritious meals while supporting student performance in a safe and effective manner
- Members: Parents, Students, Community Members, Representatives of the School Food Authority, Teachers of Physical Education, School Health Professionals, and School Administrators
Patriotic Committee
- Purpose: To help promote patriotism throughout the district
- Members: Teachers, Administration, Parents, Students, Community Members
- Purpose: To assess the school health environment, programs and policies in place and identify ways to strengthen these to improve the health of students and staff. The Wellness Committee also provides advice and expertise to Administrators as well as provides feedback to the District regarding implementation of health-related wellness policies and programs and reports on the content and implementation to the public (including parents, students and the community members).
- Members: Parents, Students, Community Members, Representatives of the School Food Authority, Teachers of Physical Education, School Health Professionals, and School Administrators
Other Ways to Get Involved
Dysart offers a variety of ways that parents and community members can become involved in our schools and provide valuable supports to ensure students excel. Our school community is always looking for those who wish to make a difference by volunteering in the lives of our children. Additionally, parents can donate to a category and school of your choice and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit.