2024-2025 Boundary Change
Boundary and Grade Level Changes Approved for Three Dysart Schools
12/15/2023 - The Dysart Governing Board approved a change to the boundaries and grade levels of Asante Preparatory Academy, Cimarron Springs Middle School, and Western Peaks Elementary School at the December 14, 2023 board meeting. The change goes into effect for the 2024-2025 school year, and was made in order to accommodate the rapid growth in the northern part of the district around Asante.
Beginning in 2024-2025, Asante will shift from a K-8 to a K-5 school, and 6th through 8th graders within Asante boundaries will attend Cimarron Springs Middle School. Additionally, Western Peaks Elementary School will shift from a K-4 to a K-5, and Cimarron Springs will shift from a 5-8 to a 6-8 middle school. No physical changes to the boundaries of the schools themselves is taking place - only a shift in grade level school assignments.
The Dysart Unified School District is considering a boundary change to Asante Preparatory Academy. The Governing Board is considering these actions for the following reasons:
• To effectively position the northern part of our district for the incoming and projected growth;
• To maximize the use of all available facilities;
• To use resources efficiently; and
• To provide the shortest bus routes possible while balancing academic and program options.
The proposed change may impact those living within the Asante Preparatory Academy boundaries, and could involve changes in grade configurations as a consideration. Other schools that may also be impacted in order to offset and adjust for growth include Cimarron Springs Middle School, and Western Peaks Elementary School.
A timeline of planned meetings, including a public hearing where the community can provide comments, is listed below. If the Governing Board approves the boundary change, the new boundaries would be in effect starting with the 2024-2025 school year.
This notice is provided pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, and 15-341.37.
Process and Timeline
September 22 - October 4, 2023 - Committee Interest Form Available
The community had the opportunity to complete an interest form to serve on a boundary change committee to evaluate possible boundary changes, and to provide a recommendation to the Governing Board.
October 17, 2023 - Boundary Change Committee Meeting
From 5:00-6:30p.m. at the Dysart Schools Governing Board Room, 15802 N. Parkview Place, Surprise AZ 85374. Committee meetings will be open to the public to observe, but only committee members will be permitted to participate.
October 23, 2023 - Boundary Change Committee Meeting
From 5:00-6:30p.m. at the Dysart Schools Governing Board Room, 15802 N. Parkview Place, Surprise AZ 85374. Committee meetings will be open to the public to observe, but only committee members will be permitted to participate.
November 8, 2023 - Informational Meeting for the Community
At 6:00p.m. at Asante Preparatory Academy, 23251 N 166th Dr., Surprise AZ 85387. The community is invited to view a brief presentation about the process, the committee's work, and next steps, followed by a Q&A session.
November 16, 2023 - Public Hearing to Receive Comments
The public hearing planned where you can learn more and provide public comments regarding the potential boundary and grade configuration changes on Thursday, November 16, at 5:00 p.m. in the Dysart Governing Board room, 15802 N Parkview Pl., Surprise, AZ 85374. The agenda will be available online 24 hours prior to the meeting at boarddocs.com/az/dysart/Board.nsf/vpublic?open by selecting the meeting date and clicking on the icon, “View the Agenda.”
At this public hearing, attending members of the Dysart Unified School District Governing Board will hear reasons for or against the proposed boundary changes. The public hearing shall not exceed sixty (60) minutes. During the public hearing, proposed attendance boundary changes including maps will be visually presented. Time shall be granted for public comments regarding the proposed attendance boundary changes. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes.
Individuals wishing to address the Governing Board must fill out a request form available in the lobby and turn it in to the board clerk, superintendent, or board secretary prior to the start of the meeting. Those who ask to speak will be called upon to address the board at the appropriate time. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting Jenna Bowen at 623-876-7002. Requests should be made 48 hours in advance to arrange the accommodation.
December 14, 2023 - Governing Board Vote
The Governing Board voted on and approved the proposed boundary change during a Governing Board Meeting on Thursday, December 14, at 6:00 p.m., in the Dysart Governing Board room, 15802 N Parkview Pl., Surprise, AZ 85374.
Options Considered
(Board Approved Recommendation) Option 2B: Asante 6-8 Grades to Cimarron and Asante & Western Peaks Shift to Grades K-5
Move all Asante students in 6-8th grades to Cimarron Springs Middle School, and all current 4th grade students at Western Peaks Elementary School would remain at Western Peaks for 5th grade. This creates K-5 schools at both Asante Preparatory Academy and Western Peaks Elementary School, and a 6-8 grade school at Cimarron Springs Middle School.

Option 2A: Asante 6-8 Grades to Cimarron Springs Middle School
Move all Asante students in 6-8th grades to Cimarron Springs Middle School. This creates a K-5 school at Asante Preparatory Academy.

Option 1: Shift Boundaries of Asante Preparatory Academy
Expand the boundary of Western Peaks/Cimarron Springs and bring the northern-most boundary to Grand Avenue. This would result in families currently in the Asante boundary, but south of Grand Avenue, being moved into the shared boundary for Western Peaks Elementary School (K-4) and Cimarron Springs Middle School (5-8).

Option 3: Limit/Revoke Open Enrollment for Asante
Students living outside Asante boundaries would not be able to apply for Open Enrollment to attend Asante anymore. They could still apply to Open Enroll in another Dysart school.
Note: Other options were also initially considered, but were ruled out as stand-alone options because they weren't viable due to the budget or timeframe requirements.
What residents will be impacted?
Maps of the proposed changes are available above. Residents living in the boundaries of Asante Preparatory Academy, Cimarron Springs Middle School, and Western Peaks Elementary School are impacted.
How will students be impacted?
Current Western Peaks 4th graders will remain at Western Peaks for 5th grade. 6th, 7th and 8th graders living in the Asante boundaries for the 2024-2025 school year will attend Cimarron Springs Middle School, and bussing will be provided.
Why are boundary changes being considered?
To effectively position the northern part of our district for the incoming and projected growth; To maximize the use of all available facilities; To use resources efficiently; and To provide the shortest bus routes possible while balancing academic and program options.
Why haven’t you already built another school in the Asante area?
In anticipation of the growth, Dysart brought a bond proposal to voters several years ago that would have provided funding to build a school on the property we already have in that area. However, that measure did not pass, and we do not qualify for funding through the state because we have capacity in other schools in our district, although not necessarily near Asante.
Was parent and community input sought during the process?
Yes. We had a committee of parents meet, review possible options, and share their feedback. Additional parent feedback is being sought at two public meetings - one on November 8 at 6pm at Asante, and another on November 16 at 5pm in the District Office Governing Board Room.
Why did the committee not just draw new boundary lines?
It is the hope that this is a temporary scenario until a new school can be built. The committee focused on the needs of the various age groups, and the option that would impact the least amount of families for the least amount of time.
When will these changes take effect?
If the Governing Board approves the boundary changes, the new boundaries would be in effect starting with the 2024-2025 school year.
How will bussing be impacted?
Dysart is happy to continue transportation services for students. Bus stops, routes, and times will be made available in July before the beginning of the 24-25 school year.
What if I want my child to attend another school in the district?
Families are welcome to apply for Open Enrollment to any school in the Dysart district at Dysart.org/OE