Additional Enrollment Support
Who should I reach out to regarding my enrollment questions?
Do I need shot records to enroll my student in school?
What if I live with someone and do not have a Proof of Residency in my name?
The person that you are residing with will need to fill out and have notarized the affidavit of shared residence. With that form you would need to also bring a Proof of Residency in the name of the person you are residing with. Proof of residency examples include the following: a utility bill (gas, electric, water), a purchase or escrow agreement, or lease or rental agreement.
My home address does not appear in the application, how do I get that added?
Clear the address fields and enter only the house number and street name in the correct box. If it does not appear in the list below, please contact the boundary school and ask to have the address added.
I am having trouble uploading my documents, what should I do?
Why do I need to have an in person enrollment meeting?
Why do I need to add an emergency contact?
Where do I find information on Transportation?
Questions about Special Education?
We do not live in the Dysart Boundaries, can I enroll my Preschooler?
How do I apply for Open Enrollment?
Please visit the Open Enrollment web page here.
For additional questions regarding enrollment, contact enrollmentquestions@dysart.org