Child Find
Dysart Unified School District is looking for students aged 2 years 9 months through 5 years who may have suspected delays.
It’s a fact that children with special needs benefit from early intervention. It’s also a fact that many of Arizona’s preschool children with special needs do not receive services because we don’t know who they are.
If you are the parent or guardian of a preschool child or know of a preschool child with suspected developmental delays, and reside within the boundaries of the Dysart Unified School District, please contact the the District at (623) 876-7022 Option #2 to schedule a free screening.
Consider these factors:
Does your child have difficulty in any of the following areas:
- Seeing people or objects?
- Hearing voices or other sounds?
- Talking, or is hard to understand when they do talk?
- Moving, especially when crawling, walking or running?
- Playing or getting along with children or adults?
- Interacting appropriately with others?
- Cognitive or academic skills?
Additional Resources to help understand Developmental Milestones
If you answered yes to one or more of these statements, the Dysart Unified School District can provide screenings for special services for all children, from age 2 years 9 months to 21, who reside in our district boundaries, including migrant and homeless students, wards of the state, private and home schooled students.
To Schedule a Child Find Screening:
For preschool age children, (ages 3 to 5 years but not kinder age eligible) you may:- Complete this Form, Request for Child Find Screening and a member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a free appointment.
- Call our Dysart Screening line at 623 876 7022, option #2
- For school age children, age 5-21, who are currently attending a Dysart school, please contact the child’s school administrator, teacher, or school psychologist
- For school age children, age 2 years and 9 months-21, not attending a Dysart school but who reside within our boundaries, or attend a Private School located within our boundaries, contact Exceptional Student Services at 623-876-7022, option #2
- If you have any questions about the Child Find Process here in Dysart, please do not hesitate to reach out to Shara Rose (shara.rose@dysart.org) ESS Coordinator
Students Younger than 2 Years 9 Months:
If you have concerns about your child's development and your child is currently younger than 2 years 9 months, please contact the Arizona Early Intervention Program.
Department of Economic Security -Early Intervention:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)requires that public school agencies ensure all children (from birth through age 21) with delays or developmental disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated to receive the supports and services they need.This includes all children living within the geographic boundaries of the school district – those who are homeless or wards of the state, are attending private schools, or are home schooled. Public schools and the Arizona Early Intervention Program are responsible for “finding” eligible children and providing services needed for them to reach their developmental milestones or meet their educational needs.
If you reside within the Dysart Unified School district and would like to schedule a free Child Find Screening for your child, please contact DUSD Child Find: 623 876-7022 option #2.
Spanish Version - Child Find Flier (Spanish) [PDF]
Other Resources: Arizona Department of Education Child Find