Developmental Preschool
We are very proud of our Preschool Program in the Dysart Unified School District. Students with identified needs are provided individualized services in an inclusive preschool environment.
- Preschool classes are taught by Preschool Facilitators. All preschool classrooms in Dysart are licensed through the Arizona Department of Health (AZDHS). Facilitators meet licensing requirements to be a preschool general education teacher in Arizona.
- Special education services are provided by certified special education teachers and related services staff (speech therapists, occupational therapists/physical therapists). Special education and related service providers push into the classroom to provide the supports, services, and specially designed instruction as outlined by the child's Individualize Education Program (IEP).
The inclusive preschool classroom offers an opportunity for all students to come together to learn and grow. Our preschool program focuses on opportunities for social/emotional development and increased language and literacy. We focus on social interaction, school awareness, and kindergarten readiness. Our program utilizes Preschool curriculum aligned to Arizona Early Learning Standards.
Preschool programming offers comprehensive supports to students as specified by the IEP. All students determined eligible for and in need of full preschool programming (through a formal evaluation process - either through the Dysart Child Find Process or through another district/state child find process), attend free of charge.
Role model peers serve as leaders for students in preschool classrooms with developmental disabilities. Role models participate as peer models, while learning, growing and developing school and life readiness skills as well. For more information on peer role model opportunities, click here.
Articulation Only Services (Walk-In Speech Services):
Students who are eligible for and in need of services for the eligibility of Articulation Only receive services at their home school site for the number of minutes specified in the child's IEP free of charge. Students eligible for Articulation services only are eligible to enroll as a peer model student at a reduced rate, and speech only role models receive speech services during the preschool day. See below for more information.
Parents/Guardians can complete the Online Registration Process or contact your neighborhood school for support. Please click here to initiate the registration process. If you have any questions regarding preschool enrollment, please reach out to your home school campus Data Records Technician (DRT) or contact Shara Rose, ESS Dept at 623-876-7022.
Once the online portion is complete, parents/guardians will need to bring documents to the school office to complete the process. You will needs to bring the current Evaluation and/or IEP; please provide this paperwork to your school of residence. Once enrolled, the ESS team at your home school will request official records and review all special education paperwork to determine commensurate placement and comparable services here in Dysart.
How can I find out my home school?
Click here for school boundary finder.
Which Dysart Schools Offer Preschool?
- Asante
- Canyon Ridge
- Countryside*/Marley Park
- El Mirage*
- Kingswood*
- Luke*
- Mountain View
- Rancho Gabriela
- Riverview*
- Sunset Hills
- Surprise*
- Thompson Ranch*
- West Point*
- Western Peaks
How much is Preschool Tuition for Role Model Students?
Tuition is $200 per month for students attending as role model peers. There is no tuition charged for students who reside within the boundaries of full Title One sites (designated with a * above) or if families are approved for a tuition waiver based on income or other requirements being met.
Beginning in 24-25 students boundaried to Marley Park will attend Preschool at Countryside (this includes students with an IEP and students attending as role models). Tuition will be charged for Marley Park students, unless the tuition waiver is completed and approved based on income requirements.
How do I begin the Registration process?
Click here for registration.
Where do I find School Specific Contact information
Child Find
If you have concerns about your preschool age child's development, please click here to learn more about Child Find.
Suspected delays may be evidenced in the areas of communication, cognition, behavior, as well as in physical, auditory, visual and sensory development. Please contact the Dysart Unified School District at 623-876-7022 option #2 to schedule a free screening.