Homebound Services
Homebound Services:
Homebound services are designated for those students who have a medical condition documented by a competent medical physician and will not be able to attend their regular classes for three months or more of the school year. Homebound services generally consist of four hours of instruction per week. If a student is being considered for homebound services, a medical certification homebound form is available at the school’s health office. Once the medical certification has been returned, a homebound instructor is assigned and a meeting between the school, family and instructor is held. The instruction provided results from a continuing collaboration between the instructor and the school. The instructor and family work to set up a schedule and the student is not considered absent from school when receiving homebound services unless they are unavailable for their instruction.
DEFINITION: ARS 15-901. B-13.
"Homebound" or "hospitalized" means a pupil who is capable of profiting from academic instruction but is unable to attend school due to illness, disease, accident or other health conditions, who has been examined by a competent medical doctor and who is certified by that doctor as being unable to attend regular classes for a period of not less than three school months or a pupil who is capable of profiting from academic instruction but is unable to attend school regularly due to chronic or acute health problems, who has been examined by a competent medical doctor and who is certified by that doctor as being unable to attend regular classes for intermittent periods of time totaling three school months during a school year. The medical certification shall state the general medical condition, such as illness, disease or chronic health condition that is the reason that the pupil is unable to attend school. Homebound or hospitalized includes a student who is unable to attend school for a period of less than three months due to a pregnancy if a competent medical doctor, after an examination, certifies that the student is unable to attend regular classes due to risk to the pregnancy or to the student's health.
If you feel that your student may qualify for Homebound services, please reach out to your school's health office. The form below would need to be completed and provided to your student's school health office.