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Access to Websites Requests

When requesting to unblock or block a website please follow these steps:   

  • Website must be approved by your site administrator or Curriculum Instruction department as an instructional resource or by your department director as a business resource. 
  • If this site will be used by students, please review the privacy policy to ensure the site is FERPA and COPPA compliant 
  • Do not use sites that require you to create accounts for students. Always confer with CI and your Principal prior to using such sites. Request to block a website with offensive content IMMEDIATELY by opening an IT work order. 
  • Submit a work order with the complete URL of the site.  Example: Submitting just the name of the site will delay the process.  

Questions to ask or research prior to requesting a site to be unblocked: 

  • Does this site contain inappropriate content such as nudity, advertisements, offensive language etc? 
  • Does this site require me to manually create student accounts? 
  • Does this site allow students to communicate with the nonDysart world and visa versa? 
  • Is there another site that is allowed by our filter that I can use to get similar content? 
  • Does this site have a direct connection with our adopted curriculum? 
  • Is this request for a teacher or students? 
  • Is this request for a temporary access or permanent one?