BYOD Guidelines
The use of personal devices to support education experience is not a necessity, but a privilege. With respect to the rules, the privilege will enhance the learning environment as a whole.
- Students take full responsibility for their devices. The school is not responsible for the security of personal technology devices. Personal devices cannot be left at school before or after school hours.
- Devices cannot be used during assessments, unless otherwise directed by a teacher.
- Students must immediately comply with teachers’ requests to shut down devices or close the screen. Devices must be in “silent” mode and put away when asked by teachers.
- Student is not permitted to transmit or post photographic images/videos of any person on campus on public and/or social networking sites.
- Personal devices must be charged prior to bringing them to school and run off their own batteries while at school. Charging will be available on a limited basis and is up to teacher discretion.
- To ensure appropriate network filters, students will only use the wireless (Wi-Fi) connection in school and will not attempt to bypass the network restriction by using a 3G or 4G (cellular) network.
- Students understand that bringing devices on premises or infecting the network with a virus, Trojan or other program designed to alter, damage, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information is in violation of the Acceptable use Policy and will result in disciplinary actions. The school district has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing problems or is the source of an attack or virus infections.
- District technicians can provide connection assistance to district wireless network but cannot support hardware malfunction, software upgrades, etc. on personal devices.
In an effort to expand the use of technology by students implementing New Century Learner skills including collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity, many schools explored the use of student-owned devices in the classroom. During the 2012-2013 school year, Dysart Unified School District successfully implemented a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) pilot program and has now expanded this program as an option for all schools. This policy will allow students to bring many of their own technology devices to school for academic use in the classroom.
A BYOD classroom incorporates the use of such items as laptops, iPads, iPods, tablets, Smart phones (with or without phone and data plan agreements), or other devices with browsing capacity for educational purposes only. Use of the devices would be subject to the Electronic Information Systems (EIS) Agreement that is part of the Parent/Student Handbook as well as the guidelines established by the school and teacher for classroom management. Similar to other personally owned items, neither DUSD or your individual school site are liable for the loss, damage, misuse, or theft of personally owned devices brought to school. In addition, the District cannot provide technical support or install software on personally owned devices. Please note that it is not mandatory for students to bring a personal device to school. All students will continue to have access to school technology equipment. No student will be left out of the educational process. Additionally, teachers will be provided with professional development, classroom management strategies, and District support throughout the year to help them leverage these technologies to support student learning.
When student devices connect to the DUSD wireless network, they are under the same policies as any of the District’s computers. For example, the DUSD web filter assures compliance with CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act). It is the student’s responsibility and a District requirement to use the DUSD private wireless network instead of their own personal data plan while on campus. This wireless network can be utilized even by devices that no longer have a data plan. We’re excited to offer this additional option for students to experience learning using the same devices they use to engage with their multimedia world, and to inspire learning while creating independent, critical thinkers.
En un esfuerzo para expandir el uso de la tecnología por parte de los estudiantes implementando las destrezas de Preparación para la Universidad y una Carrera Profesional, incluyendo la colaboración, la comunicación, el razonamiento analítico y la creatividad, muchas escuelas exploraron en el salón de clases el uso de aparatos tecnológicos propiedad de los estudiantes. Durante los últimos años, el Distrito Escolar Unificado Dysart implementó con éxito la iniciativa “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) [“Trae Tu Propio Aparato Tecnológico”] como una opción para todas las escuelas. Esta iniciativa permite a los estudiantes llevar a la escuela muchos de sus propios aparatos tecnológicos para uso académico en el salón de clases.
Un salón de clases “BYOD” incorpora el uso de dichos aparatos tecnológicos como computadoras portátiles, iPads, iPods, tabletas, Teléfonos Inteligentes (con ó sin acuerdos del plan de telefonía y datos), u otros aparatos tecnológicos con capacidad de navegación para propósitos educativos únicamente. El uso de los aparatos tecnológicos está sujeto al Acuerdo sobre el Uso de los Sistemas de Información Electrónica (EIS) que forma parte del Manual para los Padres de Familia/Estudiante, además de las directrices establecidas por la escuela y el maestro(a) para el manejo del salón de clases. Al igual que sucede con otros artículos de propiedad personal, ni el DUSD ni su escuela de manera individual son responsables por el extravío, daño, uso indebido ó robo de aparatos tecnológicos de propiedad personal traídos a la escuela. Además, el Distrito no puede proveer soporte técnico o instalar software en aparatos tecnológicos de propiedad personal.
Por favor tengan en cuenta que no es obligatorio que los estudiantes traigan un aparato tecnológico personal a la escuela. Todos los estudiantes seguirán teniendo acceso a los equipos de tecnología de la escuela. Ningún estudiante se quedará fuera del proceso educativo. Adicionalmente, a los maestros se les proveerá desarrollo profesional, estrategias para el manejo del salón de clases y apoyo del Distrito en el transcurso del año escolar con el propósito de ayudarles a aprovechar estas tecnologías para apoyar el aprendizaje estudiantil.
Cuando los aparatos tecnológicos de los estudiantes se conectan a la red inalámbrica de DUSD, están bajo los mismos mandatos que cualquiera de las computadoras del Distrito. Por ejemplo, el filtro de la red de DUSD asegura el cumplimiento de CIPA (Ley de Protección Infantil en Internet). Es responsabilidad del estudiante y un requisito del Distrito utilizar la red inalámbrica privada de DUSD en lugar de su propio plan de datos personal mientras está en el plantel escolar. La red inalámbrica puede ser utilizada incluso por los aparatos tecnológicos que ya no tienen un plan de datos.
El Distrito se complace en ofrecer esta oportunidad para los estudiantes con el propósito de que experimenten el aprendizaje utilizando los mismos aparatos tecnológicos que utilizan para interrelacionarse con su mundo de multimedia, y para inspirar el aprendizaje mientras se están creando pensadores independientes y analíticos.