Dysart is proud to offer top-quality preschool programs that will help prepare your child to succeed in life. We offer innovative and educationally stimulating preschool programs that feature an Arizona Early Learning Standards curriculum designed to help children develop skills in eight major content areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language and Literacy, Physical Development, Social and Emotional Development, Creative Arts, and Approaches to Learning. Our mission is to help your child achieve his/her full potential academically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. The options available to parents are Growing Minds (tuition-based), Developmental Preschool, and Peer Role Model (free at Title I schools, tuition-based at others).

Growing Minds
Our mantra is “learn through play.” Learn through play is a core value that supports cognitive skills, physical growth, new vocabulary, social skills, and literacy skills.
- Children ages 2 - 5 years old
- Full Day & Half Day
- Main & Satellite Campuses
- Tuition Based
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Developmental Preschool
Preschool special education services provided by certified special education and related services staff based on identified student needs.
- Children ages 2 years 9 months - 5 years old
- ½ Day (AM or PM sessions)
- Located at 14 Elementary Campuses
- Free of Charge
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Peer Role Model
Opportunity for typically developing young children to attend preschool and serve as a peer model.
- Peer models must turn 3 or 4 years old by Aug 31 of current school year
- ½ day (AM or PM Session)
- Located at 14 Elementary Campuses
- Tuition based at non Title One sites/Free at Title One Sites
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