Mountain View School’s Arts program puts the “A” (for Arts) into STEM education. Our program is designed to allow students to explore a variety of methods for being digital communicators. We also incorporate business marketing techniques into STEAM projects and activities. Our music, band, and art electives for middle school present the arts from a STEAM perspective, encouraging students to utilize the design thinking and engineering processes to create art and music. Our students have participated in the District Fine Arts Festivals and design contests, with students placing in the Friends of Surprise Library Bookmark Design and the City of Surprise Essay contests.

K-5 Arts
Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade receive instruction in general music and visual arts as part of their specials area class rotations, which also include physical education and our STEM-focused course, iExplore. The general music and art curriculum is designed to foster greater understanding and appreciation of music and art through awareness and hands-on music and art techniques. Students attend each special area class for a week at a time.

6th-8th Grade Arts
Students in 6th through 8th grade have the opportunity to select two electives per quarter. All students must take at least one course in the arts (music, art, or band). Music and Art electives being offered for the 22/23 school year are listed below:
2022-2023 Art Electives
Drawing - introduces the basics of drawing, perspective, and sketching techniquesPainting - survey of various painted media on traditional surfaces of canvas and paper
Cartooning - develop drawing, writing, and story plotting skills through the history of animation, comics, and literary illustration
3D Multimedia - explores 3-dimensional art forms, including textiles, ceramics, paper mache, wire sculpture, and more.
Art & Technology - introduces students to creating 3-dimensional works of art using 2-dimensional materials or 3-dimensional digital programs
2022-2023 Music Electives
Piano/Keyboard - students will learn the basics of piano/keyboarding, advance their music theory knowledge pertaining to piano, and will learn selected materials for performance.Digital Music - explores various forms of digital music from soundtrack design, music blogging, podcasting, and video game soundtrack design. Students will learn how to use sound editing programs to demonstrate musical forms and styles.
Guitar/Ukulele - students will learn the basics of guitar or ukulele, advance their music theory knowledge pertaining to the instrument, and will learn selected materials for performance.
STEAM Music - students will engage in Project-Based Learning using a variety of musical skills. Projects are varied and may include performances, presentations, games, and more. Students choose their passion project and learning is student-directed and self-paced.
Music Theater History - explores the history of musical theater with a focus on American Broadway musicals. Students will explore the production and cultural impact of musicals in American culture by critiquing musicals from three different time periods.

Students in 5th through 8th grade have the opportunity to participate a year-long band course. Students who choose to enroll in Band commit to taking band for the full year. Band takes the place of one elective each quarter. Students have the opportunity to build musical skills and perform at multiple performances each year.