Spring Break March 17th thru 21st!
Happy Spring Break!
Address: 17032 W Surprise Farms Loop S
City/State: Surprise, AZ 85388-1581
Phone: (623) 523-8600
Attendance Line: (623) 523-8603
Grade Levels:6-8
Signature Focus: Sustainable Engineering
Principal: Ginger Richards
Email: cimarronsprings@dysart.org
Monday & Early Release: 8:15am - 1:00pm
Tuesday - Friday: 8:15am - 3:00pm
Office Hours: 7:15am - 3:45pm
Our school uses ParentSquare to connect with parents and share what’s happening in our schools and district. This platform allows us to communicate school and district messages to help keep you informed and engaged with us. The Parent Portal will continue to be your resource for grades, and Schoology for specific classroom resources and assignments.
The Dysart Governing Board approved a change to the boundaries and grade levels of Asante Preparatory Academy, Cimarron Springs Middle School, and Western Peaks Elementary School at the December 14, 2023 board meeting. The change goes into effect for the 2024-2025 school year, and was made in order to accommodate the rapid growth in the northern part of the district around Asante. Cimarron Springs will shift from a 5-8 to a 6-8 middle school and Western Peaks Elementary School will shift from a K-4 to a K-5. No physical changes to the boundaries of the schools themselves is taking place - only a shift in grade level school assignments.
Once a Stallion, always a Stallion! Every single person that has been part of the school has left a positive impact & a Stallion hoof imprint in the halls, office, playground & classroom