Sunset Hills News
Mary Poppins Jr
Sunset Hills Elementary is excited to share this year’s musical production with you! Our students have been working hard for months now to bring this SUPER show to life for you! Join us on this JOLLY HOLIDAY as we find out that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, if you let it!
Show Times:
- Thursday 2/20 @ 7 pm
- Friday, 2/21 @ 7 pm
- Saturday, 2/22 @ 2 pm
- Saturday, 2/22 @ 7 pm
All shows are at The Vista Performing Arts Center.
Yearbooks on Sale Now!
Yearbooks are being sold through Grads Photography for the 24/25 School Year! Our student-lead Yearbook Team is working around the clock to create a high-quality collection of Bobcat memories to share with you! Don't forget to purchase your yearbook soon! Just go to and select your location (Surprise) and school (SunsetHills) to get started.
Early Bird Discount
Friday, January 31st, will be the last day to purchase a yearbook for only $35!!
8th Grade
8th grade ads can be purchased at the same site (
No School - Monday January, 20th
There will be No School on Monday January 20th, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2nd Quarter Awards
Our 2nd Quarter Awards, celebrating acievements of students in 4th - 8th grade will be held on Thursday, January 16th and Friday, January 17th at the following times:
- Thursday, January 16th:
- 6th Grade: 8:30-9:05 am
- 5th Grade: 9:15-9:50 am
- 4th Grade: 10:00-10:35 am
- Friday, January 17th:
- 7th Grade: 8:30-9:05 am
- 8th Grade: 9:15-9:50 am
Attendance Challenge Week 1/13-1/17
It's Attendance Challenge Week! We are committed to making Every Day Count here at Sunset Hills! Show up this week in style! The grade with the Highest Attendance each day will earn an extra recess and the grade level with the highest attendance for the week will earn a Dance Party! Let's Go Bobcats!
- Mon 1/13 - Sports Day
Show up for your team in your favorite jersey or ready to play your favorite sport!
- Tue 1/14 - Warm & Cozy Day
Show up even when it’s cold outside! Wear your cozy clothes (sweatpants, sweatshirts, scarves) and stay warm & cozy today!
- Wed 1/15 - Hero vs Villian Day
Show up for your favorite side... Heroes vs Villians.... Who will win the battle of the day?
- Thu 1/16 - Black Out Day
Show up in all black and let’s see if we can Black Out the entire school!
- Fri 1/17 - School Spirit Day
Show up for your Grade Level... let’s see who can have the highest participation!
K-2nd: Wear Blue
3rd-5th: Wear Grey
6th-8th: Wear White
Winter Break - 12/23-1/6
There will be no school from Monday, December 23rd through Monday, January 6th. School will resume on Tuesday, January 7th. Our office will also be cloased during this time.
We hope you have a great winter break Bobcats!
Last Week of 2024!
Last Spirit Week of 2024! Let's get ready for Winter Break with our last Spirit Break of 2024! And join us for any of our Winter Events as we celebrate the season!
Don't forget we have an Early Dismissal on 12/20 at 11:15 am.
Additionally, there are no PreSchool classes on Thursday, 12/19 and Friday, 12/20.
- Monday 12/16 - Grinch Day - Wear Everything Green or Dress like a Who or Grinch
- Winter Choir Concerts @ SRHS: Moonrise @ 6 pm & Afterglow @ 7 pm
- Tuesday 12/17 - Holiday Hat Day - Wear Festive Holiday Hats
- Wednesday 12/18 - Winter Wonderland - Wear Wintery White or Dress Like a Snowman
- Winter Band Concert @ SRHS @ 6:30 pm
- Thursday 12/19 - Candy Cane Day - Wear Red & White
- Winter Kinder Concert @ SHES in the Gym @ 5 pm
- No PreSchool Classes
- Friday 12/20 - Long Winter's Nap - Wear Pajamas Today
- No PreSchool Classes
- 11:15 AM Early Dismissal
Student Council Spirit Week 12/2-12/6
Student Council is kicking off December with a Spirit Week and Pep Assembly!
Monday 12/2 - Winter Holdiay Vacation Day - Wear Tropical Shirts with a Winter Holiday Vacation Twist
Tuesday 12/3 - Jingle All the Way - Wear Jingle Bells & Jingle Down the Hall
Wednesday 12/4 - Festive Lights Day - Decorate Yourself in Holiday Lights
Thursday 12/5 - Ugly Sweater Day - Wear Your Ugly Sweaters Today
Friday 12/6 - Festive Bobcat Day - Wear School shirts with a Holiday Twist
Thanksgiving Recess
Thanksgiving Recess is from November 25th through November 29th. School will resume on Monday, December 2nd.
Our offices will also be closed during the Thanksgiving Recess.
We hope you enjoy the time with your families during this break. At Sunset Hills we are thankful for each of our students and their families!
Thanksgiving Lunch on Fri 11/22
Sunset Hills would like to invite our families to have lunch with your students on Friday, November 22nd!
Our cafeteria is preparing a full Thanksgiving Feast with:
- Oven-Roasted Turkey
- Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
- Stuffing
- Green Beans
- Cranberry Sauce
- Fresh-Baked Rolls
- Scratch-Made Pumpkin Cake
Cost per Person:
- Free Student Meal: $0
- Reduced Student Meal: $0
- Paid Student Meal: $2.75
- District Staff: $4
- Non-Student: $4
Payment for non-students, is cash only, and will be accepted at the gate the day of Thanksgiving Lunch. Students will pay inside at the register using their student ID number, just as any other day.
Lunch Times for Thanksgiving Lunch:
- 4th Grade 10:15-10:35
- 1st Grade 10:40-11:00
- 2nd Grade 11:05-11:25
- 3rd Grade 11:30-11:50
- 7th Grade 11:50-12:05
- 8th Grade 12:10-12:25
- 6th Grade 12:30-12:45
- 5th Grade 12:50-1:05
- Kindergarten 1:10-1:30
Veterans Day
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th; in honor of Veterans Day.
Thank you to all of our Veterans and their families for all the sacrifices made for our country!
Make Sure You Vote!
The Dysart Governing Board called for the November 5, 2024 bond election at the March 14 board meeting after a unanimous community committee recommendation. The bond program would be $127 million to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Dysart Food Drive
Sunset Hills NJHS is partnering with Dysart Unified School District for a canned food drive for the Valley View Community Food Bank! We need unexpired, non-perishable food to be donated. Please bring donations betwen October 28th and November 8th!
Estimated Impact to Your Taxes
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Winter Sports TryOuts
Contact our Coaches for upcoming tryout information:
- Flag Football - Coach Neill @
- Cheer - Coach Coleman @ and Coach Goss @
- Girls Volleyball - Coach Schlinger @
- Boys Volleyball - Coach Vogel @
Reminder! Students must be registered on Aktivate (registermyathlete) in order to try out!
The proposed 2024 Bond would fund facility renovations at each site
The Dysart Governing Board called for the November 5, 2024 bond election at the March 14 board meeting after a unanimous community committee recommendation. The bond program would be $127 million to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
1st Quarter Awards
Our 1st Quarter Awards, celebrating acievements of students in 4th - 8th grade will be held on Friday, October 25th at the following times:
- 7th Grade: 8:30-9:00 am
- 5th Grade: 9:05-9:35 am
- 8th Grade: 9:40-10:10 am
- 4th Grade: 10:15-10:45 am
- 6th Grade: 10:50-11:20 am
NO INCREASE Tax Rate Phase-in Plan
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Important Dates to Remember for the November Election:
- October 7 - Last day to register to vote
- October 9 - Early voting begins
- October 25 - Deadline to request vote by mail
- November 5 - Election Day
About the Bond
Dysart Schools has a $127 million bond initiative on the ballot to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
October Events at Sunset Hills
October is here! Please take a look at some of our key events coming this month. Be sure to check our calendar on Parent Square for the most updated event information.
- Tuesday, October 1st - Chipotle Night from 4-8 pm
- Wednesday, October 2nd - Kona Ice at student's lunch times
- Thursday, October 3rd - Fall Choir Concert at Sunset Hills at 6 pm
- Friday, October 4th - 1st Quarter Report Cards released in Parent Portal at 5 pm
- Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th - Parent/Teacher Conference Week. Teachers will be reaching out to schedule conference times, we are looking for 100% in person attendance on our fall conferences! If you have any questions please reach out to your student's teachers on Parent Square
- Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th - Scholastic Book Fair, hours TBD
- Wednesday, October 9th - PTO Fun Run Fundraiser, all final donations are due this day as well
- Thursday, October 10th - Early Dismissal at 1 pm
- Friday, October 11th - Early Dismissal at 1 pm
- Monday, October 14th through Friday, October 18th - No School for Fall Break
- Thursday, October 24th - 1st Quarter Award Ceremonies: 6th Grade at 8:30 am; 5th Grade at 9:15 am; 4th Grade at 10:00 am
- Friday, October 25th - 1st Quarter Award Ceremonies: 7th Grade at 8:30 am; 8th Grade at 9:15 am
- Friday, October 25th - PTO Trunk or Trick Event from 5:30-6:30 pm; Watch for sign up information on this exciting event!
- Wednesday, October 30th - Fall Picture Retakes along with Fall Sports and Club Group Photos
- Thursday, October 31st - Student Council Orange & Black Spirit Day (No Halloween costumes please)
How Would the Bond Impact Schools?
- School safety improvements
- Replace Aging AC units
- Roof Sealing and Repairs
- Replace school buses over 15 years old
- Construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area
- Facility renovations at each site
If approved, the bond tax rate would drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
Learn more at

Mary Poppins Jr
Congratulations to all of our Cast and Crew on a fabulous audition week and first table read!
Here are some important reminders on what comes next:
- Emergency Information & Production T-Shirt Order Form - Due Thu 9/26
- Grey Costume Sizing Form (Cast only) - Due 10/4
- Yellow Production Form & Payment to PTO - Due 10/11
- Community Ed Registration Fee - Due 11/8
Please be sure you are active on Parent Square for all important show information and updates.
Our production will be performed at the Vista Center for the Arts, February 20th - 23rd, and we can't wait to bring this show to life for everyone!
Fall Picture Day - Wednesday 9/25
Wednesday 9/25 is our Fall Picture Day! You can pre-order pictures through Grads at:
PRE-ORDER Sunset Hills Elementary Fall Pictures 2024
Pictures will also be available to order after picture day using the above link.
We can't wait to see everyone's smiling faces on Wednesday!
Dysart Bond Informational Meeting
- Tuesday, September 24, 10:00am* - Hosted by City of Surprise District 2 at Grand Agua Fria Room (Sun City Grand), 17100 W. Clearview Blvd., Surprise AZ 85387
- Wednesday, September 25, 5:00pm - El Mirage Senior Center, 14010 N. El Mirage Rd., El Mirage, AZ 85335
- Friday, September 27, 10:00am* - Hosted by City of Surprise District 2 at AZ Traditions Ballroom, 17225 N. Citrus Rd., Surprise AZ 85374
- Monday, October 7, 10:00am - Hosted by PORA in the PORA Conference Room at 13815 W. Camino Del Sol, Sun City West, AZ 85375
Baseball & Softball Season begins today!
Please come on out and support our Boys Baseball and Girls Softball teams as they kick off their season this week! All games are free to attend. Please see the full schedule here:
No School - Monday September 2nd
There is no school on Monday, September 2nd due to Labor Day.
To see a full list of school observed holidays please see our school calendars:
Annual Student Update
Annual Student Updates are due by Friday August 30th for all students.
**Students who do not have the Annual Student Update completed will lose access to school technology.
Completing the Annual Student Update allows parents to sign off on health office medications, student technology use, and handbook acknowledgment.
In order to complete the Annual Student Update, log into the Parent Portal and navigate through the menu to "More" and then "Annual Student Update".
Boys Baseball & Girls Softball Tryouts
Baseball & Softball Tryouts will be this week, August 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:00-4:30 pm each afternoon.
Students will meet their coaches in the courtyard after school.
Parents/guardians must complete ALL forms on Aktivate ( in order for students to attend tryouts. Go to and click on login, then create an account. Students are not required to complete a physical or the brain book courses for middle school sports, but you MUST complete all other forms on Aktivate to attend tryouts.
Please email Coach Neill ( for questions regarding baseball or Coach Foster ( for softball.
To learn more about our season and see other upcoming sports, please check out our Sunset Hills Athletic Page.
Welcome Back Bobcats!
Back to School Information
Enrollment Information:
If you were enrolled with us for the 23/24 school year, your information automatically rolls over to the next school year! If you were not with us for the 23/24 school year you will need to complete the enrollment information on our website. Once completed online, you will receive an email with instructions for the next steps. In order to complete the enrollment process you will need the following:
- Completed Enrollment Application Online
- Provide copies of a Proof of Residence, Birth Certificate, and Immunization Records. These can be provided digitally by uploading during the online application or by bringing copies in person to our front office (or district office if our office is closed for summer)
- Complete a Home Language Survey, this is a paper form required by state and is unable to be completed online
- If your student is in 5th-8th Grade you will need to choose Elective Courses. Click here for more information on our 24/25 Elective Choices.
School Supply Lists
Our 24/25 Suggested School Supply Lists can be found here:
School Calendars
Here you will find our District Calendars for the 24/25 School Year!
Athletic Opportunities
At Sunset Hills our student athletes bring the Bobcat Pride to any field or court they play on! Our school has been chosen to compete in the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference (NWVAC) bringing even more opportunities to our athletes! Our sports are divided into 3 seasons throughout the year and most are open to 6th-8th grade students. Our Cross Country Team is the only sport that takes students younger than 6th grade and it is available to students beginning with the 4th grade.
For more information on all of our Athletic Opportunities and Schedules please see below:
Extracurricular Activities
We have numerous Clubs & Activities for our students to join before and/or after school! This is a great way for your student to get involved with their campus and make connections with other students and staff on our campus. Whether your student wants to be a leader in Student Council, an actor on stage in our annual musical, or even learn to be a gardener; we have the club for you! Click here for more details on all of our exciting Clubs & Activities:
Art Signature Program
Our Signature Program at Sunset Hills is the Arts, and here we believe that Art can be found in every area of our campus. From the art that we all think about in painting and creating to the Art in athleticism. At Sunset Hills we pride ourselves on finding the Art that surrounds us within all subject areas.
Summer Hours
Our Office will have a modified schedule during the summer. Please contact us during the following business hours:
Office is closed through 7/9.
We will re-open Wed 7/10 with the following hours:
Mon - Thu 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Regular Office hours will resume the week of 7/22:
Mon - Fri 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Closed for Summer
Our office will be closed for Summer Break from 5/31 - 7/9
Please contact the district office for immediate assistance.
We will reopen on Wednesday 7/10, with the following hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Regular Office hours will resume on 7/22:
Monday - Friday 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
24/25 School Supply Lists
Dive into Kindergarten
Sunset Hills is hosting a Dive into Kindergarten program this summer!
Sign up online today to save your spot.
Your students will be in a Kinder classroom for a preview of their Kinder year at Sunset Hills with hands on experiences!
April Newsletter
Our Monthly Newsletter is here! Please check our newsletter for important updates for the month of April, including state testing dates.
Now Enrolling for 24/25 Kindergarten Students
Enrollment is open for the 24/25 School Year and we can't wait to meet all of our future Bobcats!
Recently we hosted our annual Kindergarten Showcase where future Bobcats and their families were able to come meet staff and tour classroom areas.
Check out our Photo Gallery of this awesome event!
Spring Break - No School, 3/18-3/22
There will be No School for Spring Break; Monday, March 18- Friday, March 22. School will resume on Monday, March 25th. Have a safe and happy break Bobcats!
March Newsletter
Our Monthly Newsletter is here! Please check our newsletter for important updates for the month.
Cats, Young Actor's Edition - It's Showtime!
It's Show Time! Check out our amazing Cast as you have never seen them before! We can't wait to share this show with you!

We open our show with the Naming of Cats, where our tale begins to unfold...

Rum Tum Tugger is one of the many cats we meet along the way, and the show he puts on is nothing short of electric!

Mungojerrie & Rumplteazer are always up to something fun and mischievious!

Once a year, all of our Cats meet under the moon for the Jellicle Ball!

Grizabella, the Glamour Cat... will she make it to the ball this year? Will the other Cats be able to see Grizabella for who she is? And who will make it to the Heaviside Layer?
You don't want to miss this show! Get your tickets now at
Attendance Challenge Week Monday Feb 12th - Friday Feb 16th
Sunset Hills is competing against 15 other campuses within our district, in the Sweet 16 Attendance Challenge!
- Spirit Week Fun See Full Schedule below, but highlights include: a Red,White & Pink Spirit Day for February 14th and Spring Picture Day on February 15th
- Daily Drawings for students who are in attendance all day
- Classes with the highest attendance each day will win an extra 10 minute recess the following day
- Awards will be given for students who are here every minute of the week
- Make sure you are here at the end of the day on Friday for a special treat for all of our students (students must be present to receive treat)
Spirit Week Days:
Monday - Pajama Day - Sometimes we're sleepy, but we know that Every Day Counts
Tuesday - Twin Day - Sometimes things are crazy, but we are better when we're together
Wednesday - Pink, White & Red Day - We love our Sunset Hills Family
Thursday - Dress for Success, Picture Day - Where we are set up for success
Friday - Bobcat Cool Day - Where being a Bobcat is always cool!
Cats, Young Actor's Edition - Production Week
It is almost Production week and our Cast & Crew can not wait to share all we have been working on! All of our shows will be at the Vista Performing Arts Center. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or ahead of time at
Show Schedule
Thursday, 2/22 @ 7 pm
Friday, 2/23 @ 7 pm
Saturday, 2/24 @ 2 pm
Saturday, 2/24 @ 7 pm
Patriots' Pen Contest Winner
8th Grade Student, Spencer J., received 3rd place in the VFW Patrios’s Pen Contest for the district. Veterans visited Mrs. Lynch’s class to present him with his award. Congratulations Spencer!
December Newsletter
Check out our December Newsletter Here.
We had a successful November with our Veteran's Day Assembly, Thanksgiving Family Lunch, and Attendance Contest to name just a few! And we can't wait to see what December brings us as we close out our 2nd quarter.
We look forward to highlighting some of our student's talents in our Winter Choir Performances, Band Performance and our Kindergarten Winter Concert. 2nd Quarter report cards will be released on Friday, December 22nd.
Friday, December 22nd will be a 1 pm dismissal for our students as we start winter break. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 9th.
We wish everyone a wonderful Winter Break and Holiday Season!
Thanksgiving Break
We want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Break! We are thankful for all of our Sunset Hills students, staff, and families! Please enjoy the time off with your family and friends and we will see you all on Monday, November 27th.
Our front office will also be closed for the Thanksgiving Break.
November Newsletter
It has already been a busy month of November and the events just keep on coming! Be sure to check out our Newsletter so you can see all of our events!
This week we will have our Family Thanksgiving Lunch on Friday, November 15th.
Next week we will be closed for Thanksgiving Break from 11/20-11/24.
When we return from break we will have our Spirit Week. Our theme is Every Day Counts and we will be having attendance contests throughout! We can't wait to see everyone participate in these awesome Spirit Days!
Monday 11/27 - Switch roles with those who take attendance. Students dress like teachers, teachers dress like students!
Tuesday 11/28 - Attendance is a BIG HIT. Wear a band shirt today!
Wednesday 11/29 - Attendance leads to success. Dress for success day! It is also Club/Group/ & Make-up Picture Day.
Thursday 11/30 - Attendance is tied to great learning. Wear a tie dye shirt today!
Friday 12/1 - Attend today, achieve tomorrow! Wear school colors today.
All school Newsletters can be found here!
Veterans Day Breakfast and Assembly
Today we had the privilege of honoring our Veterans in our Annual Veterans Day Assembly and Breakfast. We were treated to performances by our choir and band and readings from several of our student leaders.
Thank you again to our Veterans and their families for their sacrifices for our country. And thank you to our teachers, staff, students and volunteers who helped make today possible.
Please take a look at our Photo Gallery here.
Sunset Hills Receives an "A" Rating
We are so proud to announce that Sunset Hills Elementary School earned an “A” rating from the school accountability labels for the 2022-2023 school year! Sunset Hills is one of 18 schools in the district to receive the “A” rating. Additionally, Sunset Hills ranked in the top 20% of schools in the state. We are thankful for all of our teachers, staff, students and their families who come together to make this possible! We are better together!
The school accountability labels measure year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.
1st Quarter Awards
Our 1st Quarter Awards for Grades 4-8 will be this week, 10/19-10/20. This is a chance to celebrate your student's achievements during the 1st Quarter and we invite our student's families to help us celebrate them! Please remember to bring your photo ID if you plan on attending your student's assembly.
Thursday 10/19:
- 8:30-9:05 AM - 6th Grade
- 9:15-9:50 AM - 5th Grade
- 10:00-10:35 AM - 4th Grade
Friday 10/20:
- 8:30-9:05 AM - 7th Grade
- 9:15-9:50 AM - 8th Grade
Fall Break
There will be no school for Fall Break from 10/9-10/13. Our offices will also be closed during the break.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back, and starting Quarter 2, on Monday 10/16.
Important updates for the Week of 10/16:
- Wed 10/18 - Student Council Pink Out Day
- Thu 10/19 - 1st Quarter Awards for 6th Grade (8:30-9:05 am), 5th Grade (9:15-9:50 am) and 4th Grade (10:00-10:35 am)
- Fri 10/20 - 1st Quarter Awards for 7th Grade (8:30-9:05 am) and 8th Grade (9:15-9:50 am)
October Newsletter
Be sure to read our October Newsletter for all of our updates and to find our Calendar of Events.
Don't forget we have Parent/Teacher conferences the week of October 2-6, with 1 pm Early Dismissals on Mon 10/2, Thu 10/5 and Fri 10/6. The following week will be Fall Break from 10/9-10/13. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday, 10/16, for the start of our 2nd quarter!
Patriot Day
Sunset Hills hosted activities throughout the day in remembrance of 9/11.
- Preschool learned about emergency responders and how they help us in times of need
- Kinder created an anchor chart to learn about what a hero is
- First grade read a short story about heroes and how they are to be remembered and celebrated on 9/11
- Second graders made ribbons of remembrance to adorn the hallways
- Third grade students wrote a short essay about Patriot Day
- Fourth grade did a Paying Tribute activity and watched a video about 9/11
- Fifth grade read Save the Boats, learned about the 9/11 memorials and created their own symbolic tribute to 9/11
- Sixth, seventh grade, and eighth grade students watched videos about 9/11
Sunset Hills Musical
Audition Packets will be released next week for our Annual Musical Production. This year we will be bringing to life the classical story of CATS.
Check back here for more information as soon as the packets are officially released! We can't wait to share this memory with you!
No School - Monday September 4th, 2023
Monday, September 4th, 2023 there will be no school in observance of Labor Day.
Boys Baseball & Girls Softball Tryouts
Boys Baseball
- Tue 8/22 from 6:30-8:00 am
- Wed 8/23 from 6:30-8:00 am
- Thu 8/24 from 6:30-8:00 am
Pick up tryout packets from Coach Molett in the Gym
Girls Softball
- Wed 8/23 from 3:15-5:00 pm
- Thu 8/24 from 3:15-5:00 pm
Pick up tryout packets from Coach Salasek in Room 231
Regular season games will begin the week of 9/12. Let's Go Bobcats!
23/24 Elective courses
Beginning in 5th Grade our students get to choose 2 of their classes each quarter from the following categories: P.E., Music, Art, and iExplore. These classes allow students to explore interests outside of the standard math, reading, science and social studies. Students are required to take at least 1 class from each of the 4 categories below but with 8 options throughout the year there is still plenty of room for their favorites!
P.E. Offerings:
- Outdoor Team Sports (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Health in Sports (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Indoor Sports (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Fitness (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Lifetime Sports (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
Music Offerings:
- American Popular Music (8th)
- Music Blogging (7th)
- Jazz & Improvisation (6th)
- Movie Music (5th)
- Choir (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Beginning Band (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Band (6th, 7th, 8th)
- Musical Theatre Performance (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Musical Theater Survey (8th)
- Music History (7th)
- Music PBL (6th)
- Painting (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Drawing (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Ceramics (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Art & Technology (7th, 8th)
- 2D/3D Multimedia (5th, 6th)
- iExplore Coding (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Creative Technology (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- STEM (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
- Robotics (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)
If you are completing enrollment for the 23/24 School Year and would like more information on our Elective Course Options, including detailed course descriptions please find your grade level below for the complete course guide:
Summer Office Hours
Our Office will be open with modified hours for the summer:
Week of 5/29
Monday 5/29 - Closed for Memorial Day
Tuesday through Thursday 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Weeks of 6/5, 6/12 & 6/19 - Summer School Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 11:30 am
Weeks of 6/26 & 7/3 - Office Closed for Summer Break
Weeks of 7/10 & 7/17 - Summer Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Regular Office Hours Resume Monday 7/24
Monday through Friday 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
23/24 School Supply Lists
Our 23/24 School Supply Lists can be found here:
- PreK School Supply List 2023-2024
- Kindergarten School Supply List 2023-2024
- 1st Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 2nd Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 3rd Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 4th Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 5th Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 6th Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 7th Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
- 8th Grade School Supply List 2023-2024
May Newsletter
Click here for our May Newsletter: 22/23 May Newsletter
And catch up on all of our newsletters here: Sunset Hills Newsletters
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week 5/1-5/5
We invite you to celebrate our teachers and staff next week and show your appreciation for all they have done for us this year!
If you are looking for ideas of any appreciation gifts here please view the document below for a list of some of their favorite things!
Sunset Hills State Testing Calendar
Here is the state testing calendar for Sunset Hills:
23/24 Elective Courses
Monday March 27 our current 4th - 7th graders will be choosing their electives for next school year.
Here are the Elective Offerings for 2023/2024 School Year, (remember to use the grade level your student will be in the 23/24 School Year):
5th Grade Course Descriptions 2023-24
6th Grade Course Descriptions 2023-24
7th Grade Course Descriptions 2023-24
Dysart heros
Congratulations to our Dysart Heroes, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Boisvert!
Newsies Jr Musical Production from Sunset Hills Elementary
Get your tickets now at
Shows are:
- Thursday 2/23 @ 7 pm
- Friday 2/24 @ 7 pm
- Saturday 2/25 @ 2 pm
- Saturday 2/25 @ 7 pm
School Supply Donation Drive
Sunset Hills PTO is hosting a Donation Drive from Feb. 6th - Feb. 17th
Please bring any donated supplies to your homeroom teacher! Homerooms with the most donations will win:
1st Place - Sonic Lunch for the Class!
2nd Place - Sundae/Float Party for the Class!
3rd Place - Popcorn Party for the Class!
Here are our Grade Level Supply Suggestions for our Donation Drive:
PreK School School Supply Drive List
Kindergarten Supply Drive List
1st Grade School Supply Drive List
2nd Grade School Supply Drive List
3rd Grade School Supply Drive List
4th Grade School Supply Drive List
5th Grade School Supply Drive List
6th Grade School Supply Drive List
Congratulations to our National Board Certified Teachers!
Sunset Hills would like to Congratulate Mrs. Older and Ms. Moberg on their recertification of their National Board Certification!
Newsies Jr. Tickets are on Sale Now!
Tickets are on sale now for our highly anticipated production of Newsies Jr.! Our cast and crew have been working hard to make this show big enough to take on the World! Make sure you Seize the opportunity and Watch What Happens when we get 100 Voices Singing on that stage!
Shows are at The Vista:
- Thursday 2/23 @ 7 pm
- Friday 2/24 @ 7 pm
- Saturday 2/25 @ 2 pm
- Saturday 2/25 @ 7 pm
Get your tickets today @
Here's a sneak peek preview of our amazing show!
January Newsletter
Happy New Year to all of our Sunset Hills community! I hope that you all enjoyed a wonderful winter break! We completed benchmarks for grades 3-5 and finals for grades 6-8 prior to break. Our 6-8 grade students will be taking benchmark 2 the week of January 9. The data from all of the assessments will be used to evaluate growth toward our continuous improvement academic goals as well as individual student driven goal setting. Please encourage your child to do their best!... (click here for full newsletter)
November Newsletter
November is here and the weather is beautiful outside! We are looking forward to a fantastic month ahead! The state has released the 2022 school letter grades based on the A-F Accountability model, and I am thrilled to announce that Sunset Hills is an A school!! I am so incredibly proud of our entire school community and all of the efforts that have gone into the last couple of years to ensure that our students continued to grow academically! We made tremendous gains and continue to work so hard to meet our continuous improvement goals! .....
Thanksgiving Lunch - Friday 11/18/22
Sunset Hills is so excited to welcome back our families on to our campus for our Thanksgiving Lunch! Please see the attached flier with all the information, including an RSVP that is due this Friday 11/4/22
Sunset Hills Earns an “A” Rating
Sunset Hills Elementary School is excited to announce that we have received an A-rating from the newly-released 2022 State of Arizona accountability labels. This letter grade provides us a glimpse into many areas of proficiency and growth for our school, including information about student achievement, college and career readiness, student growth, and other key areas of interest. We appreciate our hardworking students, staff and parents for their contributions in making our school an A-rated school!
This is the first time the state has issued new labels since 2018-2019, due to House Bill’s 2910 and 2402, which temporarily paused the issuing of A-F letter grades. It is important to note that this year the state used the same cut marks as they did in 2019 for K-8 schools, the last year they issued letter grades. However, this year's K-8 growth score is only based on growth percentile and does not include growth-to-target.
About School Letter Grades: Arizona Revised Statutes § 15-241 requires the Arizona Department of Education, subject to final adoption by the State Board of Education, to develop an annual achievement profile for every public school in the state based on an A through F scale. The system measures year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.
Career and College Expo
Dysart Unified School District invites parents and students to a Career and College Expo on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Dysart District Office, located at 15802 N. Parkview Place in Surprise.
The expo showcases Dysart's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, West-MEC, colleges and universities, and military representatives so families can explore opportunities to pursue in and after high school. This is a great way for 5th through 11th grade students and their parents to get hands-on with all of the career pathway classes and programs offered at Dysart Schools. The event is free and open to the public. Details can be found at
Dysart Schools currently offer 17 CTE programs at four high schools (Dysart High School, Shadow Ridge High School, Valley Vista High School, and Willow Canyon High School.) Program options include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Digital Animation, Digital Photography, Education Professions, Engineering, Film and TV Production, Fire Science, Graphic Design, Laboratory Assisting, Law and Public Safety, Marketing, Nursing Services, Software and App Design, Sports Medicine, Stagecraft Design and Production and Technology Device Maintenance. Learn more at
Boys Baseball & Girls Softball Seasons
Our Bobcat Athletes are at it again! The 1st Season of the 22/23 school year kicks off with Girls Softball and Boys Baseball. Both teams will play at the same time/location for the regular season. Games are free to attend so come out and support our athletes as they make their debut into the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference (NWVAC). Good luck Bobcats!

Photo Gallery

Sunset Hills Annual Musical
It's time to seize the day and kick off this year's school musical production of Disney's Newsies Jr.!
Important Dates:
- Audition Packets and Stage Crew Applications will be available 9/2
- Ensemble Roles for K - 8th Grade Students
- Principal/Featured Roles for 5th - 8th Grade Students
- Stage Crew for 6th - 8th Grade Students
- Dance Team for 5th - 8th Grade Students
- Cast Auditions begin 9/19
- Mandatory Parent Meeting 9/27 (At either 3:30 or 5:30)
See all of the details in our Audition Packets for how to audition and join our Cast & Crew!

Interested in Ensemble, Featured/Principal Cast or Dance Crew?
See all our information here! And pick up a blue packet from the front office to complete.

Interested in Stage Crew?
See all our information here! And pick up a green packet from the front office to complete.
Baseball & Softball Try Outs
Boys Baseball & Girls Softball Try Outs are this week! Ask the front office or your coaches for more information and how to get a try out packet. Boys Baseball tryouts will be Tuesday and Wednesday (8/23 & 8/24) and Girls Softball will be Wednesday and Thursday (8/24 & 8/25). Games begin the week of 9/13. Come on out to cheer on our Bobcats!
Welcome Back!
Sunset Hills had a successful first day of school! We were so excited to welcome back our more than 930 students and their families for another great year. Please continue to check our website and social media to learn more about all the great activities and events planned, as well as updates on our academic progress! We hope you have a great year, and please reach out if you need anything to help make your student successful! Check out the photo gallery from the first day below!
Bobcats ROAR!
Sunset Hills is ready for another fantastic year! Join us on Monday, August 1st from 5:00-6:30 pm for Meet the Teacher Night. Our PTO will be ready that night with all the Sunset Hills Spirit gear you will need to start off the new year. Papa Eddie's BBQ and Cerealphoria will be joining us and ready to serve up some delicious eats, with a portion of their proceeds going back to our fabulous PTO.
We can't wait to see our Bobcats back on campus for our first day of school Wednesday, August 3rd!
Check out all of our Back to School information and see what Sunset Hills has to offer!
Follow us on Social Media!
Facebook: @Sunset Hills Elementary School
Instagram: Sunset Hills Elementary @shesbobcats
Twitter: Sunset Hills School @SHESBobcats
#SunsetHills #BobcatsROAR
Sunset Hills Athletics
Sunset Hills Athletics Programs will be competing in the Middle School Athletic Conference this year. Our sports teams are open for students in grades 6-8, with the exception of Cross Country which is open for grades 3-8. Competing in the Middle School Conference also brings an opportunity for our athletes to compete against schools outside of the Dysart Unified School District in an end of season Tournament.
22/23 Sunset Hills Electives
At Sunset Hills Elementary School, we begin offering elective classes in the areas of PE, Music, Arts, and iExplore with our 5th grade students. Students are able to take 2 elective courses each quarter in areas that interest them the most! We do require students to take 1 course in each of our 4 subject areas throughout the year.
Meet the Teacher Night
Join us for Sunset Hills Meet the Teacher Night on Tuesday August 1st, from 5:00-6:30 pm.
Welcome Back!
We can't wait to see everyone back for the first day of school on August 3! Make sure you mark your calendars for event and activity dates and keep an eye on our new website for important information as the start of school approaches.
Our Meet the Teacher night will be on August 1 from 5:00-6:30pm. Please join us to see the campus, meet your child's teachers, and get information on what to expect this year.
Still need to enroll? There's still time to get your children enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year! Parents and guardians can complete the necessary registration information online at at any time. Please note that in order to finalize registration the following documents will be required: government issued photo identification; birth certificate; proof of residency; and immunization records. For additional assistance with student registration, families are welcome to contact our front office.
Don't forget to make sure you have access to the Parent Portal to keep up with your child’s academic progress throughout the year! Sign up or access the site online at or via the Campus Parent app.
Volunteer Opportunities
Dysart Schools have many opportunities for the community to assist schools in providing an amazing educational experience to each and every student. Volunteers help to enrich children’s learning opportunities, provide individual attention to children who need one-on-one assistance, promote a school-home-community partnership for quality education, provide staff members with more time to work with students, and assist staff members and support personnel with non-instructional tasks.
Where is Help Needed?
- Classroom and teacher support
- One-on-one student assistance
- Event help (preparations, setup, operations, tear-down)
- Guest speakers (experts or retirees in various fields)
- Front office assistance
How to Become a Volunteer:
- Review the volunteer handbook and complete the volunteer application at
- Make an appointment for your volunteer orientation
- Coordinate your schedule through the school office
- Put on your volunteer badge and have fun!
Who Should Apply to Volunteer?
Anyone who cares about children and education is a potential volunteer. Parents, grandparents and community members 18 years of age or older who want to make a difference in the lives of children and support educators are encouraged to apply to become a volunteer with Dysart Unified School District. Volunteers are welcome in all of our schools and prior teaching experience is not necessary.
Learn more or apply here.
School Breakfast and Lunch
Dysart Nutrition Services ensures that students at all schools have fresh, wholesome and nutritious breakfast and lunch options to support their education and focus in class. Learn more about Nutrition Services at Menus and nutritional information may be viewed at
Apply for Free and Reduced Meals
Beginning July 1, 2022 the USDA is returning to income eligibility guidelines for free or reduced meals. All families should complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application at to help maintain school funding and make sure that qualified families receive this and other benefits. Only one application is required per family, and may be completed at
How to Add Meal Funds to an Account
Cash and checks are accepted for meal purchases, or families may utilize to prepay for meals online, view their balances, or place restrictions on purchases. Online payments take 24 hours to post to student accounts.
Meal Prices
- Elementary Lunch $2.60, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50
- Elementary Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75 High School Lunch $2.85, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50
- High School Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75
A la carte and snack items are available for purchase on each campus, and additional meals are available for an added charge. Parents are always welcome to dine with their child, but please be sure to call in advance and check-in at the school office. Adult meals may be purchased for $1.75 for breakfast or $3.50 for lunch.
Employment Opportunities in Dysart
Dysart is the largest employer in both the cities of Surprise and El Mirage with over 2,700 employees. Dysart Schools offer highly competitive salaries, full benefits and an inviting school-year calendar with holidays and weekends off for most positions.
With a wide-variety of positions ranging from groundskeeper, to mechanic, to office staff, and teachers, we’re always looking for great people to join our Dysart team!
Current High Need Areas:
- Bus Drivers and Aides
- Childcare and Preschool Aides
- Paraprofessionals
- Behavioral Technicians
- Speech and Language Pathologists
- Special Education Teachers
- Math Teachers
- Science Teachers
- ASL Teachers
- Health Services Assistants
- Crossing Guards
- Maintenance Workers and Plant Managers
- Social Workers
Check out our current openings at and apply today!
Stay Informed on the Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a great tool to stay informed 24/7 about your child’s academic progress. Grades, attendance, assignments and more are viewable in real time online or via the app, Campus Parent. A single login allows parents with multiple students to access information for all of their children in one place. Learn more at
Update Your Communication Preferences and Contact Info
To make sure that we can keep you informed in emergency situations, please ensure that your contact information is current in the Parent Portal. You are also able to adjust your communication preferences (phone, text, and/or email) at or on the Campus Parent app to ensure you are getting the various message types in the way that you would like. Remember that if you select more than one type of communication per category, you will receive the message multiple times via each of those avenues.
Students recognized by Friends of the Surprise Libraries
Students from West Point Elementary School and Sunset Hills Elementary School were recently recognized for being named finalists in the annual Friends of the Surprise Libraries Bookmark Contest. Each year, Friends of the Surprise Libraries invites local sixth through eighth grade students to participate and create bookmarks depicting reading and literacy. First place, honorable mention, and a Mayor’s Choice Award are selected in each grade category. The following Dysart students were selected as finalists:
- First Place - Grace Luu (6th grade, Sunset Hills) and Layla Calico (8th grade, West Point).
- Honorable Mention - Kayla Krise (6th grade, West Point), Isabella Jordan (7th grade, West Point), and Kayla Patnod (8th grade, West Point).
- Mayor's Choice Award - Audrey Howat (8th grade, West Point)
Each student was recognized and presented a plaque with their winning bookmark, as well as a monetary award at the April 5, 2022 Surprise City Council Meeting.
Friends of the Surprise Libraries is a non-profit organization supported by local citizens who volunteer their time to promote local Libraries, literacy and reading programs. They are dedicated to supporting the local community by sponsoring various programs, school grants, and providing gifts and donations to public libraries and literacy organizations.