Title I
Luke Elementary is a Title I School. Below you will find helpful information and links regarding Title I.
What is Title I?
- Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of children who qualify for free or reduced meals.
- The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.
Goals of Title I
- Increase academic achievement
- Provide direction instructional support to students
- Provide professional development for teachers
- Promote family education and engagement
Family EngagementThe School Site Council provides parents with an opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. Get involved in your school Site Council. You can also become active in your PTSA.
Family Engagement Opportunities
- Ask for meetings and trainings
- You have the right to know the qualifications of the teachers in your school Review the results of annual family engagement effectiveness survey
- Review the school’s achievement data
- Review the family engagement plan
- Review the Title I Family Engagement Policy and Home/School Compact
- Volunteer in our classrooms
- Monthly Newsletters
- Title I Meeting to discussing current student assessment data and student progress
- Monthly PTSA meetings and Family events
- School Site Council Meetings are open to all stakeholders Teacher, School and District websites
- Scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences as well as additional conference when needed
- Every Title I school, in collaboration with families, MUST prepare a site level family engagement policy.
- The Family Engagement Policy describes how the school will involve families in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program at their school.
School & Family Compact
- The School and Family Compact describes the responsibilities of the school, the family, and the student for improved student achievement.
- Developed in collaboration among families, teachers and students
- Updated periodically and Distributed with site Title I Family Engagement Policy
Title I Funds
- Allocated on basis of number of students eligible for free/reduced lunch. Our school receives a certain amount of money per student.
- A portion of a school’s total Title I budget is for family engagement activities.
- Funds must supplement, not supplant, district funds.