Student-Business Internships
CTE Student-Business Internships – Senior Year Career Experience
The Dysart CTE Internship mission is to provide students with personal and interpersonal career and technical skills through real word demands and expectations in their career field so that all Dysart Career & Technical Education (CTE) students become career ready.

Business Professionals
Are you a business professional full of knowledge and valuable industry experience? Consider sharing your experience by mentoring students in the intern program. We would love to hear from you, please contact us at 623-876-7991
Business Mentor Packet [PDF]

Career and Technical Ed. Students yearlong Intern programs are an in-depth, work based learning program. 120 hours (60 hours/semester) of experience in a career area of interest. The course is offered yearlong, each semester is worth .5 credit. Students must provide their own transportation to the internship site. CTE students interested in the internship program must submit an application.
CTE Student Internship Application
- Students will need 4 school staff email addresses for the application reference section (1 Counselor, 1 CTE Teacher, 2 other Teachers).

Internship Forms
- Syllabus & Parent Consent [PDF]
- Student, Parent, Business & Teacher Agreement [PDF]
- Confidentiality Agreement [PDF]
- Insurance Acknowledgement Agreement [PDF]
- Liability and Photographic Release Agreement [PDF]
- Training Plan Agreement [PDF]
- Student Hours & Wage Tracking Form [PDF]
- Student Performance Evaluation Form [PDF]