Fall Sports Tryouts Start Aug. 8th
Tryouts for fall sports start the week of August 8th. Student must be cleared through the athletic office to tryout.
For specific tryout information, such as dates and times, please contact the coach directly.
Badminton: CoachAnderson: michael.anderson@dysart.org
Cross Country Boys: Coach Carson: ivory.carson@dysart.org;
Cross Country Girls: Coach Partida jose.partida@dysart.org
Golf Boys: Coach Vesey: thomas.vesey@dysart.org
Golf Girls: Coach Schlinger: kenneth.schlinger@dysart.org
Football: Coach Ganados: john.ganados@dysart.org
Spiritline: Cheer: Coach Bowen:hannah.bowen@dysart.org
Pom: Coach Welsh:maleigha.welsh@dysart.org
Swim/Dive Boys: CoachFox: alora.fox@dysart.org
Swim/Dive Girls: Coach Carleton: jennifer.carleton@dysart.org
Volleyball: Coach Shaw: larissa.diaz@dysart.org
Please visit our athletic page for more information.