GEORGE C. Wheeler Scholarship Opportunity
Rotary Club of Surprise
Scholarship Name: George C Wheeler Scholarship Application
Award Amount: $1000 for the 23-24 Academic Year ( Cost will cover: tuition , fees, books, and supplies)
Submission Deadline: April 14, 2023
Purpose : To provide monetary assistance to deserving students to attend a school of higher education in order to have a successful future.
Further information you need to know:
-3 scholarships to graduating seniors in Imagine Prep, Dysart School District and Paradise Honors High School.
-Major Requirement: NONE
-Criteria: A brief autobiography, consisting of school activities and community activities, goals in life, reasons for applying for the scholarship. Copy of High School grades. Recommendations from three adults ( non family ).
- Minimum GPA : 2.0
Credit hours required: NONE
Residency Requirement: NONE
College/Campus requirements: Certified intuition, school or college
Return application and materials to: Jim Rumpeltes: rumpeltes@hotmail.com
Interviews anticipated the last week in April .
To submit scholarship form click link to complete application.