DHS Tardy Procedures for 2nd Semester 2024
Attendance is critical for student success at Dysart High. We need students on time for class at the beginning of school and each period throughout the day. Below are our tardy procedures for this school year.
First period tardies are counted separately from tardies that occur for 2nd-6th periods.
Late to school? To excuse a tardy to school, parents must sign-in the student in the front office.
Tardies for Period 1
1st-3rd Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Office will send an Auto Dialer to Parent/Guardian on the 3rd tardy
•Students will be sent back to class with pass
4th-6th Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Parent Contact by OCR monitor/Interventionist
•Referral for Tardy and assigned After School Detention
•Students will be sent back to class with pass
7th and 8th Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Student and Parent Contact by Administration
•Referral for Tardy and OCR assigned for a full day
9th and higher Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Student and Parent Contact by Administration
•One day of out of school suspension
Tardies for Periods 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
(Total # of Tardies throughout the day excluding 1st hour)
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Office will send an Auto Dialer to Parent/Guardian on the 3rd tardy
•Students will be sent back to class with pass
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Parent Contact by monitor/Interventionist
•Referral for Tardy and assigned After School Detention
•Students will be sent back to class with pass
7th and 8th Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Student and Parent Contact by Administration
•Referral for Tardy and OCR assigned for a full day
9th and higher Tardies
•Student is marked tardy in IC by OCR monitor
•Student and Parent Contact by Administration
•One day of out of school suspension