AZ Career Construction Days Information
Attention students! The highly anticipated Arizona Career Construction Days (AZCCD) is happening on Friday, November 8th, and it’s an incredible opportunity for those interested in careers in the construction industry. Here’s everything you need to know:
Event Details:
- Date: Friday, November 8th
- Departure Time: We will leave campus at 7:30 AM
- Return Time: We will return no later than 3:00 PM. Please ensure you have arranged for someone to pick you up when we return.
- Lunch: Provided at the event.
About the Event:
Arizona Career Construction Days is the largest construction event in Arizona specifically designed for high school students. The event is an excellent example of public and private partnerships within the construction industry. It features over 400 exhibitors and 500 pieces of construction equipment, providing students with a hands-on experience of the construction world, from the ground up.
This is a unique opportunity to explore various career paths in construction and gain exposure to new technologies and techniques in the field. You’ll get to interact with industry professionals and take part in numerous interactive activities throughout the day.
Here’s a video link showcasing some of the exciting activities available for students to participate in: Link Video
Who Can Attend:
- Seniors are the primary group invited to attend, but juniors are welcome to join on a first-come, first-served basis.
How to Sign Up:
To attend, you must complete the following steps:
Permission Slips:
- You must submit a DHS permission slip, signed by all of your teachers and your parent/guardian.
- You must also submit the AZCCD permission slip, signed by your parent/guardian.
- Both permission slips are available in the Counseling Office.
- There are specific clothing guidelines for the event. Please review the attached document for details about what to wear on the day of the event to ensure safety and appropriateness.
- AZCCD 2024 Schools Mandatory Information
Deadline to Sign Up:
- Wednesday, November 7th is the last day to submit your completed permission slips to Ms. Warren in the Counseling Office.
- Make sure to sign up early—spaces for juniors are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the construction industry and gain valuable, hands-on experience!