District Governing Board
The Dysart Unified School District is governed by a five-member Governing Board elected for 4-year terms. The board operates pursuant to Arizona Law and Governing Board Policies. The Board focuses its work on policy decisions, rather than operational issues. These policies direct the Superintendent who acts as chief executive officer.
Meet the Governing Board

Governing Board Meetings
The Governing Board welcomes the public, including district staff, parents, and community members, to its meetings. Regular meetings are held according to the published meeting schedule beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Dysart Education Center, 15802 North Parkview Place in Surprise.
Public Meeting Notices
Meeting agendas (Public Meeting Notices) are available on-line 24 hours prior to the meeting. Notices of public meetings shall be posted on the District website and on bulletin boards located at the Dysart District Office at 15802 N Parkview Place in Surprise, AZ. The bulletin boards are located outside of the entrance to the main lobby and outside of the entrance to the southwest lobby of the building. The District will give additional public notice as is reasonable and practicable as to all meetings.
Meeting Schedule
The Dysart School District's Governing Board welcomes the public, including district staff, parents, and community members, to its meetings. The Governing Board meets at the Dysart Education Center each month following the approved meeting schedule. Regular Meetings are held according to the published meeting schedule beginning at 6:00 p.m. Study Sessions are held as needed for the purpose of studying one or more specific issues in depth. No action is taken during a Study Session. Occasionally, a special meeting is held to take action on specific Board business. Executive Sessions are also scheduled as needed for discussion of confidential matters and are closed to the public. No action, decision, or vote will be taken while the Board is in executive session, except as permitted by law.
Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and minutes for Dysart Governing Board meetings are available in BoardDocs, an online system Dysart uses to collect and distribute board meeting materials. To see the agenda for a meeting, go to Public Meeting Notices and select the meeting in which you are interested. If it is not one of the featured meetings that appear first, select the "Meetings" navigation tab; all meetings in that year will appear in the left column. Agendas and minutes of meetings prior to July 2015 can be requested through a public records request.
Public Participation
The public may address the Governing Board at these meetings during "Audience with Individuals". Sign up between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. on the evening of the meeting using the Request to Address the Board form. The forms are available in the meeting lobby. Public meetings are an important component of Dysart Unified School District. Governing Board members sit together on a common platform to exchange views and opinions and reach solutions benefiting the Dysart community. Behavior of participants and guests at a Governing Board meeting is important to the successful governance of the district. Dysart respects the first amendment rights of community members to share their comments with the board through civil discourse. In that vein, the following rules will be followed: All present will demonstrate behavior that reflects respect for self and others. Disorderly conduct that interferes with the education processes of the District (A.R.S. § 13-2911), or failure to comply with reasonable requests will not be tolerated. Any person who engages in disorderly conduct (A.R.S. § 13-2904) will be dismissed from the meeting, trespassed by law enforcement, and/or arrested.
Persons with a Disability or Who Need an Interpreter
Persons with a disability or who need an interpreter may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a translator or sign language interpreter, by contacting the Governing Board Secretary at 623-876-7002. Requests should be made at least 48 hours in advance to arrange the requested service.