Frequently Asked Questions
Can I work at my own pace?
Students must maintain a minimum pace, dictated by the due dates posted in the course. Students may work at any pace as long as they maintain the minimum pace according to your pace guide.
How often do I have to log in?
We recommend 7 hours per week, per course for a successful on time completion.
Do I have to pay for the class?
iSchool classes are currently offered free of charge during the regular school year. Summer session classes are $150 course.
Where do I get the textbook?
Some iSchool classes use online textbooks. If a code is needed for an eBook, one will be provided to the student.
How do final exams work?
To ensure the academic integrity of the iSchool program, students must attend in-person final exams. Final exams are completed in person at the one of the High School Student Commons. Students will come in to take the final once the instructor has cleared them. Your class grade is a combination of your assessments, coursework and your passing final exam score. Students need to have 100% of all coursework submitted and a 60% in the course to take the final. You need to pass the final with a 60% to receive credit for the course.
How do I access my courses in iSchool?
The simplest link to note is dysart.schoology.com . This will take you directly to the iSchool login page where you will use your regular DUSD username and password to login and access your course.
How should I contact my teacher?
Using your Dysart Student email address, send an email to your instructor. Your instructor can also be contacted through Student Square/ParentSquare. To ensure you have the correct email address, please check your course home page.
How do I change my password?
At the dysart.org webpage, Click on Students at the top of the page, then find Password Change link posted under Student Email.