Arrival & Dismissal Information
- Students may not arrive on campus prior to 8:40am. Any student who arrives earlier then 8:40 must be enrolled in Den’s Club for before school care.
- Soft start will take place from 8:40-9:00 daily, students will not be marked late until 9:00 am.
- Parent drop off will occur through the drive line, we will allow students to exit the car AFTER the crosswalk.
- Parent drop off CANNOT occur through the school parking lot.
- The front school parking lot will be reserved for handicap access and preschool drop off parking only. Any parents wanting to park and walk their child to the front of the school will need to park in the designated parking lot to the southeast of the school or to the west of the school. Parking along Sweetwater will NOT be permitted and will be heavily enforced.
Growing Minds Preschool families:
- Please park in the front parking lot and use the crosswalk.
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students:
- Enter through the double doors closest to the flagpole
- Staff will be in this location to help K-2 students to class each morning, and teachers will greet students at their classroom doors.
Walkers/Bikers from the West and South who use the tunnel:
- Students will enter campus through the gate on the west side of the school, this gate is adjacent to the baseball fields/ park (see entry point on map below).
- K-2 students can enter here and will be paired with an older student to get into the building and to their classroom.
Walkers/Bikers from the East and Southeast:
- K-2 walking students will use the double doors near the flagpole.
- K-2 Bikers will take their bikes through the main gate, lock their bikes in the rack and then enter the building through the Southwest building doors.
- 3rd-8th grade students will enter through the main white gates.
- 3rd and 4th grade students will use the building doors on the Northwest side of the building.
- 6-8th Grade students will enter the building through the Southwest building doors
Car drop off:
- If your child is not walking or riding their bike, we encourage you to utilize the drive line.
- Students will be asked to stay in their car until your vehicle has crossed through the crosswalk. At this time, we ask that you pull as far forward as possible, into the unloading zone.
- Please ensure that your child has all of their things ready so when your vehicle has stopped, they can immediately exit the car.
- Teachers will be available to assist in getting students to the correct entry point on campus.
Kindergarten-8th Grade car drive line pick up will transition to our cafeteria for car pick up. We will be utilizing a number system to dismiss students from the cafe. All parents who pick up in vehicles will have a paper to display in their front window with a number for your household and last names and grade levels of students. All students will receive this information and should use it even if the car drive line is not used frequently. Once you have your child(ren)'s dismissal number, you can also create your own sign using the template here.
Kindergarten- 8th Grade bus riders will wait in a classroom until buses are ready for loading.
Kindergarten walkers and bike riders will be picked up inside the kindergarten playground at the assigned teacher’s classroom door. The Kindergarten gates will open at 3:40pm.
1st-3rd Grade walkers and bike riders will be picked up in front of the school beginning at 3:40pm and must be picked up by a parent or sibling, they will not be permitted to walk alone unless this is communicated and set up with homeroom teacher.
4th-8th grade walkers and bike riders will release from classrooms at 3:45pm.
- Walkers/bike riders going West or South through the tunnel will use the West gate exit.
- Walkers/bike riders going East or Southeast will use the main white gate.
- Walkers/ bike riders who go North of the school can use either gate, and go around by the buses or North next to the apartments from the baseball field sidewalk.
Parent pick up CANNOT occur through the school parking lot, students will not be permitted to utilize the crosswalk to meet parents in the parking lot.
The front school parking lot will be reserved for handicap access and preschool pick up parking only. Any parents wanting to park and wait for their child will need to park in the designated parking lot to the southeast of the school or to the west of the school. Parking along Sweetwater will NOT be permitted and will be heavily enforced.
The front school parking lot is reserved for handicap access and Growing Minds preschool pick up parking only.