Grieshaber named CTE Administrator of the Year
Jim Grieshaber, Director of Career and Technical Education (CTE) at Dysart Schools, was named the CTE Administrator of the Year by the Association for Career and Technical Education of Arizona (ACTEAZ).
This award recognizes ACTEAZ administrative CTE professionals at the school, district, or state level who have demonstrated leadership in ensuring teacher and student success and have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique, and effective career and technical education programs.
Mr. Grieshaber has been instrumental in growing the understanding of CTE with district leadership. He continuously meets with site administrators to communicate opportunities for growth with programs and provides feedback on student and program performance data. Grieshaber has worked to implement programs and support CTE teachers through professional development, networking opportunities, and ensuring CTE programs have the equipment and resources.
Mr. Grieshaber is constantly evaluating programs, as well as community needs by attending Think Tanks, city council and workforce meetings, community business events, and networking events with industry partners. His involvement creates partnerships with local businesses and valuable internship opportunities for students.
“Jim is an integral part of Dysart’s identity,” shared Dr. Shelley Isai, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Education Services at Dysart Schools.“ He has worked diligently over the years to build robust programs that ensure students have options after high school and are college and career ready. No individual is more worthy of this award than Jim Grieshaber.”
Grieshaber has worked in the district for more than twenty years serving as an elementary teacher, high school teacher, assistant principal and principal. He previously served as the Arizona Council of Occupational/Vocational Administrators (ACOVA) president which provides mentorship to other CTE Directors around the state.
The vision of ACTEAZ is to grow and promote CTE at local and national levels and provide members professional and leadership growth opportunities, creative ideas and statewide networking, access to local and national companies for products, career applications and community outreach.