Student Records Available for Review
DYSART SCHOOLS - The Dysart Unified School District follows the records retention schedule of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records Division (ASLAPR). Periodically, records are destroyed, per the schedule, after the required retention period. Student Records and Public Records may be requested through our Records Department, per the process noted at Dysart.org/Records. Questions regarding this process can be directed to 623-876-7006 or records@dysart.org.
The Dysart Unified School District is preparing to destroy archived student records from 2018-2019 and anything prior to that year, and will begin this process in October, 2023. This includes all student records. Parents, guardians, or eligible students have the right to review and/or receive a copy of these records before September, 2023. Individuals that would like to review records of attendance from the last four years should contact their school of attendance prior to September, 2023. If they attended more than four years ago, contact records@dysart.org or 623-876-7006 prior to September, 2023.
Special Education records include placements, referrals, evaluations, testing data, etc., which are maintained for four fiscal years after a student’s final enrollment in a special education program. Final enrollment in a special education program is defined as the last day a student is enrolled in a special education program and is no longer receiving services. Parents, guardians, or eligible students have the right to review and/or receive a copy of these records before September, 2023. Individuals that would like to review records should contact ess.records@dysart.org or 623-876-7198 prior to September, 2023.