Dysart to Host Meeting on Child Find Services and Procedures
DYSART SCHOOLS - The Dysart Unified School District Exceptional Student Services Department will be hosting a meeting for private school administrators, private childcare providers, and any families of students in private and homeschool settings within Dysart district boundaries to discuss Child Find procedures and the types of services the district is able to provide through Proportionate Share. Proportionate Share is a set of funds set aside specifically to offer private and homeschool students some special education support through the public school district.
The informational meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, September 28th from 5:00-6:00pm in Training Room 3 of the Dysart Unified School District Support Services Facility, located at 13825 N.Desert Cove Road Surprise, Arizona. Parents and guardians that are concerned about their child's development should attend to learn about how the Child Find process may benefit their family.
About Child Find Services in Dysart Schools
The Dysart Unified School District abides by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), which requires that public school agencies ensure all children (from birth through age 21) with delays or developmental disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated to receive the supports and services they need. This includes all children living within the geographic boundaries of the school district – those who are homeless or wards of the state, are attending private schools, or are home schooled.
Dysart Unified School District offers Child Find screenings for students aged 2 years 9 months through 5 years old who may have developmental delays. Suspected delays may be evidenced in the areas of communication, cognition, behavior, as well as in physical, auditory, visual and sensory development. Parents of a preschool child (aged 2 years 9 months through 5 years old) with suspected developmental delays that resides within the boundaries of the Dysart Unified School District, should call (623) 876-7022 (Select option #2) to schedule a free Child Find screening. For additional information about Child Find for children younger than 2 years 9 months, please contact the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) at 602-532-9960, 888-352-4558, allazeip2@azdes.gov