Boundary and Grade Level Changes Approved for Three Dysart Schools
DYSART SCHOOLS - The Dysart Governing Board approved a change to the boundaries and grade levels of Asante Preparatory Academy, Cimarron Springs Middle School, and Western Peaks Elementary School at the December 14, 2023 board meeting. The change goes into effect for the 2024-2025 school year, and was made in order to accommodate the rapid growth in the northern part of the district around Asante.
Beginning in 2024-2025, Asante will shift from a K-8 to a K-5 school, and 6th through 8th graders within Asante boundaries will attend Cimarron Springs Middle School. Additionally, Western Peaks Elementary School will shift from a K-4 to a K-5, and Cimarron Springs will shift from a 5-8 to a 6-8 middle school. No physical changes to the boundaries of the schools themselves is taking place - only a shift in grade level school assignments. Details and a map of the impacted area may be found at Dysart.org/BoundaryUpdates.