Dysart to Host Veterans Appreciation Kickoff Celebration
The Dysart Unified School District invites all veterans and the community to a Veterans Appreciation Kickoff Celebration on Monday, November 4 at 4:00 pm at Kingswood Elementary School’s outdoor amphitheater at 15150 W. Mondell Rd., Surprise, AZ 85374. The event will feature Superintendent Dr. Quinn Kellis, Mayor Skip Hall, Kingswood teacher and retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Boyd R. Bryant, Luke Air Force Base Honor Guard, and Kingswood Elementary and Valley Vista High School students. We will be honoring all veterans in attendance.
The Dysart Unified School District is proud to honor our veterans and will be paying tribute to veterans throughout the week of Veterans Day at various events around the district. The Dysart Education Foundation’s Dysart Dash launches our Veterans Appreciation events on November 2, followed by the El Mirage Salute to Veterans Celebration. Schools are holding assemblies, breakfasts, and events for their communities. Students are working on special projects to learn about and commemorate the day such as essays, artwork and memorial chains. The culmination of the week will be at the Surprise Veterans Day Parade, where many of our schools and groups will be participating.