Change to Luke and El Mirage Boundaries Approved
The Dysart Governing Board approved a change to the boundaries of Luke Elementary School and El Mirage Elementary School at the April 22, 2020 board meeting. The change goes into effect for the 2020-2021 school year. The district made the change in order to reduce transportation costs, maximize the use of all available facilities and to effectively position the district for the incoming and projected growth.
The boundary change impacts those living between 127th Avenue and Dysart Road, south of Waddell to Dreyfus Drive. Students living in this area were previously within the Luke Elementary School boundaries, and will now be assigned to the El Mirage Elementary School attendance boundaries. Details and a map of the impacted area may be found at Dysart.org/Updates.
Dysart always offers Open Enrollment to students that want to apply to attend a school outside of their attendance boundary. The same would apply for current Luke students that would like to remain at Luke for the 2020-2021 school year, however, they will be given priority status. Students may apply for Open Enrollment at Dysart.org/OpenEnrollment.