Dysart Provides Free Summer School Options
Dysart Unified School District is expanding summer school and offering free course options for electives and credit recovery for high schoolers as well as remediation English Language Arts and Math courses for students in 6-8th grades. Courses are online and each student may take one free class for .5 credit.
The deadline for high school course registration is May 21, 2020, and free courses run from May 26 - June 25, 2020. Core classes for advancement will continue to be offered for a $150 fee. Students may take up to a total of two courses, depending on when they start. All offered courses meet graduation requirements and are taught by certified teachers. While coursework is online, students will have access to instructors for additional support.
Funding for the free summer school courses is provided by the state, and as a community service, summer school for high school is open to students from the four Dysart District high schools, as well as students from other districts and charter schools. Students in grades 6-8 will be contacted by their school for enrollment in remediation courses, if needed. Current Dysart District high school students that are interested can register with their school counselors. Students from a district other than Dysart should email the iSchool Office at ischool@dysart.org to register.
Elective options for high school include Archaeology, Astronomy, Concepts in Engineering, Creative Writing, Gothic Literature, Intro to Forestry, Intro to Military Careers, Intro to Philosophy, Intro to Psychology, Intro to Renewable Technologies, Music Appreciation, Mythology and Folklore, Personal Psychology, Principles of Public Services, Reading for College Success, Real World Parenting, Social Media, Sociology, Sports Marketing and World Religions. Courses offered for high school credit recovery are English, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Government, World History and US/AZ History.
For additional information, visit www.dysart.org/summerschool or contact your counselor or school site.