Dysart Proposes Middle Schools and Boundary Changes
The Dysart Unified School District will hold a public hearing on November 18, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. to obtain public comment regarding proposed middle schools and boundary changes. If approved, the new boundaries would be in effect starting with the 2021-2022 school year.
Information and maps about the proposed changes are available at Dysart.org/updates. The proposed changes are being considered for the following reasons:
- To establish primary and middle school options that provide academic, programming, and extracurricular opportunities;
- To effectively position the district for the incoming and projected growth;
- To maximize the use of all available facilities;
- To use resources efficiently;
- To provide the shortest bus routes possible while balancing academic and program options; and
- To better align neighborhoods with schools.
Proposed boundary changes related to creating 5-8th grade middle schools include Ashton Ranch Elementary School, Cimarron Springs Elementary School, Dysart Elementary School, and Sonoran Heights Elementary School. In conjunction with the middle school changes, schools that would be shifted to K-4 include Countryside Elementary School, El Mirage Elementary School, Rancho Gabriela Elementary School, and Western Peaks Elementary School.
Additionally, general boundary changes for Luke Elementary School, Marley Park Elementary School, Mountain View School, Riverview School, and Sunset Hills Elementary School are being considered to better align neighborhoods with schools, position the district for projected growth, and use resources efficiently.
At this public hearing, attending members of the Dysart Unified School District Governing Board will hear reasons for or against the proposed boundary changes. The public hearing shall not exceed sixty (60) minutes. During the public hearing, proposed attendance boundary changes including maps will be visually presented. Time shall be granted for public comments regarding the proposed attendance boundary changes. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes.
The hearing will be held prior to the scheduled Governing Board meeting at 15802 N. Parkview Place, Surprise, AZ 85374. It will be limited to fifty (50) people, which includes Governing Board members, Administration, presenters and members of the public (per Governor’s Executive Order 2020-43).