Middle School Options Begin in 2021-2022
The Dysart Unified School District will be launching four middle school options in the 2021-2022 school year for 5-8 graders. Middle schools will be located at the following sites: Ashton Ranch Elementary School, Cimarron Springs Elementary School, Dysart Elementary School and Sonoran Heights Elementary School.
The middle school model will allow Dysart to provide unique academic, elective and extracurricular opportunities for 5-8 grade students, and better prepare them for the high school experience. Students attending Dysart middle schools will be able to select from several elective class options, including Career and Technical Education (CTE) introductory courses as well as PE, art, music and band. Additionally, a Spanish course will be included in each student’s schedule. Students will also have opportunities to earn high school credit, giving them a head start when they begin high school.
In conjunction with the middle school changes, paired schools that will be shifted to K-4 schools include Countryside Elementary School, El Mirage Elementary School, Rancho Gabriela Elementary School, and Western Peaks Elementary School. The Governing Board approved the change at the December 9, 2020 meeting, along with the accompanying boundary and name changes for the middle schools.
Parents that do not live within a middle school attendance boundary but would like their student(s) to attend a Dysart middle school or other school of choice may apply for Open Enrollment at Dysart.org/OE. The priority Open Enrollment period ends January 10, 2021, but applications will continue to be accepted after this date, and approved based on space availability. Information on Dysart middle schools is available at Dysart.org/MiddleSchool.