Summer School Options Expanded for Dysart Students
Dysart Unified School District is expanding Summer School options this year to keep students on track, and to provide opportunities for them to remediate their grades or advance the accumulation of their high school credits. Courses are available for K-12th graders, and will be offered in a variety of ways, including online through Dysart’s iSchool program, or in person on various campuses. All Dysart Summer School options are being offered at no cost.
Online iSchool Summer School (Grades: Current 8-12): iSchool Summer School registration will begin Tuesday, February 16, 2021 for current and incoming high school students. Courses are online and students may choose to take up to two classes, depending on when they begin their coursework. The deadline to register is Thursday, May 27, 2021.
Dysart iSchool Summer School will run April 12 through June 24 at no cost. Current high school students who choose to begin on April 12 could possibly complete 1.0 credit during Summer School if they sign up for two courses. Students who begin courses at the end of the 2020-2021 school year will only be able to complete one course for .5 credit.
Dysart iSchool Summer School is open to students from the four Dysart high schools, as well as students from other districts and charter schools. Current Dysart students that are interested can register with their school counselors, and current eighth graders may contact the iSchool office. For additional information, visit Dysart.org/summerschool or call 623-876-7872.
In Person Summer School (Grades: Current K-12): Limited in-person Summer School opportunities are available for K-12th grade students during two sessions. The first session will run June 7-24, 2021 and the second session is July 5-22. Programs offered vary by site and grade level. Specific details will be shared by schools for students that qualify. For additional information, contact your school front office or high school counselor.