Leap Into Kindergarten
If you have a student who would like to get a head start on kindergarten, we have an opportunity for you!
Leap to Kinder at Rancho Gabriela Elementary School!
When: July 15-18 (Monday—Thursday) Time: 9:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m.
What will be reviewed/taught: Daily routines and procedures; letter recognition and sounds; basic number and name recognition and more. Ensuring that our students know their letters, sounds, basic sight words and numbers by the first day of school helps to establish student success.
Fee: $35.00
More information will be sent to your home address or email. Please make sure we have your current information!
You will need to register and pay online at: LEAP INTO KINDER Limited space is available.
Please email Nicole Cabrera at nicole.cabrera@dysart.org with any questions.