2024-2025 Important School Information
Hello Rancho Gabriela Families-
We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year! We want to share some important information and school policies. We look forward to seeing everyone and to greet all of our new Rattler families soon!
We are excited to be able to have the new tool Parent Square to be able to communicate with you this year! This school year, all Dysart schools will be using ParentSquare as our primary communication tool for parents. This program will replace our current system for school and district messages, and upgrade and add many additional features to help keep you informed and engaged with us. With ParentSquare, you will be able to access the news feed and calendar through your choice of the website or app, and can receive messages in your preferred avenues (text, email, push notification) and language (over 130 to choose from). This new platform will allow you to direct message teachers, complete forms, signups and permission slips and view class or group specific information at your convenience. On July 23rd, all parents/guardians will receive a welcome email sent to your primary email account of record listed in the Parent Portal, inviting you to activate your ParentSquare account. When you receive this email, please follow the included instructions to set everything up the way you would like. Parent Square will be the only form of parent communication with teachers and staff after August 1st so please ensure you set up your account. The Parent Portal will continue to be your resource for official records such as grades and attendance.
SCHOOL ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL INFORMATION At Rancho Gabriela, school begins at 9:00 AM. and ends at 1:45 PM on Mondays and 3:45 PM on Tuesdays through Fridays. Students who arrive at school after the 9:00 AM bell will need to be signed in at the office by an adult. Students may NOT be on campus prior to 8:40 AM unless attending tutoring or other activity as there is no supervision. If you have appointments and need to have your child leave early, we request that you please pick your child up before 1:30 PM. on Monday or 3:30 PM. on Tuesday through Friday. The last 15 minutes of the day can be rather hectic and a very busy time for the office, so please note we will not be able to check students out after these times. Parents/Guardians will be asked to show ID before a child may leave. Please expect slightly longer dismissal times especially at the beginning of the year. It ALWAYS takes longer for the first couple of weeks.
While only used for a portion of the time, all students in K-4 will be assigned their own chromebooks for use as needed in the classroom. Your child’s chromebook will be issued to them on the first day of school. You will then be assigned a $25 fee for optional chromebook insurance for the school year that you can pay online. This insurance will be available until August 30th. If you do not purchase the insurance, you will be responsible to pay for any damages to your child’s chromebook through our IT department or to replace it at a cost of $400 should it not be repairable. Chromebooks will only be used in classrooms and students will not take them to and from school.
Attendance daily and being at school on time is crucial to your child’s success. However, in the event of an absence or tardy, please call our attendance line at 623-523-8503 to report the reason for your child’s absence. The attendance line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Rancho’s PTSO is one of the key components that make this a tremendous school! By joining you get the opportunity to vote and have a say on how funds are spent! This dynamic group would really love your participation and it is not a large time requirement! For more information, email PTSO or plan on attending the first meeting, 8/7 @ 4:15pm.
Meet the Teacher Night is July 30th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. On this night, you can find out and meet your child’s teacher, visit classrooms and tour the school. We will also have our PTSO, Dens Club and Cafeteria Food Services available as well.
Supply lists by grade are available on our website. When shopping for school clothes and planning for that perfect first day outfit, please keep our Dysart District school dress code in mind.
The cost for breakfast is $1.25 or $0.30 for reduced if your family qualifies. Breakfast is served from 8:40am-8:55am daily. Students must be on time for breakfast. The cost for lunch is $2.60 or $0.40 for reduced if your family qualifies. Beginning July 17th, you can apply for Free and Reduced lunch or load money on to your student’s account by clicking HERE.
Based on your address, your child may be eligible for busing. You do not need to sign up as all students eligible for a bus will be assigned a route. Bus route information will be available beginning July 30th using the bus stop locator. All students who ride a bus will be given a colored bus tag by the office which must stay attached to their backpack at all times. Students must have a bus tag to get on their assigned bus daily. Students can receive replacement bus tags from the front office. A
Remember that you must complete your Annual Student Update every year in the Parent Portal. For a student to be seen in the health office, to use technology, and to have emergency and medical updates, you must complete it by August 30th.
All student items dropped off late after student arrival will be delivered at 10:15 and 2:30. Student lunches will be delivered by their grade level lunch time. Per Dysart policy, outside vendors, uber eats, etc are not permissible to be delivered to students and students may not share food with other students. Student birthdays are celebrated during the last 15 minutes of the day on the last Friday of the month and birthday treats must be pre-arranged with the teacher ahead of time.
Per Dysart policy, all visitors must present a photo I.D. while on campus. No visitors will be allowed on campus during August for the first month of school transition. We love our parent and community volunteers. Please consider signing up to volunteer at Rancho Gabriela in your child’s classroom.
We look forward to an awesome new school year! See you on Tuesday, July 30th from 5-7pm.
-The Rancho Gabriela Team