Conferences & Bookfiar
Parent teacher conferences are this week. Reach out to your child's teacher if you have yet to sign up for a conference.
We have early release days for conferences on Monday, Thursday, and Friday at 1:45.
The bookfair is this week! Send cash or use E-Wallet!
It is easy to set up an EWallet for your child.The steps are below:
- Go to the Scholastic Book Fair homepage
- Scroll to the "eWallet" section and click "Get Started"
- Review how it works and click "Get Started" again
- Sign in or register with Scholastic Book Fairs
- Complete the form to set up an eWallet
- Follow the prompts to fund your child's eWallet
Classes will sign up for a class shopping time Tuesday-Thursday with their teachers.
Family Shopping Hours
Tuesday: 4:00pm - 4:30 pm
Wednesday : 4:00pm - 4:30 pm
Thursday: 4:00pm - 5:30pm