NO INCREASE Tax Rate Phase-in Plan
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at Dysart.org/Bond2024

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.