Get Involved Team Surprise! The Dysart Community Coalition is in need of members
The Dysart Community Coalition supports Surprise Elementary School, Riverview Elementary School, El Mirage Elementary School and Thompson Ranch Elementary School.
The DCC, as it is known, is instrumental in arranging fundraisers supporting each individual school, family events such as Trunk or Treat and Scholastic Book Fairs to name a few.
The DCC can only be successful with your help. Get involved Team Surprise! An interest form is being sent home with your student next week. Please complete and turn into the front office or bring to the upcoming DCC meeting.
The DCC is in need of members and is having their first meeting the school year on August 31st at El Mirage Elementary School at 4:15 PM. The agenda for that meeting will be to discuss upcoming fundraisers and ideas for family events, such as Trunk or Treat, for the school year.
We hope to see you there.