First Meeting of the Dysart Community Coalition is August 31st at 4:15 PM
Are you looking to get involved? Consider joining the Dysart Community Coalition (DCC) Parent Organization. The DCC supports Surprise Elementary School, El Mirage Elementary School, Riverview Elementary School and Thompson Ranch Elementary School.
The first meeting the school year is on August 31st at 4:15 PM at El Mirage Elementary School. This meeting will determine future meetings and discussions about upcoming fundraisers such as butterbraids. The more members there, the more successful this organization will be. Members and volunteers would be able to support in various ways such as counting or copying flyers, collecting orders and distributing them. The more members we have will allow us to do fun family events such as Trunk or Treat.
The parent interest forms are in the office, please stop by to pick up one today. Please complete and either bring to the meeting or drop it off at the front office. We hope to see you there.