Rescheduled Site Council Meeting will be held October 27th 4:15 PM
The Site Council Meeting that was to held on September 29th was cancelled due to not having enough people to attend. This meeting has been rescheduled to October 27 at 4:15 PM. The agenda will remain the same.
We are looking for some interested family and community members to serve as an advisory committee that will meet the needs of our students. Site Council consists of parents, teachers, classified staff member and the site principal. During this time, meetings will be through in person or Google Meets formats with an electronic vote for any agenda items.
If you are interested in joining, please complete the form sent home with your student or email Michele.Bedell-Adling@Dysart.org today. Applications are in the front office.
The first Site Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2022 (date change) in the Surprise Elementary School library at 4:15 pm.
Site Council Agenda October 27, 2022
Site Council Agenda September 29, 2022 - meeting cancelled