Eighth Grade Promotion and End of Year Events reminders
8th grade Panoramic Photo: April 27th. Information about ordering this photo will be sent closer to the photo date.
Main Event Field Trip - Tuesday, May 2nd: 8th grade field trip to Main Event in Avondale. Below are the requirements for this field trip.
- FEE and SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP DUE TODAY (were DUE by FRIDAY, FEB. 24TH, so please get yours in quickly!)
- Students may not be failing any classes, including specials, in Quarter 4. (Grade check will be done May 1st after 1:45 pm; work turned in after 1:45 pm will NOT be added into the grade for the field trip).
- No Out-of-School suspensions (OSS) in Quarter 4 (referral check done May 1st).
- If a student is Out-of-School suspended (OSS) or in On-Campus Relocation (OCR) the day of the trip, the student will not be allowed to attend.
- If a student is ineligible to participate in the field trip parents can request a refund, by written request only, if a student is not eligible or unable to attend field trip. Requests for refund will be for the field trip only.
- All fees owed are due by Friday, April 28th.
- You may pay outstanding fees and fines through our online payments portal (credit/debit cards) or in the school office (cash/check only.)
- Outstanding ledgers have been sent home with students and can also be reviewed in the parent portal.
8th Grade Promotion at Surprise Elementary School - Wednesday, May 24, 2023 from 9:30 - 10:30 am -
- School Dress Code will be followed.
- Tickets will be required for guests and will be given out on Monday, May 22nd.
- Parent Promotion meeting - was held on April 4th.
- Promotion Requirements:
- Students may not be failing any classes, including specials, in Quarter 4. (Grade check will be done May 19th after 3:45 pm; work turned in after 3:45 pm will NOT be added into the grade for the promotion ceremony).
- No Out-of-School suspensions (OSS) in Quarter 4 (referral check done May 19th).
- If a student is Out-of-School suspended (OSS) or in On-Campus Relocation (OCR) the day of promotion, May 24th, the student will not be allowed to attend the ceremony.
- All fees owed are due by Friday, April 28th.
- You may pay outstanding fees and fines through our online payments portal (credit/debit cards) or in the school office (cash/check only.) Outstanding ledgers have been sent home with students and can also be reviewed in the parent portal.
- NOTE: Each family will receive 4 tickets for guests; children 2 and under will not need a ticket, but all other guests will need a ticket.
If you have any questions regarding these events, please contact Mrs. Cox at kimberly.cox@dysart.org or call the school office at 623-876-7400.