Looking for Volunteers for the Dysart Community Coalition (Parent organization) for Surprise Elementary School
The past few years we have been partnering with the Dysart Community Coalition and this year it is time to branch out and be our own PTSA. Looking for volunteers to help reform our School DCC (PTSA). Goals for this is to support students of Surprise in areas of classroom, recess, and fun family events like a bingo night or movie night.
An interest form will be going home with students the week of September 5th. Please complete the form and return it to the office or you can contact the DCC directly by emailing dccsurprise@gmail.com. Or call the office at 623-876-7400 and leave your name and contact information that will be shared with our DCC.
Areas help is needed are:
- Becoming an officer of the PTO
- Attending meetings for DCC/PTO
- Volunteering at Trunk or Treat
- Volunteering at a Bingo Night or Movie Night
- Volunteering with our Butter braids fundraiser
- Volunteer at the Spring Book Fair
Without volunteers none of this will be possible.