Looking for parents and / or community members to join Surprise Elementary School Site Council for the 2023-2024 school year
Surprise Elementary School is committed to encouraging family and community involvement.
One way to become involved is to join the Surprise Elementary School Site Council. We are looking for some interested family and community members to serve as an advisory committee that will meet the needs of our students. Site Council consists of parents, teachers, classified staff member and the site principal.
If you are interested in joining, please respond by email to Michele.Bedell-Adling@Dysart.org or by phone call to the front office at 623.876.7400 by Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
The first Site Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 4:15 pm.
En Espanol:
Primaria Surprise esta comprometida a alentar familias a participar en la comunidad. Una forma de involucrarse es como miembro del concilio de Sitio de Primaria Surprise.
Estamos buscando algunos familiars interesados y miembros de la coumunidad para servIr como parte de un Comite Consultativo que satisfaga las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes. El Concilio consta de padre, maestros, trabajadores y el director de la escuela.
Si está interesado en unirse, responda por correo electrónico a Michele.Bedell-Adling@Dysart.org o por teléfono a la oficina principal al 623.876.7400 antes del Miercoles 13 de Septiembre de 2023.
La primera reunión del Consejo del Sitio está programada para el Miercoles, 27 de Septiembre de 2023 a las 4:15 pm.