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Marley Park News

Popcorn Celebration

September is National School Attendance Month

Being at school every day is essential for our Mavericks to learn and grow! Not only do we track daily attendance, but we celebrate our top grade level each week, and then monthly celebrate a K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 winning class.  For the month of August, we celebrated the following classes Mrs. Pope (2nd grade), Mrs. Garland (3rd grade), and Mr. Guddendorf (7th grade).  All of these classes had an attendance rate for the month of August of over 96%.  As a school, we were at 95% for the month, and every class on campus was above 90%.  Keep up the great work Mavericks!  

Popcorn winners
Popcorn in Garland

09/09/2024 Direct Link

National Junior Honors Society

National Junior Honors Society

Congratulations to our newest members of the National Junior Honors Society.  We are excited about your leadership and commitment to Marley Park. It is going to be a fantastic year of growth and service.  Thank you to all the families and staff for supporting our Mavericks! 

08/27/2024 Direct Link

families playing BINGO

PTA Meeting & BINGO

Come join us for our first PTA meeting of the school year followed by BINGO.  This is a great time to get involved and meet other families! Our Marley Park PTA supports our students and staff throughout the year, and needs parent volunteers for multiple events on campus! We look forward to seeing our new and returning families. 

08/19/2024 Direct Link

8th Grade promotion

8th Grade Parent Meeting

Marley Park will host an 8th-grade parent meeting to discuss promotion, activities, and expectations.  All parents should plan to attend—on Monday, August 19th, at 5:00 pm in the Marley Park Library.  A parent meeting for all Algebra students will follow, with Mrs. Sanchez.

We look forward to seeing you, and setting our 8th grade students up for a year of success! 

08/14/2024 Direct Link

Students on carpet

Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Information

Kindergarten - 3rd Grade students brought home an important letter about Move on When Reading.  Please take a moment to read through the letter and reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions. Thank you for all your support and continued partnership with our Mavericks! 

08/12/2024 Direct Link

Baseball team on field

Season 1 Sports Tryouts

If you are in 6th, 7th or 8th grade and interested in trying out for Baseball or Softball please ensure that you are registered and ready for tryouts! Tryouts will take place on August 13th and 14th from 4:00-5:30.  Students will need to be registered on Aktivate before tryouts.  Once an account has been created, parents may sign the documents needed for all sports their student is interested in participating in this school year. A video tutorial for the sign-up process can be found here

Make sure that you bring water, your glove, and all equipment needed to tryouts.  

For additional information please see Coach Hewitt for Softball and Coach Rodriguez or the Office for Baseball. 

08/05/2024 Direct Link

Student by letters M and P

Welcome Back Mavericks!

Welcome back! We are looking forward to a fantastic school year and are excited to have our students on campus! Please take time today to get connected on ParentSquare.  Download the app to stay connected and up to date.  This new platform allows for two-way communication between school and families.  You can select your notification preferences, push notifications, text messages, and emails, and even choose the time in which you receive these.  We are excited about this new tool and look forward to utilizing it with families! For more information please click the link below! 

Students by MP expectations

07/31/2024 Direct Link

School Supplies

2024-2025 Optional School Supplies

We hope you and your family are having a great summer.  As we prepare for an amazing school year, we have shared the optional school supply lists for each grade level. Please feel free to use these optional lists as you are thinking of getting supplies for the upcoming year!

06/10/2024 Direct Link

students at 8th Grade Color Run


We are so proud of our 8th graders! We spent the last week of school celebrating their successes and wishing them the best of luck as they venture off to High School.  We can not wait to hear about all of thier accomplishments, to celebrate them, and to continue to watch them grow! Once a Maverick always a Maverick- Don't forget to come back and visit! 

students around a table for celebration breakfast
students around a table for celebration breakfast

05/31/2024 Direct Link

Clock and Calendar

Summer Hours

Happy Summer! We hope that all of our Mavericks have a safe and amazing summer! Our Marley Park office will be closed until July 10th, 2024.  Upon returning on July 10th, the school office will be open Monday-Thursday from 8am-3pm daily.  Normal office hours Monday- Friday will resume the week of July 22nd with the office being open daily from 8am-4pm.  We are busy preparing for a successful 2024-2025 school year. 

05/31/2024 Direct Link

teacher with a student

Jumping into Kindergarten at Marley Park

We LOVE seeing our Kindergarten students before the school year! On Wednesday, July 24th we invite you to sign up your incoming Kindergarten Maverick for our school kindergarten screening.  This is a great opportunity for our newest Mavericks to come to school and show our teachers how much they already know! We use this data to help our teachers hit the ground running in August ready for instruction to grow our Mavericks! If you want to bring your student in, please use the link below to sign up for a time.

05/31/2024 Direct Link

reminder painted on a brown background

Meet the Teacher

Come meet your child's teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, visit campus, and catch up with old friends! We are looking forward to seeing all of our Maverick families! 

Meet the Teacher at Marley Park: Tuesday, July 30th 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM.

05/31/2024 Direct Link


Half Days

This week we will have two half days and all students will be dismissed at 12:00.  Please make arrangements for how your child(ren) will get home.  We are nearing the end of the school year and we are excited to continue celebrating the growth and achievement of all our Mavericks! 

05/20/2024 Direct Link

NWVAC Champions

NWVAC Champions

We are so proud of our Maverick Basketball team for bringing home the championship in the NWVAC Tournament of Champions.  These boys played hard and ended the season undefeated. Thank you Coach Spanos and Coach Hayes on a great season.  We are grateful for all four families and fans who supported the team and packed the house for the playoffs! Way to go Mavericks! 

Cheer & Basketball
Cheer & Basketball

05/15/2024 Direct Link

Student Playing Instruments

Marley Park Showcase

This past week we hosted our annual Marley Park Showcase.  It was so amazing to have families on campus celebrating the hard work of our Mavericks. Students across campus shared their learning with families and highlighted projects that they had completed in class. Thank you to all of our teachers for planning such a wonderful event and to all of our families who came out to support! 

05/11/2024 Direct Link

5/6 Grade Champions

Dysart Math Challenge

Our Mavericks competed in the Dysart Math Challenge and came out victorious in the 5th/6th Grade challenge and the 7th/8th Grade challenge.  Both teams finished in 1st place. We are so proud of all of our Mathletes and their effort.  They showed great problem-solving skills, team work, and compassion as they worked together to solve math problems! We can not wait for the 2024-2025 competition! 

3rd/4th grade team
5th/ 6th Grade teams
7/8 Grade team

05/07/2024 Direct Link

Girls Soccer Team

Soccer Playoffs

Our boys and girls soccer teams are playoff-bound going into the postseason with number-one seeds in the district tournament! Our girls finished their season with an undefeated record of 9-0-2 and the boys are entering the postseason with a 9-1-1 record! Both teams will be in action this week.  Our Mavericks are fun to watch and ready to compete for the district title! Come out and catch a playoff game! 

Boys Soccer game
Girls Soccer game
Boys soccer game

04/29/2024 Direct Link

5th grade at Kona Ice

Field Day Celebration

We celebrated the end of State testing with field day for our Marley Park Mavericks! We had two full days of fun, activities, Kona Ice while celebrating the hard work of our Mavericks! We are so proud of their efforts, and the continued support from all our staff and families. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers and NJHS students who volunteered to make the events successful!  We can't wait to finish the year strong focusing on academics, solidifying grade-level learning, and preparing for success at the next grade level! 

student activity with cups
students playing tug of war
students stacking boxes
students in a circle and one student in the middle of the circle

04/26/2024 Direct Link

Cheer Team

Maverick Athletes Are On Top!

If you have not been out to catch a season three sports game, you need to plan on coming out to support our Mavericks! 

Our Boys and Girls Basketball as well as Girls Soccer Teams are undefeated moving into the final weeks of play. Our Boys Soccer team is not far behind with only one loss on the season. All teams are playing competitively and are ready to finish the season strong and move into the postseason. 

Our Cheer Team is cheering and performing at all basketball home games and is preparing for the district Cheer Competition on May 11th.  

04/16/2024 Direct Link

students at Pep Assembly for AASA Testing

State Testing 3rd-8th Grade

This spring all 3rd through 8th-grade students will take state tests. Students must be at school and on time each day of testing.  They will need wired headphones (that plug into the computer). We are looking forward to seeing all of our Mavericks succeed!  

Students will be testing on the following days:

Wednesday, April 3rd- 3rd-8th Grade AASA Writing 

Tuesday, April 9th - 5th & 8th Grade AzSCI Part 1 & Part 2 

Wednesday, April 10th - 5th & 8th Grade AzSCI Part 3 

Wednesday, April 10th - 3rd Grade ONLY AASA Oral Reading Fluency 

Tuesday, April 16th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA ELA Part 1 

Wednesday, April 17th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA ELA Part 2 

Thursday, April 18th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA Math Part 1 

Friday, April 19th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA Math Part 2

As we prepare for state testing, each year we celebrate student effort throughout April.  As a school (PK-8th grade) students can earn effort tickets daily for being on time, putting in their best effort, taking their time, showing their work, etc.  Each day we collect effort tickets and draw multiple daily winners from each grade level.  We LOVE celebrating the effort that we see across campus during testing month.  We are seeking donations for our Efftort Cart! We love stocking the cart with individual small chip bags, full-size candy bars, Gatorades, Rice Crispy treats, individual cookie bags, and other small treat items that students enjoy.  If you are willing to donate a box or two of treats it would be greatly appreciated.  Donations can be dropped off in the front office. Thank you in advance for your support! 

staff in spirit outfits

04/07/2024 Direct Link

Honor Roll Students holding awards

Third Quarter Awards Assemblies

We will be recognizing our Honor Roll and Principal's List students from the third quarter on Thursday, March 28th.  The awards assembly times are as follows.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher with specific questions. If you plan to attend, please be prepared to sign in and show your government-issued ID.

  • 8th Grade- 9:15 am 
  • 6th Grade- 9:50 am 
  • 4th Grade- 10:30 am 
  • 5th Grade- 1:30 pm
  • 7th Grade- 2:15 pm

03/26/2024 Direct Link

Back to School sign with clock, book, globe and school supplies

Welcome Back

We are looking forward to seeing all of our Mavericks on campus this week! Please make it a priority to be on time and ready to finish the year strong. 

If you are dropping off or picking up your student, please ensure that you are following our arrival and dismissal expectations. This is essential for student safety and we appreciate your support and cooperation in following the expectations for our students and community!

03/24/2024 Direct Link

Spring Break written on a chalkboard

Spring Break

Spring break will take place Monday, March 18th- Friday, March 22nd.  The school office will be closed and will reopen on Monday, March 25.  Please have a safe and enjoyable spring break.  We will see all of our Mavericks on the 25th ready to take on the last quarter of the school year!

03/15/2024 Direct Link

Kids at Recess

Kindergarten Showcase

Join us on Tuesday, March 12 beginning at 5:30 PM for our annual Kindergarten Showcase.  Meet our Kindergarten team, see our classrooms, learn about our curriculum, and get excited for Kindergarten! All 2024-2025 Kindergarten students and families are welcome to attend this open house-style evening! Dens club, PTA, and the cafe will be on-site to answer any questions as well as our register to support with registering your student. We can't wait to meet all of our new Maverick Families! 

03/05/2024 Direct Link

A Cookies

Hip-Hip Hooray We Earned an "A"

Community A Celebration: We are celebrating that Marley Park Elementary School achieved an A rating by the Arizona Department of Education. We are hosting a community celebration on Saturday, March 2nd from 3:00-8:00 pm. Come join us for games, BINGO, dancing, food trucks, and a family movie! We are celebrating the achievement of our students and the support of our parents, community, and staff! 

A Celebration Flyer 

Free Family and Community Event

  • 3:00- 6:00 PM BINGO, Dancing, Games, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, and Food Trucks (food trucks will have items for purchase).
  • Family movie will begin at 6:15 on the Marley Park Field, bring your blankets and chairs. StuCo will show The Bee Movie and will have concessions available for purchase.

02/26/2024 Direct Link

Football Champions

NWVAC Champions!

Our Maverick Flag Football team brought home the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference championship! We are so proud of our athletes congratulations on this accomplishment. Thank you to our amazing coaches, cheerleaders, and families for supporting our team all season. GO MAVERICKS!

Flag Football team and cheerleaders
Flag Football team

02/20/2024 Direct Link

Flag and Presidents Day

No School- Presidents Day

There will be no school on Monday, February 19th. 

School will resume on Tuesday, February 20th.  Enjoy your three day weekend! 

02/15/2024 Direct Link

Clock and Calendar

Early Release Reminder

Please remember that there will be an early release on Thursday, February 8th, and Friday, February 9th.  Thank you for scheduling your parent-teacher conferences, it has been wonderful seeing so many families on campus! 

02/07/2024 Direct Link

Mom and Son

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference will take place next week.  Your child's teacher will be setting up a time to go over current progress, celebrations, and next steps for grade-level success. We look forward to seeing parents and families on campus and know that this is a powerful time to continue striving for success.  Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have not yet scheduled your conference.  

Remember Thursday, February 8th and Friday, February 9th will be early release days with all students dismissing at 1:45.

02/01/2024 Direct Link

4th grade students

Benchmark Testing January 30th & 31st

We will be taking our second benchmark the last week of January (Jan. 30th and 31st). 3rd-8th grade tudents will take the ELA benchmark on Tuesday, followed by the math benchmark on Wednesday. It is essential that students are on time and at school.  These benchmark tests help guide our teachers to plan for intentional and focused instruction for each of our Mavericks.  

01/25/2024 Direct Link

Q1 Awards

Second Quarter Awards Assemblies

We are looking forward to celebrating our 4th-8th grade Mavericks who earned Honor Roll and Principal's List during the second quarter.  These assemblies will take place on Wednesday, January 17th.  Students who received all A's and B's through the second quarter will be recognized.  Families are invited to attend and will be required to show state-issued ID.  

Assembly times are as follows:

8th Grade- 9:15 am 

6th Grade- 9:50 am 

4th Grade- 10:30 am

5th Grade- 1:30 pm 

7th Grade- 2:15 pm

01/16/2024 Direct Link

Flag and MLK Day

No School

We wish all of our Maverick families a happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  There will be no school on Monday, January 15th.  Have a wonderful three-day weekend. 

01/15/2024 Direct Link

gold glitter, gold stars, and gold ribbon

Happy 2024- Welcome Back

Welcome back Mavericks! We are looking forward to a successful 3rd quarter on campus.  Please take time to refresh yourselves on safety protocols at Marley Park including arrival and dismissal reminders.  With 1,100 students on campus daily, we ask that ALL families follow expectations and support with modeling expected behaviors.  Safety is a priority and we need every adult to support!

Please remember that instruction begins promptly at 9:00 AM daily.  Our gates open for students at 8:40 AM and we ask that all students are in their classrooms ready to begin their day by 8:55 AM. Make attendance a priority as we move into 2024.  

01/08/2024 Direct Link

Winter Break

Winter Break

We hope that all of our Mavericks have enjoyed their time off! School will resume on Tuesday, January 9th.  Please be on time, ready to kick off a wonderful 3rd quarter of learning! We are looking forward to seeing all of our students. 

01/02/2024 Direct Link

Holiday lights

Winter Break

We wish all of our Maverick Families a wonderful Holiday Season! We hope that you have a restful, and safe break.  Please note the following dates as we prepare for the break and move into the new year!

  • Friday, December 22nd will be an early release with all students releasing at 1:45 PM.  The school office will close at 2:30 PM. 
  • The school and front office will be closed Monday, December 25th through Friday, January 5th.  
  • The school office will reopen on Monday, January 8th at 8:00 AM.  Please note that school will not resume for students until Tuesday, January 9th.  
  • Tuesday, January 9th, all students return.  School gates open at 8:40, classes begin at 9:00, and all students are released as normal at 3:45 PM. 

 We look forward to seeing our Mavericks on time, ready to kick off the third quarter at Marley Park! 

12/21/2023 Direct Link

Mrs. Whynott and Mrs. Jonat- MPES Teachers

Attendance Matters

Attendance is a vital component of student success in school. Take a minute to read an article from two of our amazing teachers at Marley Park Elementary School, who shared their perspectives in our new Community Connect Magazine on why it's so essential. Why Attendance Matters: From the Eyes of a Teacher

Next week, the week of December 18th, Marley Park will be competing with Mountain View in the district attendance competition.  Join us daily at school, and make your attendance count! We hope to see each of our Mavericks at school finishing the second quarter strong!  

12/14/2023 Direct Link

Canned Food Items

Canned Food Drive at Marley Park

Our NJHS hosted our annual food drive at Marley Park! Our families once again were extremely generous in their donations as we collected 6,130 non-perishable food items to donate to Valley View Community Food Bank.  Thank you Mavericks for making this event a huge success!

Collection of items

12/03/2023 Direct Link

Staff getting slimed

Thank You MPES Families

Students and families at the fun run
Students at Fun Run

11/27/2023 Direct Link

Pumpkins with lights

Thanksgiving Break

We are thankful for all of our Maverick Families! We hope that you have a restful, and safe break.  The school and front office will be closed Monday, November 20th through Friday, November 24th.  The school will reopen on Monday, November 27th.  We look forward to seeing our Mavericks on time, ready to finish the second quarter strong! 

11/20/2023 Direct Link

American flag with words thank you veterans

Veterans Day

We thank all who have served and those who continue to serve our Country.  Marley Park will be closed on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veterans Day.  

11/08/2023 Direct Link

Marley Park A

Marley Park Earns an A Rating!

We are so proud to announce that Marley Park Elementary School earned an “A” rating from the school accountability labels for the 2022-2023 school year! Marley Park is one of 18 schools in the district to receive the “A” rating.  Additionally, the school ranked in the top 10% of schools  in the state. 

The school accountability labels measure year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.

11/01/2023 Direct Link

Student on Computer

Benchmark Testing

Students in 3rd-8th grade will complete thier first benchmark testing this week.  We will have school-wide testing on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Students will participate in both Math and ELA testing covering material that is aligned to their current grade level learning.  Benchmark testing allows us to see student progress toward mastery and gives teachers current data that they will use to plan for upcoming student instruction.  Please ensure that your Maverick is on time each day, well rested, and that they eat a healthy breakfast.  We encourage our students to take their time and try their hardest as they complete this first round of benchmark testing. 

10/23/2023 Direct Link

Honor Roll Students from Fall 2022

First Quarter Awards Assemblies

We will recognize our Maverick students who achieved academically during 1st quarter.  Awards will be given to students who earned Honor Roll (all A's and B's), Principal's List (straight A's), and those who had perfect attendance through 1st quarter.

Assembly Times

8th Grade- 9:15 AM

6th Grade- 9:50 AM

4th Grade- 10:30 AM

5th Grade- 1:30 PM

7th Grade- 2:15 PM

Teachers will contact parents with invitations to the assemblies once quarter-one grades have been finalized. 

 * Please note, that anyone attending an assembly must bring an ID and be listed on the student's contact list or be accompanied by the student's legal guardian *

10/16/2023 Direct Link

Student playing Basketball

Fall Break

We have wrapped up quarter one at Marley Park and we are ready for a week of Fall Break.  The Marley Park school office will be closed Monday, October 9th through Friday, October 13th.  We will reopen the office and welcome students back to campus on Monday, October 16th.  Have a safe and wonderful break.  We will see all our Mavericks on time for school and ready to kick off quarter 2 on Monday, October 16th!

10/09/2023 Direct Link

Chalk on road

Spirit Week at Marley Park

Our Maverick Student Council is hosting Spirit Week at Marley Park! Participate as much or as little as you would like!

  • Monday 10/2: Mismatch Monday 
  • Tuesday 10/3: Twinning Tuesday
  • Wednesday 10/4: Western Wear Wednesday
  • Thursday 10/5:  Throwback Thursday (choose your decade) 
  • Friday 10/6: Futuer Friday (wear what you want to be in your future)

10/01/2023 Direct Link

7th/8th grade cross country girls

Cross Country

Our Cross Country season is off to a great start.  This past Saturday, September 23rd our students ran in their first meet.  All of our Mavericks did wonderful.  The following runners brought home medals. 

3rd & 4th Grade Boys: Easton

3rd & 4th Grade Girls: Willa

7th & 8th Grade Boys: Christian

7th & 8th Grade Girls: Paige

All meets will take place at Ashton Ranch Middle School and begin at 8:00 am.  Come out and support our Mavericks! 

3rd/4th grade winners
7th/8th Grade Runners

09/24/2023 Direct Link

The word Reminder against a brick background

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Please mark your calendar, parent-teacher conferences will take place the week of October 2nd.  Teachers will be sending information with specific dates and times that they are available.  We encourage you to set up a time to meet with your child’s teacher.  This is a great opportunity to hear about your child’s first-quarter WINS and areas that they will continue to work to improve on over the course of the next quarter. 

09/19/2023 Direct Link

Baseball game

Marley Park Baseball and Softball

Our first sports season is underway.  Our Mavericks are competing in the NWVAC and looking forward to a competitive season.  We would love to see you out supporting our teams.  

Baseball/Softball game
Baseball/Softball Game
Softball/baseball game

09/14/2023 Direct Link

Patriot Day

Patriot Day

On Monday, September 11th, please have your child wear Red, White, and blue as we recognize Patriot Day.  Each Social Studies Class will spend time completing grade-level appropriate activities to remember September 11th.  

Student in Red White and Blue
Student completing the pledge
Student sitting

09/10/2023 Direct Link

Student Writing

Attendance Matters

Your child's attendance matters - each and every day!  When your child is not at school they miss out. Help to build good habits by committing to daily attendance at Marley Park. If your child is going to be absent, please ensure that you are calling the attendance line. 

Attendance Matters

When your child misses 2 days of school a month...

They will miss 20 days a year

They will miss 20 hours or more of math

They will miss 30 hours or more of reading and writing

They will miss at least 1 year by graduation

When your student misses 4 days of school a month...

They will miss 40 days a year

They will miss at least 40 hours of math

They will miss at least 60 hours of reading and writing

They will miss at least 2 years by graduation


09/06/2023 Direct Link

American flag, tools, and words Happy Labor Day

School Holiday

Marley Park students and staff will have Monday, September 4th off in observance of Labor Day.  Please see the yearly calendar below for all district-observed holidays and breaks. 

08/31/2023 Direct Link

NJHS Students

National Junior Honors Society

We inducted our newest members to the Marley Park chapter of National Juniors Honors Society.  We are proud of our Mavericks and their dedication to scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship.  

NJHS students

08/25/2023 Direct Link

Families at BINGO night

Join Our Marley Park PTA

We are excited about all the events that our Marley Park PTA has planned for the upcoming school year! Take a minute to get involved, volunteer or come out to one of their planned events! The PTA supports the students and families at Marley Park in a variety of ways throughout the year.  


08/16/2023 Direct Link

Student Reading

2023-2024 Move On When Reading Information Kindergarten through 3rd Grade

Each year the Dysart School District and Marley Park provide important information pertaining to Move on When Reading.  This letter is posted below and will be sent home with all students in Kindergarten through Third Grade.  Teachers will continue to communicate and share information with families regarding Move on When Reading. 

2023 MOWR Parent Letter 1- English

2023 MOWR Parent Letter 1- Spanish

08/07/2023 Direct Link

students smiling

First Day of School

The Mavericks had a fantastic first day of school and we welcomed new and returning students to the campus. The day was full of fun and excitement as we kicked off the 23-24 school year!

08/03/2023 Direct Link

Student jumping excitedly for the 2023-2024 school year

Meet the Teacher Night

Please join us for Meet the Teacher at Marley Park on Tuesday, August 1st from 5:00-6:30pm.   

We look forward to seeing all of our Mavericks and families!

  • Class lists will be posted in the courtyard beginning at 5:00pm
  • Dens Club, Chess Club and Nutrition will be onsite for information regarding before and after school care and activities.
  • Please stop by the library to join our PTA and purchase 2023-2024 Maverick spirit shirts
Teacher greeting student and families

07/19/2023 Direct Link

Mavericks Wall Wrap

Back to School

Mark your calendars Marley Park Families! Our first day of school for the 23-24 school year is Thursday, August 3rd. School hours are 9:00 am-3:45 pm. We can't wait to see all of our Mavericks back on campus! 

07/13/2023 Direct Link

Girls on bikes

Have a Great Summer

We hope that all of our Mavericks have a safe and restful summer. Thank you for all of your continued support, we are looking forward to a fantastic 2023-2024 school year! 

06/01/2023 Direct Link


Marley Park Summer Office Hours

June 1st-8th: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM *Closed Fridays

The school office will be closed from June 9th-July 7th 

July 10th-July 20th: Monday- Thursday 8:00 AM -12:00 PM * Closed Fridays

July 24th the office will return to normal business hours, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 

For Enrollment assistance, parents may visit the district office, located at 12803 N. Parkview Place in Surprise, or call (623)876-7151 Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM.  

06/01/2023 Direct Link

Student in a line

Kindergarten Readiness

All incoming Kindergarten Mavericks are invited to come show all that they know as we collect data to support our students in the first weeks of school.  Data collection helps ensure that we are planned and prepared for each kindergarten student coming to Marley Park.  Specific information and a sing up will be sent to registered families the week of July 10th. We are excited for a great year at Marley Park! 

06/01/2023 Direct Link

8th Grade Promotion Picture

8th Grade Promotion

Congratulations to the Marley Park promoting class of 2023! We are so proud of you all and can not wait to hear about all your accomplishments in the next chapter of your lives! Dream big, take risks, and leave your mark in a positive unforgettable way! 

Before promotion
Students on stage

05/26/2023 Direct Link

1st Graders at Lunch

Early Release Days

Students at Marley Park will be released early next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Monday, May 22nd students will be released at 1:45 PM.  Tuesday, May 23rd and Wednesday, May 24th all students will be released at 12:00 PM.  Please make arrangements for how your child(ren) will get home! We are excited to wrap up this school year, and appreciate all of your continued support this year! 

05/19/2023 Direct Link

Maverick Boys Soccer Team


Congratulations to our Maverick Soccer Team on a great season! Our Mavericks defeated a skilled Dysart Middle School team to bring home the championship! The boys fought hard and we are proud of their championship season! Way to go Marley Park! 

05/11/2023 Direct Link

Mathletes at Marley Park


Our Maverick Mathletes competed in the District Math Challenge and we are so proud of their efforts and hard work.  Our 3rd/4th-grade team brought home 3rd place, and all of our other teams cooperated, solved problems and took on the challenges of the day! Way to go Mavericks! 

05/03/2023 Direct Link

7th Graders Teaching 2nd Graders

Collaboration Across Campus

We love opportunities for our students to collaborate across campus! This week some of our 2nd and 4th graders visited 7th grade to learn about magnetic forces and electricity! 

Students Collaborating
Students Collaborating

04/25/2023 Direct Link

Cheer Team

State Testing

We are celebrating the end of State Testing at Marley Park! All of our Mavericks worked incredibly hard and stayed focused for all of our testing.  Our K-2 students were flexible and supportive of the testing environment! We will be having field day for our students next week, and our AMAZING PTA continues to support our students with incentives! We are so thankful for all of our families, students, and staff who encourage our Mavericks daily! 

students receiving gifts
students with goodies
student grabbing a snack

04/21/2023 Direct Link

Boys Basketball

Season Three Sports

Our final sports season is underway and our teams are competing at the highest level. Currently, we have boys and girls basketball, boys and girls soccer, and Maverick cheer. Come out and support our Mavericks as they look to qualify for the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference postseason.  Click the link below for a full schedule! 

04/11/2023 Direct Link

Student on playground

Spring Holiday- April 7th

Marley Park and the Dysart Unified School District will be closed on Friday, April 7th for a spring holiday.  We will re-open and welcome students back to campus on Monday morning! 

04/06/2023 Direct Link

Student on Laptop

AASA and AzSCI State Testing

Marley Park students in 3rd-8th grade will begin Arizona State Testing the week of April 3rd.  Please mark your calendar for the following dates.  Our Mavericks need to be on time to school, well rested, and ready to do their very best on the test!  Each student also needs to bring a pair of wired headphones for testing.  Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions! 

● Wednesday, April 5th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA Writing 

● Monday, April 10th - 5th & 8th Grade AzSCI Part 1

● Tuesday, April 11th - 5th & 8th Grade AzSCI Part 2 

● Wednesday, April 12th - 5th & 8th Grade AzSCI Part 3 

● Wednesday, April 12th - 3rd Grade ONLY AASA Oral Reading Fluency 

● Tuesday, April 18th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA ELA Part 1 

● Wednesday, April 19th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA ELA Part 2 

● Thursday, April 20th - 3rd-8th Grade AASA Math Part 1 

● Friday, April 21st - 3rd-8th Grade AASA Math Part 2

For additional information please take time to read through the testing memo that has been shared with families. 

03/30/2023 Direct Link

Show Choir at Marley Park

Festival of the Arts

Join us on March 25th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Valley Vista High School to celebrate the Arts across the Dysart District.  Marley Park will showcase students throughout the day in various forms.  Come support the district and our Mavericks! 

03/20/2023 Direct Link

Playing Street Hockey in PE

Spring Break

Marley Park students and staff will be on Spring Break from Monday, March 13th through Friday, March 17th.  School resumes Monday, March 20th.  Be on time and ready to learn.  We have three weeks until AASA State testing begins, and our Mavericks are preparing to do their best! 

03/13/2023 Direct Link

Family BBQ

Spring Family BBQ

It was a great day to have a BBQ at Marley Park! We loved having families on campus as we head into Spring Break! 


03/09/2023 Direct Link

Student Reading

Summer Learning for Marley Park Students

This year Dysart Unified School District will be offering a free, in-person Summer Learning Opportunity for students in Kinder - 8th grade.  

The focus of Summer Learning is to review priority standards in Math and Reading from the current grade level in preparation for success in the next level.  We are providing an opportunity for ALL students to attend should you feel your student may benefit from additional support in Math and Reading. 

  • Summer Learning will be run for 3 weeks June 5th- June 22nd from 8:00-11:00.  
  • Summer school for Freedom Traditional Academy and Marley Park students will be held at Freedom Traditional Academy

ALL students who enroll will attend summer learning at Freedom Traditional Academy.  Transportation will NOT be provided, parents/ guardians will be responsible for transportation to and from summer learning.    

 If you would like to have your student attend our free, Summer Learning Opportunity, complete the online form by Thursday, March 9th.

 * No late submissions will be accepted*  

Once everything is finalized, a letter with more specific information will be sent home prior to the end of the school year.

03/02/2023 Direct Link

Student on Chromebook

Benchmark Testing

Students in 3rd-8th grade will complete Benchmark testing this week.  These benchmark tests are a great way to check student progress on grade-level standards.  Students have been working hard all year, setting goals and striving to grow each time we complete benchmark testing.  These tests support our teachers as they make instructional decisions and create plans for ensuring student success.  Please ensure that your child is on time, and ready to do their best each day of testing. 

Monday, 2/27:

8th Grade ELA

Tuesday, 2/28:

3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th Grade ELA

Wednesday, 3/1:

3rd, 4th, 7th Grade Math

5th Grade ELA

Thursday 3/2:

5th, 6th and 8th Grade Math

We are looking forward to celebrating student successes and growth as we continue to finish the year strong! Our state test, AASA, will take place in April. Do your best MAVERICKS and show all that you know! 

02/27/2023 Direct Link

Students playing with letters

Kindergarten Showcase

We are excited to offer our Kindergarten Showcase for incoming kindergarten students! Join us on Tuesday, March 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. so that families can learn more about the free, full-day program. The Showcase is a great opportunity for parents and future Kindergartners to tour Marley Park, meet staff, and register their child.  Information on before and after-school programs available through Dysart's Community Education Department will be available as well. 

Dysart schools are among the top-rated in the state of Arizona and provide a FREE, FULL-DAY Kindergarten program in a safe, caring environment. The Dysart kindergarten program follows Arizona state standards and offers hands-on, real-life activities in the areas of Cognitive, Social, and Physical development. Parents can learn more about Dysart School’s Kindergarten program at

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open for Marley Park. Parents may register their child online at

We look forward to seeing all of our future Mavericks at Kindergarten Showcase! 

Future Maverick
Students eating lunch
Student Planting Seeds

02/22/2023 Direct Link

Girls Volleyball team


Congratulations to our Girl's Volleyball team on an undefeated season and the North West Valley Athletic Conference championship winners.  We are proud of our Maverick athletes, they played hard, represented Marley Park, and brought home the trophy.  This is the third year in a row that Marley Park has come out on top! Great job Coach Massey and Coach Burt. Thank you to all the families and fans who supported this season. 

Volleyball Team photo
Holding the trophy
3 peat Champions

02/18/2023 Direct Link

Grandparent with two grandsons

Grandparent Breakfast at Marley Park

We loved having grandparents on campus for our annual PTA-sponsored Grandparents Breakfast! Thank you for all of your ongoing support and for all that you do for our Mavericks! Please take a moment to check out all of our photos from the event.  

Student with grandparents
Girl with grandma
Kids with grandmas

02/07/2023 Direct Link

Students cheering

Parent Teacher Conferences- February 6th-10th

We are excited to have parents and families on campus for parent-teacher conferences the week of February 6th. This is a great time to celebrate student achievements, successes and to look at growth opportunities for the upcoming months. This is an excellent opportunity for parents and teachers to collaborate and partner for continued student success! Please make sure that you have signed up for your parent-teacher conference! If you have any questions please reach out directly to your child teacher.  

02/01/2023 Direct Link

Kindergarten students dressed as they are 100

100 Days Smarter

This week we celebrated the 100th day of school! All of our Mavericks are 100 days smarter and we are growing each and every day! Thank you all for your ongoing support, we are looking forward to finishing the next 80 days strong, striving to reach our goals and accomplish great things!

Kinder dressed as 100 year olds
Kinder teachers
Student dressed as a 100 year old

01/25/2023 Direct Link

Football Player

Winter Sports Update

Winter Sports are underway at Marley Park.  Our Mavericks are competing for top spots within the district to complete at the next level with Deer Valley and Peoria schools.  If you have not made it out to a game, we would love to have you out to cheer on our Marley Park Athletes. 

Cross Country continues to complete each Saturday, bringing home individual medals each week with runners finishing in the top three in all grade level bands! GO MAVERICKS!

Maverick athlete
Maverick Serving
Cheer team
Girls  Volleyball

01/18/2023 Direct Link

Student of the Month Recognition

Student of the Month

Each month we celebrate and recognize our STAR Mavericks of the Month.  Each classroom teacher nominates one student from their class who has gone above and beyond demonstrating the focused trait of the month.  Each of the traits follows our STAR expectations of being safe, targeting success, acting with integrity, and being respectful & responsible.   Our AMAZING PTA supports this recognition and celebration each month.  Students receive a small bag of prizes and then their picture and teacher's write-up is posted on our STAR wall for additional recognition! We are proud of all our Mavericks and strive to recognize student success in multiple areas across campus! 

Student of the Month Wall at MPES

01/12/2023 Direct Link

Kinds with cottonball snowballs

2023- Welcome Back Mavericks

We are excited to begin the second half of the school year! We are looking forward to many upcoming events and all the learning and growing that will continue to occur through the second semester Please take some time to refresh on our arrival and dismissal procedures.  All of these procedures are essential for student safety on campus.  We appreciate you following these procedures and modeling the correct behaviors for all those around! Also, check out the Marley Park calendar for upcoming events.  Mark your calendars for Parent Teacher Conferences in February(the week of Feb. 6th) as well as state testing that will take place in April for all students in 3rd-8th grade.  We appreciate your continued support and look forward to continuing our work towards BEtter Every Day!   

Better Every DayMarley Park "A" Rated

12/29/2022 Direct Link

Winter Concert at MPES

Winter Concert at Marley Park

Our annual winter concert at Marley Park was a huge success.  Thank you for the great turnout and all of your support as we celebrate our AMAZING arts program at Marley Park. 

Students playing insturments
Students singing
Choir at Marley

12/14/2022 Direct Link

Laurel Ruff Wins Salute to Schools

Arts at Marley Park

Congratulations to Mrs. Laurel Ruff who was recently nominated and received $1,000 to use towards the music program at Marley Park. Mrs. Ruff was recognized for the Fulton Homes School Salute Award in partnership with Big 94.5 Kool FM in Phoenix. A large check was presented to Mrs. Ruff and we are excited for her to use the money to enhance the arts at Marley Park! 

Receiveing the big check
Ruff, Felix and Kool with the check
Ruff jumping with excitement

12/12/2022 Direct Link

A Rated Mavericks

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment begins on Tuesday, December 6th.  Mark your calendars and enroll your child to be a Marley Park Maverick!

A Rated Mavericks

12/04/2022 Direct Link

Students running at the Fun Run

Thank You Parents, Families and Community Members

Our Marley Park Fun Run was a success! We reached our goal, and have big plans for school beautification, class field trips, and recess equipment/games for our Mavericks.  Thank you for all of your generosity and support.  

NJHS Members Cheering
Admin being slimed
Students running

11/27/2022 Direct Link

Kinder Turkey Art

Thanksgiving Break

Marley Park will have Thanksgiving Break the week of November 21st.  There will be no school for students and the office will be closed.  School will resume on Monday, November 28th.  We hope that each of you have a safe and restful week.  Thank you for all your continued support! 

11/21/2022 Direct Link

Families Eating Thanksgivin Lunch

Thanksgiving Lunch at Marley Park

Our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon was a success at Marley Park,!  Our amazing Cafe staff served over 800 meals, the weather was perfect and our staff, students and families took time to celebrate all they are grateful for! Thank you to all of our families who joined our Mavericks.  We hope that each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and take time to appreciate the wonderful things in your lives! We are grateful for all that you do to support your children and our Marley Park Staff. 

Kinds in cafe
Eating Lunch
Kids in cafe

11/17/2022 Direct Link

Student Running at the Boosterthon

Marley Park Boosterthon Fun Run

We are kicking off our biggest fundraiser of the year! In partnership with PTA, we are raising funds for playground equipment/ball bags/ activities for each grade level, a Gaga Pit for the playground,  field trips, and continued school beautification.  Our school-wide goal this year is $30,000.  Please register today, and encourage your friends and families to donate! 

All Marley Park students will participate in the Fun Run on Friday, November 18th.  Class run times are as follows! 

  • 9:05–9:50 | 1st Grade, AM Preschool & Growing Minds 
  • 9:50–10:40 | 4th Grade & 6th Grade 
  • 10:50–11:25 | 5th Grade & 7th Grade  
  • 11:30–12:15 | 8th Grade 
  • 1:15–2:00 | 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade
  • 2:05–2:50 | Kindergarten & PM Preschool

If you would like to come and cheer on your child please check in at the office and bring a government-issued ID. 

student finishing
boy running
Student running with a flag

11/07/2022 Direct Link

star with abstract background

Marley Park Earns an “A” Rating

Marley Park Elementary School is excited to announce that we have received an A-rating from the newly-released 2022 State of Arizona accountability labels. This letter grade provides us a glimpse into many areas of proficiency and growth for our school, including information about student achievement, college and career readiness, student growth, and other key areas of interest. We appreciate our hardworking students, staff and parents for their contributions in making our school an A-rated school! 

This is the first time the state has issued new labels since 2018-2019, due to House Bill’s 2910 and 2402, which temporarily paused the issuing of A-F letter grades. It is important to note that this year the state used the same cut marks as they did in 2019 for K-8 schools, the last year they issued letter grades. However, this year's K-8 growth score is only based on growth percentile and does not include growth-to-target.

About School Letter Grades: Arizona Revised Statutes § 15-241 requires the Arizona Department of Education, subject to final adoption by the State Board of Education, to develop an annual achievement profile for every public school in the state based on an A through F scale. The system measures year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates. 

11/01/2022 Direct Link

Preschool students listening to a read aloud

Mystery Basket at Marley Park

Our AMAZING nutrition department spent time visiting our preschool Mavericks.  During their visit, they read a book and then shared fruits and vegetables from their mystery basket.  Students were able to touch and smell the fruits and vegetables guessing which each one was! At the end, the students had green smoothies made with some of the delicious fruit and vegetables. 

10/27/2022 Direct Link

Student with binoculars looking at different career fields

Career and College Expo

 Dysart Unified School District invites parents and students to a Career and College Expo on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Dysart District Office, located at 15802 N. Parkview Place in Surprise.  

The expo showcases Dysart's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, West-MEC, colleges and universities, and military representatives so families can explore opportunities to pursue in and after high school. This is a great way for 5th through 11th grade students and their parents to get hands-on with all of the career pathway classes and programs offered at Dysart Schools. The event is free and open to the public. Details can be found at

Dysart Schools currently offer 17 CTE programs at four high schools (Dysart High School, Shadow Ridge High School, Valley Vista High School, and Willow Canyon High School.) Program options include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Digital Animation, Digital Photography, Education Professions, Engineering, Film and TV Production, Fire Science, Graphic Design, Laboratory Assisting, Law and Public Safety, Marketing, Nursing Services, Software and App Design, Sports Medicine, Stagecraft Design and Production and Technology Device Maintenance. Learn more at

10/25/2022 Direct Link

Student being recognized for winning the spelling bee

Marley Park Spelling Bee

We are excited that Kalena will represent our Marley Park Mavericks at the Dysart Unified School District Spelling Bee! Congratulations to all of our grade-level winners, and those who participated in our school event. 

10/21/2022 Direct Link

Student in Music

School Resumes

We hope that you all had a restful and safe fall break! We can not wait to see our Mavericks back on campus Monday, October 17th.  We are excited to hear all about fall break adventures, and begin setting goals for a successful second quarter! Please make sure that your Mavericks are at school and on time! We are looking forward to a successful second quarter.  Please remember our arrival and dismissal procedures as we return to campus.  These procedures are in place for student safety and we appreciate your following expectations on campus! 

10/13/2022 Direct Link

Fall Leaves

Fall Break

Happy Fall Break! Marley Part students and staff will have the week of October 10th off.  Please stay safe and enjoy fall break! School will resume on Monday, October 17th.  Make sure you are on time as we continue second quarter strong working to BEtter Every Day! 

10/05/2022 Direct Link

Student on computer

Spirit Week at Marley Park

Student Council will be hosting our first Spirit Week of the school year! Join in the fun as we celebrate the end of the first quarter and begin second quarter BEtter Every Day! 

Monday, 10/3: Mismatch Monday

Tuesday, 10/4: Twinning Tuesday

Wednesday, 10/5: Wacky Wednesday

Thursday, 10/6: Throwback Thursday (dress like your favorite decade)

Friday, 10/7: Future Friday- Dress like your future self

09/29/2022 Direct Link

Test circled in red in a planner

Benchmark Testing

Students in 3rd-8th grade will complete our first benchmark testing the week of September 26th.  On Tuesday, September 27th all 3rd-8th grade students will complete their ELA benchmark, testing grade level reading and writing standards.  On Thursday students will complete their math benchmark.  Each of these exams will take place in the morning, proceeded by the child's normal school day.  Please ensure that your child is on time for school and well rested to show all that they know.  Our teachers use benchmark testing results to celebrate student success and plan for upcoming lessons and units.  Teachers will be sharing your child's progress and academic updates at Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.   

09/22/2022 Direct Link

Calendae and Sticky Notes

Parent Teacher Conferences

Mark your calendars, parent-teacher conferences are around the corner at Marley Park. Conferences will take place the week of October 3rd.  Please be on the lookout for an email from your child's teacher to schedule a time for your conference.  We are excited to share celebrations and set goals as we wrap up quarter one and look toward the months to come at Marley Park.  We appreciate all of your continued support and the time that you take to partner with us in your child's success. 

09/16/2022 Direct Link

Don't Forget note

Annual Student Update

Please remember to complete the Annual Student Update through your parent portal. This update is important to ensure that we have up-to-date medical and contact information for your child in the event of an emergency. You are also able to adjust your communication preferences (phone, text, and/or email) to ensure you are getting the various message types in the way that you would like.  To complete this update please visit or use the Campus Parent app.

09/08/2022 Direct Link

Baseball Catcher

Baseball & Softball at Marley Park

Our sports season at Marley Park kicks off with our first games the week of September 12th.  Come out and support our Mavericks as they complete at the highest level through the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference (NWVAC) Division.  For a full schedule and more information on middle level athletics visit the link below. 

09/01/2022 Direct Link


Curriculum Night

Join us for our Kindergarten through 8th grade Marley Park Curriculum Night on Wednesday, August 31st from 4:30- 5:30 PM.  Each grade level will host two sessions, please consider attending one.  The sessions will be repeat sessions so you are able to attend multiple sessions if you have multiple children at Marley Park.  Kindergarten through 3rd-grade teachers will focus on our 95% Phonics Curriculum and 4th grade through 8th grade will share curriculum routines that are aligned to our new Illustrative Math Curriculum.  

8th Grade Algebra meeting will take place from 5:00-5:30 for all students who are enrolled in Algebra for High School Credit.   

08/26/2022 Direct Link

Person reading a book

2022-2023 Move On When Reading Information Kindergarten through 3rd Grade

Each year the Dysart School District and Marley Park provide important information pertaining to Move on When Reading.  This letter is posted below and will be sent home with all students in Kindergarten through Third Grade.  Teachers will share more information with families at curriculum night on August 31st from 4:30-5:30 pm.  

2022-2023 MOWR Letter- English

2022-2023 MOWR Letter- Spanish

08/18/2022 Direct Link

Calendare and Clock

Marley Park General PTA Meeting

Our first PTA meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday, August 16th at 6:00 PM in the school cafeteria.  Our AMAZING team has many fun and exciting events planned for the year.  Join the PTA and support as they continue to plan for event and support our students and school community.  

PTA in nfront of clock tower

08/10/2022 Direct Link

Students eating lunch

Welcome Back!

This week we welcomed back over 1,050 students to our Marley Park campus! We are so excited for the year to come, the energy is high and our Mavericks are excited to be back at school.  We appreciate the support of our families and community and look forward to our continued partnerships as we strive to BEtter Every Day focusing on academic excellence for ALL.  Stay informed and up to date by following us on social media and making sure that your contact information is up to date in your parent portal!

08/04/2022 Direct Link

Green Sign stating "Friendly Reminder"

Back to School Updates and Reminders

We can not believe that in less than two weeks we will be welcoming our Mavericks back onto campus. Please take time to check your email for Marley Park beginning-of-the-year updates and reminders.  Page two contains our 2022-2023 school-wide goals followed by a monthly calendar on page three. We can not wait to see all of our returning Mavericks and to meet our new families! 

07/22/2022 Direct Link

School supplies in a pile

2023-2024 Optional School Supplies

If you are planning on back-to-school shopping, please take time to look over the optional school supplies for your child's grade level! 

07/18/2022 Direct Link

students smiling for camera on playground.

Welcome Back!

We can't wait to see everyone back for the first day of school on August 3! Make sure you mark your calendars for event and activity dates and keep an eye on our new website for important information as the start of school approaches.

Our Meet the Teacher night will be on August 1 from 5:00-6:30pm. Please join us to see the campus, meet your child's teachers, and get information on what to expect this year. 

Still need to enroll? There's still time to get your children enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year! Parents and guardians can complete the necessary registration information online at at any time.  Please note that in order to finalize registration the following documents will be required: government issued photo identification; birth certificate; proof of residency; and immunization records. For additional assistance with student registration, families are welcome to contact our front office.

Don't forget to make sure you have access to the Parent Portal to keep up with your child’s academic progress throughout the year! Sign up or access the site online at or via the Campus Parent app. 

06/29/2022 Direct Link

Volunteer assisting in the classroom

Volunteer Opportunities

Dysart Schools have many opportunities for the community to assist schools in providing an amazing educational experience to each and every student. Volunteers help to enrich children’s learning opportunities, provide individual attention to children who need one-on-one assistance, promote a school-home-community partnership for quality education, provide staff members with more time to work with students, and assist staff members and support personnel with non-instructional tasks.

Where is Help Needed?

  • Classroom and teacher support 
  • One-on-one student assistance 
  • Event help (preparations, setup, operations, tear-down)  
  • Guest speakers (experts or retirees in various fields) 
  • Front office assistance

How to Become a Volunteer:

  1. Review the volunteer handbook and complete the volunteer application at 
  2. Make an appointment for your volunteer orientation 
  3. Coordinate your schedule through the school office 
  4. Put on your volunteer badge and have fun!

Who Should Apply to Volunteer?

Anyone who cares about children and education is a potential volunteer. Parents, grandparents and community members 18 years of age or older who want to make a difference in the lives of children and support educators are encouraged to apply to become a volunteer with Dysart Unified School District. Volunteers are welcome in all of our schools and prior teaching experience is not necessary.

Learn more or apply here.

06/02/2022 Direct Link

School lunch

School Breakfast and Lunch

Dysart Nutrition Services ensures that students at all schools have fresh, wholesome and nutritious breakfast and lunch options to support their education and focus in class. Learn more about Nutrition Services at Menus and nutritional information may be viewed at

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals

Beginning July 1, 2022 the USDA is returning to income eligibility guidelines for free or reduced meals. All families should complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application at to help maintain school funding and make sure that qualified families receive this and other benefits. Only one application is required per family, and may be completed at

How to Add Meal Funds to an Account

Cash and checks are accepted for meal purchases, or families may utilize to prepay for meals online, view their balances, or place restrictions on purchases. Online payments take 24 hours to post to student accounts.  

Meal Prices 

  • Elementary Lunch $2.60, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50  
  • Elementary Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75  High School Lunch $2.85, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50  
  • High School Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75 

A la carte and snack items are available for purchase on each campus, and additional meals are available for an added charge. Parents are always welcome to dine with their child, but please be sure to call in advance and check-in at the school office. Adult meals may be purchased for $1.75 for breakfast or $3.50 for lunch. 

06/02/2022 Direct Link

teacher working with students in a classroom

Employment Opportunities in Dysart

Dysart is the largest employer in both the cities of Surprise and El Mirage with over 2,700 employees. Dysart Schools offer highly competitive salaries, full benefits and an inviting school-year calendar with holidays and weekends off for most positions. 

With a wide-variety of positions ranging from groundskeeper, to mechanic, to office staff, and teachers, we’re always looking for great people to join our Dysart team!

Current High Need Areas: 

  •  Bus Drivers and Aides
  •  Childcare and Preschool Aides
  •  Paraprofessionals
  •  Behavioral Technicians 
  •  Speech and Language Pathologists 
  •  Special Education Teachers 
  •  Math Teachers 
  •  Science Teachers 
  •  ASL Teachers 
  •  Health Services Assistants 
  •  Crossing Guards 
  •  Maintenance Workers and Plant Managers 
  •  Social Workers

Check out our current openings at and apply today!

06/02/2022 Direct Link

adult on laptop

Stay Informed on the Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a great tool to stay informed 24/7 about your child’s academic progress. Grades, attendance, assignments and more are viewable in real time online or via the app, Campus Parent. A single login allows parents with multiple students to access information for all of their children in one place. Learn more at

Update Your Communication Preferences and Contact Info

To make sure that we can keep you informed in emergency situations, please ensure that your contact information is current in the Parent Portal. You are also able to adjust your communication preferences (phone, text, and/or email) at or on the Campus Parent app to ensure you are getting the various message types in the way that you would like. Remember that if you select more than one type of communication per category, you will receive the message multiple times via each of those avenues.

06/02/2022 Direct Link