Marley Park Boosterthon Fun Run
We are kicking off our biggest fundraiser of the year! In partnership with PTA, we are raising funds for playground equipment/ball bags/ activities for each grade level, a Gaga Pit for the playground, field trips, and continued school beautification. Our school-wide goal this year is $30,000. Please register today, and encourage your friends and families to donate!
All Marley Park students will participate in the Fun Run on Friday, November 18th. Class run times are as follows!
- 9:05–9:50 | 1st Grade, AM Preschool & Growing Minds
- 9:50–10:40 | 4th Grade & 6th Grade
- 10:50–11:25 | 5th Grade & 7th Grade
- 11:30–12:15 | 8th Grade
- 1:15–2:00 | 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade
- 2:05–2:50 | Kindergarten & PM Preschool
If you would like to come and cheer on your child please check in at the office and bring a government-issued ID.

Marley Park News