Join Us at our FatCats Fundraiser on January 18th
Come out to FatCats and support Ashton Ranch Middle School.
Thursday, January 18, 2024 5pm - 8pm
When you come during this time and show your flyer, you help raise money for Ashton Ranch Middle School.
20% of your total receipt is donated back to ARMS
With the purchase of one of the following packages:
- Package #1 - ($11) One round of Glow Golf and a $5 Arcade game card.
- Package #2 - ($15) $5 Arcade game card, unlimited soft drinks, and one game of bowling including shoes.
- Package #3 - ($20) $20 Arcade card.
- Package #4 - ($75) 90 minutes of bowling including shoe rental, unlimited soft drinks, and one pizza for up to six guests.
(Additional purchases excluding alcohol and movie tickets are also eligible for donation percentage.)
**The attached flyer is required at the time of purchase to count towards the fundraiser.

Ashton Ranch News