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Ashton Ranch News

Dysart Heroes holding balloons and certificates, standing along with Admins

Dysart Heroes Celebrated at ARMS

Monday morning the Dysart Hero Squad came to Ashton Ranch Middle School and announced our ARMS 2025 Dysart Heroes: Andrea Wilson, 6th Grade Teacher and Linda Martinez, School Aide/Crossing Guard! Congratulations to both of our Heroes ~ well deserved!

03/10/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 3/7/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

03/07/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 2/28/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

02/28/2025 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 2/21/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

02/21/2025 Direct Link

blocks spelling out ATHLETICS

Season 3 Athletics - Spring Sports

Spring sports are here! Please see below for the schedule. As a reminder all students must be registered in Aktivate prior to tryouts. See below for directions on registering your student in Aktivate. 

Cheer Tryouts 

  • 2/11,  3:15-4:30 PM 
  • 2/12, 3:15-4:30 PM 
  • 2/13, 6:30- 7:55 AM and 3:15-4:30 PM  

Boys Basketball Tryouts 

  • 2/18, 3:15-4:30 PM 
  • 2/19, 3:15-4:30 PM 

Girls Basketball Tryouts 

  • 2/20, 3:15-4:30 PM 
  • 2/21, 7:00-8:00 AM 

Boys Soccer Tryouts 

  • 2/18, 3:45-5:45 PM 
  • 2/19, 3:45-5:45 PM 
  • 2/21, 3:45-5:45 PM 

Girls Soccer Tryouts 

  • 2/18, 3:00-5:00 PM 
  • 2/19, 3:00-5:00 PM 
  • 2/20, 3:00-5:00 PM 


This year you will register for ALL sports on Aktivate. Registration only takes a few minutes and you can register for all sports at one time. Directions to create an account are linked below. 

Please be aware, Aktivate sells insurance during the registration process. It is NOT required you purchase this insurance. 

Physicals are not required, but there are several documents that parents and students must review and sign. Students who are not cleared through Aktivate will not be eligible for tryouts. 

Aktivate Registration Directions 

Aktivate Registration Directions (Spanish)

02/19/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, rope and horseshoe

Weekly Dispatch 2/14/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

02/14/2025 Direct Link

photo spotlights in front of a yellow background

Spring Picture Day - Friday, March 7

Spring Pictures will be taken on Friday, March 7th. These will be individual photos, as well as group/club photos.

After pictures are taken, you will be emailed a link for ordering online.

Preparing for Picture Day:

  1. Dress to Impress - wear an outfit that reflects your personality
  2. Don't forget to smile - dazzle the photographer with your award-winning smile!
  3. Order Portraits - after picture day, check your email for a link to your student's gallery OR two weeks after picture day, check your child's backpack for proofs to order your portraits online

picture day information
picture day information

02/13/2025 Direct Link

pepperoni pizza with a piece sliced in it

Peter Piper Pizza Fundraiser - Feb 12

Join us Wednesday, February 12th from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Peter Piper Pizza in Surprise! 15% of all food, beverage, and fun-pass game credit sales benefit Ashton Ranch!  Must show flyer to cashier when ordering. 

We can't wait to see you there!

Can't make it or in a hurry? You can still donate by ordering online or through the app:

  1. Order at or through our app on the fundraiser date
  2. Select the restaurant hosting the fundraiser
  3. Enter the promo code FRESHDOUGH at the checkout for donation contribution

02/11/2025 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 2-7-25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

02/07/2025 Direct Link

notebook pencil and magnifying glass

Early Release 2/6 & 2/7


 Thursday, 2/6 & Friday, 2/7, students will be released at 1:00pm for parent/teacher conferences.

Early release info on a beige background with gray leaves

02/05/2025 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 1/31/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

01/31/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 1/24/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

01/24/2025 Direct Link

finger pressing a red 'testing' key on a computer

Benchmark Testing

Our Benchmark Testing for this semester will take place on the following dates:  

  •  ELA Benchmark: Tuesday, January 28th  
  •  Math Benchmark: Wednesday, January 29th  

To ensure that students are well-prepared, we kindly ask that students: 

  • Get plenty of rest the night before the test 
  • Bring a charged Chromebook 
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast
  • Be on time for school

We appreciate your support in helping your child perform their best! 

01/23/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 1/17/25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

01/17/2025 Direct Link

MLK I HAVE A DREAM in front of a flag

No School - MLK Day

There is no school on Monday, January 20th in observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   School will resume on Tuesday, January 21st. 

01/17/2025 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 1-10-25

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

01/10/2025 Direct Link

cowboy hat, rope and horseshoe

Weekly Dispatch 12/20/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

12/20/2024 Direct Link

frosted pine leaves and snow

Winter Wonderland Spirit Week

Winter Wonderland Spirit Week: December 16th ~ December 20th 

 Monday ~ Grinchmas: Dress like someone from Whoville 

Tuesday ~ Sweater Weather: Wear an ugly sweater or shirt 

Wednesday ~ Winter Wonderland: Dress in white 

Thursday ~ Santa's Workshop: Wear Santa, Reindeer or Elf Hats 

Friday ~ Cozy Christmas: Wear Christmas pajamas and/or socks

Winter Wonderland Spirit Week info with Christmas themed clipart

12/13/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 12/13/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

12/13/2024 Direct Link

Happy Holidays above a wrapped present w/holly and a bow

Winter Break & Half Days

Half Days ~ 

 Thursday, 12/19 & Friday, 12/20 are half days - students are released at 11:15am 

Winter Break ~ 

No School from December 23 through January 6 - Students return on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. 

Happy Holidays!!!

Winter Break Information with a winter scene background

12/10/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 12/6/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

12/06/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 11/22/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

11/22/2024 Direct Link

pumpkins and leaves around a chalkboard

Thanksgiving Break

Just a reminder that there will be no school November 25 - November 29 for Thanksgiving Break! We wish our Mustang Families a happy, joyous and fun-filled Thanksgiving! We are THANKFUL for our ARMS teachers, staff, students and families! 

 We'll see you back at school on December 2nd!

cartoon turkey next to a table of thanksgiving food

11/21/2024 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 11/15/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

11/15/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 11/8/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

11/08/2024 Direct Link

horseshoe, rope and cowboy hat

Weekly Dispatch 11/1/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

11/01/2024 Direct Link

canned food drive

Valley View Food Bank Food Drive

The Annual Valley View Food Bank Food Drive has started.  

We will collect non-perishable food from Monday October 28th - November 8th. Barrels are located in the front office. Please help us fill the barrels with lots of food for those in need! 

Bonus: the advisory class that contributes the most items will get a pizza party!

11/01/2024 Direct Link

Estimated Impact to Your Taxes $5.94 per month, $71.22 per year

Estimated Impact to Your Taxes

The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. 

Tax phase in chart

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.

10/25/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 10/25/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

10/25/2024 Direct Link

hand holding a camera in front of a yellow background

Picture Re-Takes

Picture Re-Takes & Make-Ups will be on Friday, October 25. If your child missed getting their picture taken in September, please make sure they get their photo taken on Friday.

Click here to order.

10/23/2024 Direct Link

Employee using key card entry

The proposed 2024 Bond would fund facility renovations at each site

The Dysart Governing Board called for the November 5, 2024 bond election at the March 14 board meeting after a unanimous community committee recommendation. The bond program would be $127 million to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.

Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.

The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

Tax rate phase-in chart

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.

10/21/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and red hat against a red wooden background

Weekly Dispatch 10/11/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

10/11/2024 Direct Link

Graph of tax rate phase-in plan

NO INCREASE Tax Rate Phase-in Plan

Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.

The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at

Tax Rate Chart

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.

10/10/2024 Direct Link

apples and fall leaves on a rustic wood background

Fall Break

There will be no school from October 14th -18th for Fall Break. The office will be closed during this time and will reopen when school resumes on Monday, October 21st. Enjoy your time off, and stay safe!

10/09/2024 Direct Link

Man casting his ballot

Important Dates to Remember for the November Election:

  • October 7 - Last day to register to vote 
  • October 9 - Early voting begins 
  • October 25 - Deadline to request vote by mail 
  • November 5 - Election Day

About the Bond

Dysart Schools has a $127 million bond initiative on the ballot to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area. 

Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year. 

The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at 

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.

10/04/2024 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 10/4/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

10/04/2024 Direct Link

Aerial photo of a school

How Would the Bond Impact Schools?

  • School safety improvements 
  • Replace Aging AC units 
  • Roof Sealing and Repairs 
  • Replace school buses over 15 years old 
  • Construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area 
  • Facility renovations at each site 

If approved, the bond tax rate would drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.  

Learn more at

Bar graphic showing tax rates decreasing over the next several years
Estimated impact on your taxes $5.94 per month, $71.22 per year

09/27/2024 Direct Link

cowboy hat, rope, and boots

Weekly Dispatch 9/27/24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

09/27/2024 Direct Link

cowboy boots and hat

Weekly Dispatch 9-20-24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

09/20/2024 Direct Link

cowboy hat, rope and horseshoe

Weekly Dispatch 9-13-24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

09/13/2024 Direct Link

black cowboy hat and boots

Weekly Dispatch 9-6-24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

09/09/2024 Direct Link

photography studio with camera on tripod

Picture Day - Friday, September 13

Picture Day for Ashton Ranch Middle School will be Friday, September 13th.

Please visit Grads Photography to pre-order your student's portraits. You can also order portraits through this link after picture day.

Grads Photography Picture Day Flyer

09/05/2024 Direct Link

red cowboy hat and brown cowboy boots against a red wood background

Weekly Dispatch 8-30-24

Read all about what's going on at The Ranch this week!

08/30/2024 Direct Link

cowboy hat, lasso and boots

Weekly Dispatch 8-23-24

Principal's weekly update, Mustang Message, will now be known as Weekly Dispatch.

08/23/2024 Direct Link

blocks spelling out ATHLETICS

New Athletic Registration Process

We are excited to announce that we are going paper-free for athletics!

If your student is interested in participating in any sports this year, you will need to register your student on Aktivate before they can try-out. A video tutorial for the sign-up process can be found here.

Season 1 Baseball & Softball is underway. Cross Country will begin 9/16.

Season 2 (Boys' Volleyball, Girls' Volleyball, Flag Football, Cheer) and Season 3 (Boys' Basketball, Girls' Basketball, Boys' Soccer, Girls' Soccer, Cheer) dates will be announced at a later date.

08/20/2024 Direct Link

horseshoe, rope and cowboy hat

Mustang Message 8/16/24

Principal Parachini has a new weekly format for her updates.

Introducing the Mustang Message! 

08/16/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 8/9/24

Greeting Mustang Families and Happy Friday!       

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch. 

Students who are interested in trying out for sports must be registered through Aktivate prior to tryouts. Please see Parent Square for more information.  

Softball tryouts will held next week Please see Aug 13-16, from 3-4:30. Reach out to Coach Welsh with any questions.  

Baseball tryouts will be held the week of the 19th. More information will be forthcoming.  

We saw great growth here at The Ranch last year. We are continuing that momentum already this year. Thank you for your support. 

Chromebooks were being checked out this week. Please consider purchasing insurance for protection.   

There will be a PTSA meeting on Tuesday at 6pm in the media center.  

KONA ice will be on campus on Monday after school. A portion of profits come back to Ashton Ranch.

Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!   

Ms. Parachini 

Principal at Ashton Ranch

08/09/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 8/2/24

Greeting Mustang Families and Happy Friday!      

Thank you for a smooth start to the new year. 

Our students have been learning about our Mustang PROUD values and how they are displayed on campus.   

We will be starting softball, baseball and cross country season in the next few days. If your student is interested in trying out you must complete Register My Athlete prior to tryouts. All students are welcome to participate in cross country. Baseball and softball are reserved for 6-8th grades.   

Chromebook distribution will start next week. Please make sure all required forms are submitted for ease of check out.  

Please consider joining our PTSA. It is off to a great start and we can’t do it without you!  

Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!  

Ms. Parachini

Principal at Ashton Ranch.

08/02/2024 Direct Link

"Welcome Back" written on chalkboard next to an apple

Message From The Principal - First Day

Greeting Mustang Families! 

What a great first day we had welcoming our Mustangs back. 

A couple updates as we finish this week. 

  • Parent drop off/pick up is off Kona and Acoma. Picking up students in the bike lanes or medians by the park off Acoma and Parkview is dangerous for our students as well as illegal. Students need to be crossing at designated crosswalks for their safety. Jaywalking is unsafe and also illegal.  Surprise Police are monitoring during this back to school time. Thank you for your support and partnership in this. 
  • We are in the process of balancing the number of students in each class. As a result some students’ schedules and electives may have changed. We appreciate your understanding as we do all we can to accommodate all requests.    
  • Students come home with many papers for parent review. Please take a moment and go over them with your student.  

Thank you for your partnership and support. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


08/01/2024 Direct Link

open laptop on table

Required Annual Student Update

Parents & Guardians ~

Please remember that you must complete your Annual Student Update every year in the Parent Portal. For a student to be seen in the health office, to use technology, and to have emergency and medical updates, the Annual Student Update must be completed by August 30th.

07/23/2024 Direct Link

'back to school' road sign against a sky backgroun

Back To School Information

  • Meet The Teacher Night - Tuesday, July 30th - 5:00pm ~ 7:00pm
  • First Day of School - Thursday, August 1st

We can't wait to see all of our Mustangs!

07/11/2024 Direct Link

school supplies laid out on a yellow background

School Supply Lists

Ashton Ranch Middle School Optional Supply Lists

If you don't see a supply list for a certain teacher, they might not have submitted a list for us to post. Below is the generic supply list for each grade level. Please note that each teacher might not require all the supplies on the list, and we don't want parents to waste money on supplies that won't be used. We strongly suggest that you wait until Meet The Teacher Night to verify with each teacher what supplies will be required in their class. 

We will update weekly in July, as teachers start submitting their supply lists.

For More Information
14898 W Acoma Dr, Surprise

06/10/2024 Direct Link

orange and red popsicles

Summer Office Hours

The ARMS Office will be open May 28th, 29th, & 30th from 7:15am - 3:45pm.

The school will be closed May 31st - July 9th for summer break.

We will reopen July 10th (7:15am - 3:45pm, Monday - Thursday). Our office will be closed on Fridays through July 19th.

To enroll students for the 2024-2025 school year, please visit our Enrollment Page.

Have a wonderful summer!

05/29/2024 Direct Link

EARLY DISMISSAL on a notebook with magnifying glass and pencil

Early Dismissal Schedule for Last Week of School

  • School will be released at 11:15am on Wednesday, May 22nd & Thursday, May 23rd.
  • The last day of school is Thursday, May 23rd.

Early Release Information on a background with sunflowers, a notebook, clipboard, pencils and laptop

05/21/2024 Direct Link

glitter and stars streaming down for a backdrop

8th Grade Promotion

Congratulations to our Ashton Ranch Middle School 8th Grade Students, as they promote to high school on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:00pm. The ceremony will be held at the The Vista Center for the Arts, and will also be live streamed.

05/21/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 5/17/24

Dear Mustang Families!

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

Monday we will be hosting a special election meeting for the Ashton Ranch PTSA at 5pm followed by a special membership meeting. It will be a hybrid meeting (in person in the media center as well as online). We will send out a link to attend online on Monday. Only those members who have joined by March 1, can vote, but anyone who is a member by the election date can run for a position. All are welcome to attend. 

Today we had promotion practice and our students did amazing. Promotion will be on May 22 at 5 pm at the Vista. Tickets are not needed and streaming is available. Please check our social media for that link.  

We will release at 11:15 am the last two days of school, May 22 and 23.  

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


05/17/2024 Direct Link

"Join us!" written on a post it on a blue background

PTSA Election (Hybrid) Meeting on Monday, 5/20/24

Please join us for a PTSA Special Election Meeting on Monday, 5/20/24 at 5:00pm. This meeting will be a hybrid, so you can join us in person, or online. If you would like to join the meeting remotely (online), please contact the front office to provide your email to receive the Zoom invitation. Note: To be clear, ANYONE that is a paid member by the day of the election may run for any of the 4 positions however, ONLY members that are paid by March 1 may VOTE in the election.

There will also be a Special Membership Meeting immediately following the Special Election. We welcome all parents, but ONLY paid members as of March 1 will be permitted to do any voting.

To become a member, please visit this link to sign up!

**** Zoom Invitation Information ****

Join Zoom Meeting: Click Here 

 Meeting ID: 859 8814 6309 

Passcode: 743879

Dial by your location • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 

 Meeting ID: 859 8814 6309 

Passcode: 743879

For More Information

14898 W Acoma Dr., Surprise

05/15/2024 Direct Link

laptop phone and pen on desk

Weekly Principal Update

Dear Mustang Families!

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

This week was teacher appreciation week. Thank you to our amazing teachers who do so much for our students and campus. We appreciate you!  

Thank you to all the 8th grade parents who came out to the promotion parent meeting. Promotion will be on May 22 at 5 pm at the Vista.   

May 7 is Future 5th grader night. We invite all future 5th graders to join us in the gym to get a glimpse of what life at The Ranch is all about.  

Thank you to all who came out to see our students’ art work at the art show last night. Tonight, our band and orchestra students will be performing at 6 pm at The Vista. 

Chromebook return is coming up. Please ensure that your student’s Chromebook is in good repair and clean. Chargers need to be returned as well. If the charger is missing there will be a $40 fee added to the student account.  

Interested in Monsoon athletics? Valley Vista is hosting a future athlete night on Monday from 4-530 at Valley Vista.  

We will release at 11:15 am the last two days of school, May 22 and 23.  

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


05/10/2024 Direct Link

canned food in boxes

Dysart Schools PB & J Food Drive

Ashton Ranch will be participating in the Dysart Schools PB & J Food Drive the week of May 6th - 10th. Please bring in your donations of peanut butter, jellies and jams, or any non-perishable food items. 

We thank you for your generosity!

05/04/2024 Direct Link

gold sparklers and fireworks

Congrats to the 2024-2025 STUCO!

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Student Council winners:

  • Student Body President: Chance Ratliff
  • Student Body Vice-President: Ashton Day
  • Student Body Secretary: Sloan Stumpf
  • Student Body Treasurer: Kayla Martin
  • 8th Grade VP: Madelynn Smith
  • 8th Grade Secretary: Luz Lua
  • 8th Grade Treasurer: Natalia Esrra
  • 8th Grade Senator: Alexis Cloud
  • 7th Grade President: Jennifer Lopez
  • 7th Grade Secretary: Bethany Timbrook
  • 7th Grade Treasurer: Angelo Villagomez
  • 6th Grade President: Raelynn Ramirez
  • 6th Grade Vice-President: Iru Oghenejabor

05/03/2024 Direct Link

kids throwing colored chalk in the air

ARMS Annual Color Wars!

Join the ARMS Mustang Family in our 3rd Annual Color Wars Family Event on Friday, May 3rd from 4pm-6pm.

We will have a DJ, food trucks, arts & crafts, parent support information and resources and community involvement opportunities. 

We can't to see everyone and have some colorful fun!

kids throwing chalk in the air
mom holding child at color wars
kids covered in paint and chalk at color wars

05/02/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 4/25/24

Dear Mustang Families!

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

We are hosting an online fundraising competition. Please consider donating to Ashton Ranch. Information on how to donate can be found on our social media.  

Last night our choir put on an amazing performance at The Vista. Thank you to Ms. Mutai for all she does for our choir students.  

There are only four more weeks of school left. If your student needs to bring up their grade in any class please reach out to their teacher to arrange for support.  

Mark your calendars now for the following events:  

  • May 3 is our 3rd annual Color Wars event. Come out to get information on supports that Ashton Ranch and the community have for you and have some fun while doing it. The event is free for all Mustang families. We do ask that parents/guardians accompany any siblings who do not attend Ashton Ranch.   
  • May 7 is Future 5th grader night.  
  • Band will be performing a concert on May 10 at 6 pm at The Vista.  

As a reminder, all 8th grade students must be in good standing in accordance with our 8th grade contract to participate in these events and the promotion ceremony.   

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend especially with the extra day off tomorrow. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang! 

Lisa Parachini


04/25/2024 Direct Link

green background with silver star confetti

Ashton Ranch Middle School STUCO Donations

Please consider donating to our Ashton Ranch Student Council organization.

Our goal is to continue to foster Mustang PROUD values and leadership. We are hosting this fundraiser to be able to build our school culture, plan fun events for our students, and reward student success.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

04/25/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 4/19/24

Dear Mustang Families!

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

 Last night we celebrated our Dysart Heroes for Ashton Ranch Mallorie Yeakel and Adelina Calvo. Thank you ladies for all you do to make The Ranch a great place to be! 

Today we finished up our AASA testing. Thank you to our students who tested Mustang PROUD.  

Mark your calendars now for the following events: 

  • April 26 we will be closed for a spring holiday. Enjoy the day off! 
  • May 3 is our 3rd annual Color Wars event. Come out to get information on support resources that Ashton Ranch and the community have for you, and have some fun while doing it. The event is free for all Mustang families. We do ask that parents/guardians accompany any siblings who do not attend Ashton Ranch.  

We are kicking off our 8th grade events next week. As a reminder, all 8th grade students must be in good standing in accordance with our 8th grade contract to participate in these events and the promotion ceremony.   

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


04/19/2024 Direct Link

purple spring flowers

Spring Holiday - No School

There will be no school on Friday, April 26th. The office will be closed and reopen on Monday, April 29th.

Enjoy your three day weekend Mustangs!

04/19/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 4/12/24

Dear Mustang Families!

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

 Next week is our final round of AASA testing for all students. Please ensure students are getting a good night’s rest the night before testing, eating a good breakfast the day of testing and bringing a fully charged chromebook. At The Ranch we test Mustang PROUD.

Mark your calendars now for the following events: April 26 we will be closed for a spring holiday. Enjoy the day off! May 3 is our 3rd annual Color Wars event. Come out to get information on supports that Ashton Ranch and the community have for you and have some fun while doing it. The event is free for all Mustang families. We do ask that parents/guardians accompany any siblings who do not attend Ashton Ranch.   

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


04/12/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 4/5/24

Dear Mustang Families !

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

Monday we will be moving all classes and lunches indoors due to the eclipse. Please talk to your students regarding safety precautions during this time as the eclipse will be ending at dismissal time. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure student safety. 

Next week is AzSci testing for 5th and 8th grade students. Please ensure students are getting a good night’s rest the night before testing, eating a good breakfast the day of testing and bringing a fully charged chromebook. 


This week was Assistant Principal’s week and we had a wonderful time celebrating all that Mrs. Linker does for Ashton Ranch. Thank you Mrs. Linker! 

As a heads up there will not be school on April 26 for a spring holiday. Enjoy the day off!   

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


04/05/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 3/29/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

We have now entered testing season. April 2 will begin AASA testing. Please be sure that students get a good night’s rest the night before testing, eat a good breakfast the day of testing and bring a fully charged chromebook.  Do your best Mustangs and make us PROUD.   

I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


03/29/2024 Direct Link

alarm clock and calendar

Time's Running Out to Purchase a Yearbook!

Time's running out to get your Ashton Ranch memories. Purchase a 2023-2024 ARMS Yearbook online now! 

You should buy a yearbook because it's a great way to cherish the memories you've made this year. We have a new yearbook style and new ideas!

Click here to order.

ARMS Yearbooks For Sale Flyer

03/26/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 3/8/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

 We would like to welcome Ms. Jessica Brunk to Ashton Ranch as our assistant principal for next year. Ms. Brunk is coming to us from Deer Valley and was previously with Dysart schools for many years. Welcome to The Ranch Ms. Brunk!  

 Today Valley Vista’s TV Media students came over to give our TV Media Broadcasting students a glimpse into producing school announcements. We are so fortunate to be able to partner with them so our students can have this advantage. 

 We would like to invite you to our Raising Cane’s fundraiser night on Wednesday, March 27.  Proceeds will go to our Student Council.  

Next week is spring break. When students return on March 25 we will begin our race to AASA.       

I hope you have a restful and relaxing break. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang! 

Lisa Parachini


03/15/2024 Direct Link

welcome sign with colorful banner above

Meet Our Assistant Principal for SY 24-25

Welcome to Ms Jessica Brunk, who will be joining us as the Assistant Principal for SY 24-25.

Ms Brunk comes to us from Deer Valley and was previously with Dysart Schools for many years as a teacher, math interventionist and data specialist.

welcome to the ranch flyer with Ms. Jessica Brunk

03/15/2024 Direct Link

black background with grass and daffodils surrounding 'spring break'

Spring Break 3/18 ~ 3/22

School will be closed from March 18th - 22nd for Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, March 25th.

We hope that our Mustang Families have a fun and safe break.

03/14/2024 Direct Link

basketball, tennis ball & raquet, weight, football, baseball, bat, soccer ball

Season 3 Athletics Schedule

Season 3 Athletics has begun. Please see the schedule below for game dates/times or visit the Athletics page for an online NWVAC schedule.

schedule listed

03/12/2024 Direct Link

the arts symbols: drama mask, band instruments, writing journal and artist's palette

Festival of the Arts

This year's Festival of the Art will be held this Saturday, March 9, 2024 from 10am to 3pm at Valley Vista High School. It promises to be a spectacular celebration of the arts featuring dance, theatre, choir, band, and more! We hope to see you there!

Make sure to come and see our Mustang Choir, Band & Orchestra perform.

  • Band: 12:00pm ~ 12:10pm; Stage E
  • Choir: 10:30am ~ 11:00am; Stage D
  • Orchestra: 1:20pm ~ 1:30pm; Stage G

Click 'Learn More' below for details and a full schedule of events.

03/08/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 3/8/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

The district is seeking input about the start date and fall semester breaks for the 2025-2026 school year. Please take a minute to give us your input about your preferred calendar for that school year. Please click on the survey link and take a moment to give us your feedback.

 Please join us at the Festival of the Arts on Saturday at Valley Vista High School to see performances by our band and choir as well as art produced by our art students. Hope to see you there.  

Spring break will be the week of March 18-22. Students return on March 25 and we will begin our race to AASA.  

I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang! 

Lisa Parachini


03/08/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 3/1/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

Next week is both National Breakfast Week and Read Across America Week which is the kick off to National Reading Month. We will be hosting a spirit week and Literacy Night on Tuesday beginning at 5pm. Come out for some great fun all surrounding literacy awareness.  

There is a mandatory spring athlete parent meeting at 4:45 pm on Tuesday in the media center right before Literacy Night.

There are only 17 school days left before our State testing begins. Please talk to your students about the importance of doing well on these tests.  

I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


03/01/2024 Direct Link

book with confetti shooting out

Spirit Week - Read Across America Week at The Ranch

Spirit Week ~ March 4th - 8th

Read Across America Week At The Ranch

Monday ~ Green Eggs & Ham: Dress in green from head to toe!

Tuesday ~ Oh, the Places You'll Go!: Wear something that shows places where you have been or will go - high school or college gear.

Wednesday ~ If I Ran The Zoo: Wear animal print!

Thursday ~ Fox In Socks: Wear colorful/crazy/mismatched socks!

Friday ~ The Sleep Book: Dress in school-appropriate pajamas.

spirit week information flyer - Read Across America

02/28/2024 Direct Link

person using a mouse and laptop

Weekly Principal Update 2/23/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.  

 Congratulations to all of our athletes who made the basketball, soccer and cheer teams. We look forward to your season! There will be a mandatory athlete parent meeting on March 5. 

 We have wrapped up benchmark testing and students should be aware of their performance results. These tests are indicators of student mastery and growth of the standards for their grade level and predict their performance on AASA. Please ask your students about their performance, goals and how they are working toward them.   

 Literacy week is coming up and we would like to invite you to our Literacy Night on March 5. More details coming soon. Please check our social media for events and times.   

I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


02/23/2024 Direct Link

flag above wording 'United States of America - Presidents Day'

No School - Presidents Day

Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, February 19th, in observance of Presidents Day. 

Have a nice long weekend!

02/16/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 2/16/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch. 

This week we celebrated SweetHEART week with an emphasis on being nice. We ended the week with an assembly to recognize our winter sports and athletes, our students of the month and Mustang PROUD winners. We will be hosting the SweetHEART dance tonight.   

Next Tuesday, February 20, there is an 8th grade parent meeting at 5:30 in the media center.  

We want your feedback. Please take our survey to help us grow. It can be found at The survey link closes on Sunday, February 18.  

We will be closed on Monday in observance of Presidents Day. 

Make sure to check our social media for all things Ashton Ranch.  

I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


02/16/2024 Direct Link

football sitting on grass

Mustangs Win Round 1 Playoffs

Mustang Win!

Our ARMS Football Team won the first round playoffs on Tuesday night.

We will play round 2 playoffs tonight (Wednesday, 2/14) @ 6:30pm at Cactus High School in Peoria.

Good Luck Mustangs!

ARMS Mustangs Win Playoff flyer

02/14/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 2/9/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch. 

 Thank you to all who came out to our conferences this past week. We appreciate your support.  

 Next week is Sweetheart week. We will celebrate being sweethearts to each other with lessons on being nice. There will be an assembly and dance to culminate our week on Friday.  Students must be in good standing for behavior and grades to attend the assembly and dance. Check our social media for dress up days. 

 Wish our football team good luck as they enter the Northwest Valley Athletic Conference playoffs next week for the second year in a row.  

 We want your feedback. Please take our survey to help us grow. It can be found at  

 Make sure to check our social media for all things Ashton Ranch.  

 I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


02/09/2024 Direct Link

sweetheart candies

SweetHEART Spirit Week at the Ranch

SweetHEART Spirit Week at the Ranch

February 12 - February 16

Monday - H - Hearts! Wear red or pink hearts

Tuesday - E - Everyone in Pairs - Dress like a famous pair (ex: Mario & Luigi)

Wednesday - A - Anything But A Backpack Day - bring your things in a different container than a backpack

Thursday - R - Rockin' Ranch - Rock n' Roll VS Rodeo Cowboy

Friday - T - True to Your Heart - Wear SweetHEART Candy pastel colors

  • 5th Grade - Yellow
  • 6th Grade - Blue
  • 7th Grade - Purple
  • 8th Grade - Green     

SweetHEART Spirit Week Flyer - info for each day with candies on background

02/09/2024 Direct Link

'early dismissal' on a notebook with magnifying glass and pencil next to it

Early Release 2/8 & 2/9

Students will be released at 1:00pm on Thursday, 2/8 & Friday, 2/9, for Parent/Teacher Conferences.

02/08/2024 Direct Link

finger pushing a computer key marked 'Testing'

Benchmark Testing

All ARMS students will be taking Benchmark Tests on January 30th and 31st. You can help your student(s) be successful by making sure that they:

  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast
  • Arrive to school on time
  • Are not signed out early from school
  • Bring their FULLY CHARGED computer

Take your time and do your best Mustangs!

01/29/2024 Direct Link

person typing on a laptop

Weekly Principal Update 1/26/24

Dear Mustang Families ~

Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch. 

We will be benchmark testing next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. These benchmarks are an indicator of what standards students have mastered so far as well as an indicator of how students should perform on the AASA test in April. Please encourage your students to do their best as we do use these scores to guide schedule placement. We also ask that your students are well rested, have a nutritious breakfast, and bring their fully charged chrome books. 

Parent/Teacher conferences are the week of Feb 5. Student led open house will be Thursday Feb 8. Be on the lookout for invitations of dates and times from your child’s teacher. If you would like to schedule an individual conference, please contact your student’s teacher.  

Make sure to check our social media for all things Ashton Ranch.  

I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!

Lisa Parachini


01/26/2024 Direct Link

gold star in a spotlight

ARMS Honors & Awads Assembly

Ashton Ranch Middle School - Honors & Awards Assembly, Monday, January 22 @ 8:45am

Notification letters will be going out this week, if your student is receiving an award.

01/16/2024 Direct Link

You're Invited sign clipped to a string with blurred lights in the background

Join Us at our FatCats Fundraiser on January 18th

Come out to FatCats and support Ashton Ranch Middle School.

Thursday, January 18, 2024   5pm - 8pm

When you come during this time and show your flyer, you help raise money for Ashton Ranch Middle School.

20% of your total receipt is donated back to ARMS

With the purchase of one of the following packages:

  • Package #1 - ($11) One round of Glow Golf and a $5 Arcade game card.
  • Package #2 - ($15) $5 Arcade game card, unlimited soft drinks, and one game of bowling including shoes.
  • Package #3 - ($20) $20 Arcade card.
  • Package #4 - ($75) 90 minutes of bowling including shoe rental, unlimited soft drinks, and one pizza for up to six guests.

(Additional purchases excluding alcohol and movie tickets are also eligible for donation percentage.)

**The attached flyer is required at the time of purchase to count towards the fundraiser.

Fat Cats Fundraiser Information Flyer

01/11/2024 Direct Link

Martin Luther King Jr Day on a blue background and a flag to the right

No School Monday, 1/15 - MLK Day

Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 15th, in observance of MLK Day.

01/09/2024 Direct Link

Spirit Week over a snowflake background

Winter Wonderland Spirit Week

ARMS Winter Wonderland Spirit Week - December 18 ~ December 22

  • Monday: Flurries & Snowflakes - Wear all white
  • Tuesday: Rudolph & Friends - Twin Day
  • Wednesday: Ornaments, Jingle Bells & Lights - Dress in your best holiday bling
  • Thursday: Sweater Weather - Wear an ugly Christmas Sweater
  • Friday: Toasty Traditions - Wear Christmas Socks & Pajamas

Flyer with Spirit Week information on Blue snowflake background

12/19/2023 Direct Link

winter break! on chalkboard next to purple ornaments and an alarm clock

Half Days & Winter Break

Half Days ~

Thursday, 12/21 & Friday, 12/22 are half days - students are released at 11:15am

Winter Break ~

No School from December 25 through January 8 - Students return on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Happy Holidays!!!

Winter break information on a winter scene background

12/19/2023 Direct Link

hand drawing picture with a pencil

Winter Art Show

Calling all art lovers! ARMS is holding our Winter Art Show in the Media Center tonight from 6pm - 7pm! Please join us!

ART SHOW on winter background
Art Show invitation on winter background

12/07/2023 Direct Link

thank you veterans on a white wood background flanked by flags

Veterans Day - No School - Nov 10th

Veterans Day will be observed on Friday, November 10th. There will be no school. Be sure to thank a veteran!

11/08/2023 Direct Link

wooden blocks spelling out ATHLETICS

ARMS Season 2 Athletics - Try-Out Information

Boys' Volleyball ~

  • Try-Outs: Tuesday, 11/14 (3:15pm-4:30pm)

Girls' Volleyball ~ 

  • Information Meeting: Tuesday, 11/7 (3:10pm-3:30pm)
  • Try-Outs: Wednesday, 11/8 & Thursday, 11/9 (3:15pm-4:45pm)

Flag Football ~ 

  • Try-Outs: Wednesday, 11/8 & Thursday, 11/9 (3:15pm-4:30pm)

Cheer I ~

  • Clinics: Friday, 11/3 & Monday, 11/6 (6:30am-8:00am)
  • Try-Outs: Tuesday, 11/7 (3:00pm-5:00pm)

season 2 try-out information listed on red and blue backgrounds

11/02/2023 Direct Link

'join us' on some wooden blocks

Handel's Ice Cream Fundraiser

I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!

Please join us at Handel's Homemade Ice Cream (15240 N Cotton Ln) on Tuesday, October 24th, for a school fundraiser from 3:00pm - 9:00pm. Flyers are required (printed or digital).

10/23/2023 Direct Link

camera on tripod

Picture Re-Takes

Picture Re-Take Day is Friday, October 27th. Bring your best Mustang smile!

10/23/2023 Direct Link

apples and fall leaves on a rustic wood background

Fall Break

ARMS will be closed October 9 - 13 for Fall Break. We'll see our Mustangs back on Monday, October 16th.

10/04/2023 Direct Link

hand writing 'reminder' with black marker

Parent-Teacher Conferences and Early Release 10/5 & 10/6

Please mark your calendars! Parent-teacher conferences will take place the week of October 2nd - 6th. Teachers will be sending information with specific dates and times of availability. We encourage you to set up a time to meet with your child's teacher. This is a great opportunity to hear about your child's first quarter successes and areas that they will continue to work on over the next quarter.

Please note: Students release @ 1:00pm on Thursday, 10/5 & Friday, 10/6.

09/26/2023 Direct Link

hand holding a camera in front of a yellow background

Fall Picture Day - Friday, September 22

Grads Photography will be here at Ashton Ranch Middle School on Friday, September 22, 2023 for Fall Pictures. 

To pre-order your pictures, please click here. You will also be able to use this link to order after picture day.

09/14/2023 Direct Link

blue background, yellow paper with 'join us' punched out

8th Grade Parent Meeting & Athletic Parent Meeting

8th Grade Parent Meeting

Monday, September 18 @ 5:00pm

ARMS Media Center

Athletic Parent Meeting

Monday, September 18 @ 5:30pm

ARMS Media Center

09/12/2023 Direct Link

red white and blue burst with american flag in middle

9/11 Remembrance

In respect and remembrance of September 11, 2001, please wear Red, White & Blue on Monday, 9/11.

09/08/2023 Direct Link

black background with 'spirit' in blue neon and 'week' in red neon, megaphone and pom pom

"ARMS" Spirit Week

"ARMS" Spirit Week ~ September 5 - September 8

  • Tuesday, 9/5 - "A" - Animals (dress like or have on animals on your clothes)
  • Wednesday, 9/6 - "R" - Ranch (dress like a cowboy or cowgirl)
  • Thursday, 9/7 - "M" - Match (match with your bestie)
  • Friday, 9/8 - "S" - School Spirit (wear your grade's spirit colors: 5th-White; 6th-Blue; 7th-Red; 8th-Black)

ARMS spirit week 9/5-9/8: Monday-Animals; Tuesday-Ranch; Wednesday-Match; Friday: Grade Spirit Colors

08/31/2023 Direct Link

'back to school dance' with yellow mirror ball, dancers and music notes

Back To School Dance

Back To School Dance ~ Friday, September 8 ~ Black Out: Wear Neon

  • 5th & 6th Grade ~ 4:30-5:30pm ~ $3.00 entry fee at the door
  • 7th & 8th Grade ~ 6:00-7:00pm ~ $5.00 entry fee at the door

08/31/2023 Direct Link

date circled on a calendar and 'back to school' written on it, pen sitting on calendar

Back To School Night

Ashton Ranch's Back to School Night is August 1st from 5:00pm - 6:30pm! This is a great opportunity to meet your teachers, tour the campus and receive a lot of great information. We hope to see everyone there!

07/18/2023 Direct Link

colorful flip flop shoes in the sand with a blue sky in the background

Ashton Ranch Middle School Summer Office Hours & Enrollment Information

ARMS Summer Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

7:15am - 3:45pm

The school will be closed June 2nd - July 9th.

We will be back in the office on July 10th.

Summer enrollment information:

For enrollment assistance, parents may visit the district office, located at 15802 N. Parkview Place in Surprise, or call (623) 876-7151 Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.  School offices will reopen on Monday, July 10. Thank you and have a great day. We look forward to a wonderful 23-24 school year!

06/01/2023 Direct Link

Hello Summer on a green and yellow background

Summer Break

We hope that all our Mustang families have a great summer! Stay safe and have fun!  

The 2023/2024 school year will start on August 3rd.  See you then!

05/25/2023 Direct Link

notebook with 'early dismissal' printed on it with pencils, magnifying glass and more notebooks surrounding it

Early Dismissal Schedule for Last Week of School

Monday, May 22 ~ Early Release @ 1:00 (**Last day for 8th Grade Students)

Tuesday, May 23 ~ Half Day Release @ 11:15

Wednesday, May 24 ~ Half Day Release @ 11:15 (**Last day for 5th - 7th Grade Students)

Have a great summer!

05/16/2023 Direct Link

gold star on a black background

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 STUCO Winners!

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 STUCO Winners!

  • Student Body President: Jesse Ramirez
  • Student Body Vice-President: Zoie Janis
  • Student Body Secretary: Adara Routt
  • Student Body Treasurer: Randi Mueller
  • Student Body Historian: Aubriana Rovner
  • Student Body Public Relations: McKennan Yazzie
  • 8th Grade President: Mackenzie Hansen
  • 8th Grade Secretary: Jayden Holmes
  • 8th Grade Treasurer: Maciah Jamison
  • 7th Grade President: Chance Ratliff

We're so Mustang PROUD!

05/05/2023 Direct Link

kids throwing colored chalk powder

ARMS Color Wars Family Night

Hello Ashton Ranch Families,  

We would like to invite you to our second annual Color Wars Family Night on Friday, April 28th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Admission is free and we will have a DJ, food truck, arts and crafts, a gifted showcase, and information for parents on school and community involvement opportunities.  

Also be sure to visit our PTSA where you can purchase spirit gear and learn more about upcoming PTSA elections and how you can get involved with supporting academics, athletics, and the arts at Ashton Ranch.  

We can't wait to see you on Friday! 

flyer for color wars family night on 4/28/23 4pm - 6pm with color paint splatters

04/27/2023 Direct Link

colored pencils with 'No School!' printed above

No School - Spring Holiday - April 7

Ashton Ranch Middle School will be closed on Friday, April 7th for Spring Holiday. School resumes on Monday, April 10th. 

04/06/2023 Direct Link

computer keyboard with red testing key being pushed

AASA State Testing Tips & Schedule

State Testing Tips & Reminders:

  • Students are required to bring their fully charged Chromebooks along with their charger cords.
  • Students must be on time! Students who are tardy will not be allowed to enter their class, as classrooms cannot be interrupted once testing begins.
  • Checking students out early is STRONGLY discouraged. Once a student begins their test, they MUST finish for the test to be valid.
  • Students are permitted to bring their own headphones or earbuds on testing days. If they do not have headphones/earbuds that plug into a computer, a pair will be provided. Bluetooth headphones are not permitted.
  • Please be sure students get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
  • Happy Testing to all of our Mustangs!

04/06/2023 Direct Link

Ms Dawn (holding Hero balloon), Ms Parachini, Ms Trojanek (holding balloon)

Dysart Heroes at Ashton Ranch

Congratulations to Ashton Ranch's 2022-2023 Dysart Hero Award recipients, Jennifer Dawn & Kayla Trojanek. We are so proud to call you Mustangs! Thank you for always going above and beyond for ARMS!

Ms Dawn sitting, holding blue Hero balloon
Ms Trojanek holding certificate and blue Hero balloon

03/10/2023 Direct Link

"ATHLETICS" spelled out in wooden blocks

Athletic Season 3 Try-Out Information

Season 3 Sports: Boys' Basketball, Girls' Basketball, Boys' Soccer, Girls' Soccer, Cheer 

  • Boys' Basketball Try-Outs: Wednesday, Feb 22 & Thursday, Feb 23  3:15pm - 5:00pm
  • Girls' Basketball Try-Outs: Wednesday, Feb 22, Thursday, Feb 23 & Friday, Feb 24  3:00pm - 4:30pm 
  • Boys' Soccer Try-Outs: Tuesday, February 28 & Wednesday, March 1   3:15pm - 4:15pm 
  • Girls' Soccer Try-Outs: Tuesday, Feb 21, Wednesday, Feb 22, Thursday, Feb 23 & Friday, Feb 24   3:15pm - 4:30pm
  • Cheer Clinics:  Tuesday, Feb 21  3:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Cheer Try-Outs: Friday, Feb 24  3:00pm - TBD 

02/21/2023 Direct Link

bull horn saying 'Don't Forget!'

ARMS 22-23 Yearbooks On Sale Now

The 22-23 Ashton Ranch Middle School Yearbook is now available for pre-order for the low price of $35 until February 10th. The price will increase to $40 on February 11th.

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Select shop online. Select your location (Surprise) and school (AshtonRanch)

Step 3: Follow the online instructions

Yearbook flyer

01/31/2023 Direct Link

tablet and laptop laying on wooden background

Annual Student Update

Have you done your Annual Student Update in the Parent Portal?

If you do not complete the update by January 27, your student will no longer be able to log into their school computer, email, Schoology or other school systems beginning February 1, until the Annual Student Update is submitted.

Perform your Annual Student Update in 4 easy steps:

  1. Log into Campus Parent App or your online Parent Portal Account at
  2. Click on "Annual Student Update"
  3. Click on "Start" for School Year 2022-2023 Annual Student Update (2nd option)
  4. Click on "Register New/Update Existing Information" button to begin

For More Information

14898 W Acoma Dr, Surprise

01/23/2023 Direct Link

boy holding basketball in front of mural

AZ Tax Credit Contributions

It is not too late to support Ashton Ranch Middle School with a dollar for dollar state tax credit for 2022!

Ashton Ranch is raising money for new shade structures for our courtyard. Please consider supporting our efforts and donate to Ashton Ranch's undesignated tax credit fund.

What is a tax credit?

Arizona Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows married couples filing jointly a tax credit of up to $400 and individual taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200 when they contribute to extra-curricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available to all who reside in Arizona and have a tax liability at least equal to that of their donation. You do not have to be a parent of a child in a Dysart school to benefit from this law. Corporations are not eligible. Contributions are donated directly to the schools. This means your donations are used directly to support student activities of the Dysart school of your choice. Donations may be submitted through April 17, 2023.

How do I receive my tax credit? PAY ONLINE NOW

You may choose from the following four categories - School May Designate, Athletics, Fine Arts, or Enrichment Programs. If you have no preference or would like to specifically support our efforts in purchasing shade structures, please choose the category School May Designate.

The students and staff of Ashton Ranch Middle School thank you for your support!

01/18/2023 Direct Link

calendar with writing: 'put this on your calendar!'

ARMS Future Fifth Grader Night

Do you have a student that will be starting 5th grade at Ashton Ranch Middle School for the 2023-2024 school year?

Come and join us for Future Fifth Grader Night at ARMS on Wednesday, January 18th from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. 

Learn about:

  • Our Electives and Athletics
  • Take a tour of our campus
  • Hear from student speakers
  • Meet our amazing Faculty & Staff
  • And much more!

flyer with picture of Ashton Ranch Middle School  - Future 5th Grader Night January 18th 5:30pm - 6:30pm

01/11/2023 Direct Link

notebook with 'early dismissal' printed on it with pencils, magnifying glass and more notebooks surrounding it

Early Dismissal at 11:15am on 12/19 & 12/20

School will be releasing students at 11:15am on Monday, 12/19 & Tuesday, 12/20 for Finals.

12/16/2022 Direct Link

Winter Break written on a chalkboard with purple ornaments and alarm clock surrounding it

Winter Break

There will be no school from December 21st through January 4th for Winter Break. Students return on Thursday, January 5, 2023. We hope that everyone has a joy-filled holiday season!

12/16/2022 Direct Link

Happy Thanksgiving tag attached to a pumpkin, leaves and nuts

Thanksgiving Break - November 21 - 25

There will be no school November 21 - 25 for Thanksgiving Break. We hope that everyone enjoys their week off. Have a great Thanksgiving, filled with family, friends, food and football!

11/15/2022 Direct Link

colorful blocks spelling "Athletics" w/ wooden background

Athletic Season 2 Try-Out Information

Season 2 Sports: Flag Football, Boys' Volleyball, Girls' Football, Cheer

  • Flag Football Try-Outs: November 10  3:15pm - 4:15pm & November 15 (if needed) 3:15pm - 4:15pm
  • Cheer Try-Outs: November 15  3:15pm - TBD
  • Girls' Volleyball Try-Outs: November 15 & 16   3:15pm - 4:15pm
  • Boys' Volleyball Try-Outs: November 17 & 18   3:15pm - 4:15pm

Good Luck Everyone!

11/09/2022 Direct Link

wood background behind a US Flag and Veterans Day 11th November *Remember All Who Served*

No School - Veterans Day - November 11

There will be no school on Friday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.

11/02/2022 Direct Link

photography lights in front of a yellow background

Picture Re-Takes

Picture Re-Take Day is Friday, October 28, 2022.

To order your student's school portraits and have FREE shipping to your home, click the link below:  

10/27/2022 Direct Link

Student with binoculars looking at different career fields

Career and College Expo

 Dysart Unified School District invites parents and students to a Career and College Expo on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Dysart District Office, located at 15802 N. Parkview Place in Surprise.  

The expo showcases Dysart's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, West-MEC, colleges and universities, and military representatives so families can explore opportunities to pursue in and after high school. This is a great way for 5th through 11th grade students and their parents to get hands-on with all of the career pathway classes and programs offered at Dysart Schools. The event is free and open to the public. Details can be found at

Dysart Schools currently offer 17 CTE programs at four high schools (Dysart High School, Shadow Ridge High School, Valley Vista High School, and Willow Canyon High School.) Program options include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Digital Animation, Digital Photography, Education Professions, Engineering, Film and TV Production, Fire Science, Graphic Design, Laboratory Assisting, Law and Public Safety, Marketing, Nursing Services, Software and App Design, Sports Medicine, Stagecraft Design and Production and Technology Device Maintenance. Learn more at

10/25/2022 Direct Link

notebook with 'early dismissal' printed on it with pencils, notebooks and magnifying glass surrounding

Early Dismissal on 10/6 & 10/7

Ashton Ranch will have Early Release on Thursday, 10/6, & Friday, 10/7 due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.

10/06/2022 Direct Link

autumn leaves

Fall Break

No School the week of October 10 - October 14 for Fall Break. School resumes on Monday, October 17. Have a great time off!

10/06/2022 Direct Link

camera on tripod

Picture Day is Friday, September 23

Grads Photography will be at 

Ashton Ranch Middle School

on Friday, 9/23/22

for Fall Pictures.

You may PRE-ORDER your pictures by clicking on the button below.

Online ordering is the preferred method of ordering. It is easy, secure and safe. Your student will receive a specific QR code on picture day to order their Fall pictures. 

Please note that school dress code will be in effect.

If you have any questions, please call Grads Photography at 623.580.4723 or Ashton Ranch Office at 623.523.8300.

09/12/2022 Direct Link

Officer Moore in uniform

Meet Our SRO!

My name is Ryan Moore and I will serve as the SRO at Ashton Ranch Middle School. I have been with the Surprise Police Department for 6 years as a Patrol Officer. I serve on our (CISM) Crisis Intervention Stress Management team and recently obtained my SRO certification through (NASRO) National Association for School Resource Officers.

I'm humbled by the opportunity to serve the Ashton Ranch Middle School family. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to a safe and successful school year.

Officer Moore interacting with students at lunch

For More Information

14898 W Acoma Drive, Surprise

08/25/2022 Direct Link

School bus with stop sign

Emergency Planning for ARMS

08/22/2022 Direct Link

Students on the first day of school

Welcome Back!

Ashton Ranch had a successful first day of school!  We were so excited to welcome back our students and families for another great year.  Please continue to check our website and social media to learn more about all the great activities and events planned, as well as updates on our academic progress!  We hope you have a great year, and please reach out if you need anything to help make your student successful! 

Check out the photo gallery from the first day below!

08/04/2022 Direct Link

To Do List that says Wear Red Today

Spirit Week - Aug 8~12

ARMS Spirit Week

"Life At The Ranch"

August 8 - 12

R ~ Monday 8/8: Red Day

A ~ Tuesday, 8/9: Avenger Day (Super Hero Day)

N ~ Wednesday, 8/10: Neon Day

C ~ Thursday, 8/11: Country Western Day

H ~ Friday, 8/12: Home at The Ranch Day (Spirit Colors)

ARMS Spirit Week Flyer with Mustang Logo

08/03/2022 Direct Link

aerial view of ashton ranch

Back To School Message from Ms Parachini

Welcome back Mustangs! Please see the Back to School Message from our Principal, Ms Parachini.

For More Information

14898 W Acoma Dr, Surprise

07/19/2022 Direct Link

school supplies laid out on a yellow background

School Supply Lists

If you don't see a supply list for a certain teacher, they might not have submitted a list for us to post. Below is the generic supply list for each grade level. Please note that each teacher might not require all the supplies on the list, and we don't want parents to waste money on supplies that won't be used. We strongly suggest that you wait until Meet The Teacher Night to verify with each teacher what supplies will be required in their class.

For More Information
14898 W Acoma Dr, Surprise

07/14/2022 Direct Link

chalkboard saying Welcome Back to School with apple next to it

Meet The Teacher Night

Meet the Teacher Night will be Monday, August 1, 2022 from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Class schedules will be available during this event. Come and meet your teachers and see what Ashton Ranch Middle School has to offer!

For More Information

14898 W Acoma Dr, Surprise

07/13/2022 Direct Link

Middle School students smiling for camera outside of the school

Welcome Back!

We can't wait to see everyone back for the first day of school on August 3! Make sure you mark your calendars for event and activity dates and keep an eye on our new website for important information as the start of school approaches.

Our Meet the Teacher night will be on August 1 from 4:30-6:00pm. Please join us to see the campus, meet your child's teachers, and get information on what to expect this year. 

Still need to enroll? There's still time to get your children enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year! Parents and guardians can complete the necessary registration information online at at any time.  Please note that in order to finalize registration the following documents will be required: government issued photo identification; birth certificate; proof of residency; and immunization records. For additional assistance with student registration, families are welcome to contact our front office.

Don't forget to make sure you have access to the Parent Portal to keep up with your child’s academic progress throughout the year! Sign up or access the site online at or via the Campus Parent app. 

06/29/2022 Direct Link

Volunteer assisting in the classroom

Volunteer Opportunities

Dysart Schools have many opportunities for the community to assist schools in providing an amazing educational experience to each and every student. Volunteers help to enrich children’s learning opportunities, provide individual attention to children who need one-on-one assistance, promote a school-home-community partnership for quality education, provide staff members with more time to work with students, and assist staff members and support personnel with non-instructional tasks.

Where is Help Needed?

  • Classroom and teacher support 
  • One-on-one student assistance 
  • Event help (preparations, setup, operations, tear-down)  
  • Guest speakers (experts or retirees in various fields) 
  • Front office assistance

How to Become a Volunteer:

  1. Review the volunteer handbook and complete the volunteer application at 
  2. Make an appointment for your volunteer orientation 
  3. Coordinate your schedule through the school office 
  4. Put on your volunteer badge and have fun!

Who Should Apply to Volunteer?

Anyone who cares about children and education is a potential volunteer. Parents, grandparents and community members 18 years of age or older who want to make a difference in the lives of children and support educators are encouraged to apply to become a volunteer with Dysart Unified School District. Volunteers are welcome in all of our schools and prior teaching experience is not necessary.

Learn more or apply here.

06/02/2022 Direct Link

School lunch

School Breakfast and Lunch

Dysart Nutrition Services ensures that students at all schools have fresh, wholesome and nutritious breakfast and lunch options to support their education and focus in class. Learn more about Nutrition Services at Menus and nutritional information may be viewed at

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals

Beginning July 1, 2022 the USDA is returning to income eligibility guidelines for free or reduced meals. All families should complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application at to help maintain school funding and make sure that qualified families receive this and other benefits. Only one application is required per family, and may be completed at

How to Add Meal Funds to an Account

Cash and checks are accepted for meal purchases, or families may utilize to prepay for meals online, view their balances, or place restrictions on purchases. Online payments take 24 hours to post to student accounts.  

Meal Prices 

  • Elementary Lunch $2.60, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50  
  • Elementary Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75  High School Lunch $2.85, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50  
  • High School Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75 

A la carte and snack items are available for purchase on each campus, and additional meals are available for an added charge. Parents are always welcome to dine with their child, but please be sure to call in advance and check-in at the school office. Adult meals may be purchased for $1.75 for breakfast or $3.50 for lunch. 

06/02/2022 Direct Link

teacher working with students in a classroom

Employment Opportunities in Dysart

Dysart is the largest employer in both the cities of Surprise and El Mirage with over 2,700 employees. Dysart Schools offer highly competitive salaries, full benefits and an inviting school-year calendar with holidays and weekends off for most positions. 

With a wide-variety of positions ranging from groundskeeper, to mechanic, to office staff, and teachers, we’re always looking for great people to join our Dysart team!

Current High Need Areas: 

  •  Bus Drivers and Aides
  •  Childcare and Preschool Aides
  •  Paraprofessionals
  •  Behavioral Technicians 
  •  Speech and Language Pathologists 
  •  Special Education Teachers 
  •  Math Teachers 
  •  Science Teachers 
  •  ASL Teachers 
  •  Health Services Assistants 
  •  Crossing Guards 
  •  Maintenance Workers and Plant Managers 
  •  Social Workers

Check out our current openings at and apply today!

06/02/2022 Direct Link

adult on laptop

Stay Informed on the Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a great tool to stay informed 24/7 about your child’s academic progress. Grades, attendance, assignments and more are viewable in real time online or via the app, Campus Parent. A single login allows parents with multiple students to access information for all of their children in one place. Learn more at

Update Your Communication Preferences and Contact Info

To make sure that we can keep you informed in emergency situations, please ensure that your contact information is current in the Parent Portal. You are also able to adjust your communication preferences (phone, text, and/or email) at or on the Campus Parent app to ensure you are getting the various message types in the way that you would like. Remember that if you select more than one type of communication per category, you will receive the message multiple times via each of those avenues.

06/02/2022 Direct Link