Weekly Principal Update 1/26/24
Dear Mustang Families ~
Here are some of the great things happening at The Ranch.
We will be benchmark testing next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. These benchmarks are an indicator of what standards students have mastered so far as well as an indicator of how students should perform on the AASA test in April. Please encourage your students to do their best as we do use these scores to guide schedule placement. We also ask that your students are well rested, have a nutritious breakfast, and bring their fully charged chrome books.
Parent/Teacher conferences are the week of Feb 5. Student led open house will be Thursday Feb 8. Be on the lookout for invitations of dates and times from your child’s teacher. If you would like to schedule an individual conference, please contact your student’s teacher.
Make sure to check our social media for all things Ashton Ranch.
I hope you have the most amazing weekend. Take time to be kind and as always P.R.O.U.D. to be a Mustang!
Lisa Parachini