Curriculum FAQs
What type of curriculum is used in Dysart?
Dysart uses a curriculum that follows Arizona State Standards.
How can I view Dysart’s curriculum?
DUSD curriculum is always available for viewing on our website:
What courses do K-8 students take?
Students in Dysart’s kindergarten through 8th grade classes are provided instruction in four core subjects, including mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies. They also participate in special area classes such as arts and physical education. More information can be found on the K-8 Academic page and DUSD curriculum is always available for viewing on our website.
What courses do high school students take?
In high school students are put on the path to complete graduation requirements, which include English, mathematics, science, social studies, PE/health, fine arts or Career and Technical Education (CTE) and electives. High schoolers must earn at least 22 credits to graduate. More information can be found on our High School Academics page and DUSD curriculum is always available for viewing on our website.
Is Dysart’s curriculum reviewed and evaluated at regular intervals?
Dysart has a five-year curriculum cycle. The first step is to review and evaluate the current curriculum. If a new curriculum is needed, the adoption cycle occurs. That summer the curriculum is purchased and a pacing calendar is created. That year is the first of implementation. Following this, the revise and reimplementation phase occurs.
In addition to this, scope and sequence are reviewed yearly to make adjustments, and they are also altered as new legislation passes. Dysart ensures that all curriculum is aligned to state standards and current legislative mandates.
What is the process for introducing and approving new curriculum?
For supplemental resources, a list is taken to the Board each summer. The list is included in the Board packet and members of the public are welcome to comment.
For core adoptions, all materials are on display for 60 days. During this time they are reviewed by stakeholder committees as well as the general public. After narrowing down the options, vendors are invited to present to the committee. The committee then takes their recommendations to the Governing Board for approval.
How can I view assignments?
Parents are encouraged to ask teachers for details on specific assignments at any time. Parents can also log into our Learning Management System (Schoology) to view most assignments.
What if there is a concern over curriculum or an assignment?
Dysart provides a Guide to Solving Problems on our website to help individuals address issues that arise.
Is Critical Race Theory part of the curriculum?
No. Dysart Schools do not have a curriculum for or teach Critical Race Theory, nor has the Governing Board or administration had any discussions related to the exploration, adoption or implementation of this theory.
Is the 1619 Project part of the curriculum?